This is a small header only library aimed to provide a c++ n-dimensional tensor with access and splice methods as close as possible to python numpy arrays, while providing compatibility with the STL through random access iterators.
The performance of the library is evaluated against
xtensor, a well established library with similar
features. An intel i7-7700k CPU, the GCC 10.2.0 compiler, and -O3 -DNDEBUG -march=native
flags were used.
The sort tests involve sorting a 1D view of a 2D array or a 3D view of a 5D array. The "Contiguous lazy evaluation" involves computing and storing a compound operation over an entire array, while the "Strided lazy evaluation" test performs the computation over a 3D view of a 5D array. The computation over a contiguous range is also compared against a standard c++ raw loop.
The performance of the two library is similar when evaluating functions over entire arrays stored contiguously in memory, but when iterators over array views are used, NDArray outperforms xtensor by a wide margin.
A c++20 compiler, like GCC 10, is required. The library uses concepts to improve readability. A backport to c++17 might be available in the future.
The library is headers only, and only the folder ndarray
needs to be copied to the include path.
Alternatively cmake .; make; make install
will do the trick. Tests are optionally built with cmake
and Google's gtest and benchmark libraries.
Arrays are created by passing the contained type and the number of dimensions.
nd::NDArray<int, 4> arr(5, 5, 5, 5); // Creates a 4D dimensional array of integer with 5^4 elements.
Alternatively a brace initialization list with every element can be used:
nd::NDArray<int, 2> matrix{{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}};
values can be accessed either by index, []
for the linear index, ()
for Cartesian index,
or through iterators. Assignments from scalars are broadcasted to the entire array.
arr = 1; // All elements are 1.
std::iota(arr.begin(), arr.end(), 0); // A continuos range of values 0, 1, 2... is assigned to 'arr'.
arr(1,2,3,4) = 42; // Assignment to single location.
std::cout << arr; // Prints the array.
Like with python, providing a range of indices, or fixing them across some dimensions, provide a view
to the original data of dimension equal or lesser. Unfortunately there is no :
operator in c++,
so a range will have to be provided as nd::range{start, end}
representing the semi open interval
[start, end)
. The token nd::end
is used to mark the end of the original range, and nd::all
is short hand for the entire range. Selecting a negative index or range end means counting from the end,
like in python. E.g nd::range{0, -1}
takes all elements but the last one.
nd::NDArray<float, 3> tensor(3,3,3); // 3D tensor
auto m = tensor(-1, nd::range{1, nd::end}, nd::all); // 2x3 matrix with the first index of 'tensor' fixed to 2.
m.shape(); // std::array with elements {3, 3}
STL algorithms can be used both on arrays and views.
auto column = m(nd::all, 0); // first column
std::sort(column.begin(), column.end());
Views and arrays of the same shape can be assigned to each other.
m(0, nd::all) = column; // assign column to row.
The token nd::newaxis
can be used to obtain a view of higher dimension than the original array.
The new axis have length of 1.
nd::NDArray<int, 2> m(3,5);
nd::NDView<int, 4> m_view = m(nd::all, nd::newaxis, nd::all, nd::newaxis);
Lazy evaluations of arithmetic operators +, -, *, /
is supported between tensors
of the same shape, scalars, and tensors whose shape is broadcastable with the same rules as numpy
The result is evaluated when assigned to an array or view.
// Initialize A, B, C tensors of dimension >= 3 and compatible shape
C(0, nd::all, nd::all) = (A(nd::all, -1, nd::all) + B(nd::all, nd::all, -1)) / 2.;
// compute tensor product of two matrices
using namespace nd;
NDArray<float, 2> A(3, 3);
NDArray<float, 2> B(3, 3);
NDArray<float, 4> AB;
AB = A(all, all, newaxis, newaxis) * B;
Alternatively arbitrary functions can be broadcasted to an arbitrary number of tensors of the same
shape with the broadcast
and broadcastIndex
nd::NDArray<float, 3> A(3,3,3), B(3,3,3), C(3,3,3);
/* A = ..., B = ...; initialize values. */
// Apply C = A*A - B elementwise.
nd::broadcast([](float a, float b, float& c){ c = a * a + b;}, A, B, C);
// Use the value of the indices (stored in a std::array) to perform operations.
nd::broadcastIndex([](float& a, auto& index){ a = index[0] + index[1] + index[2];}, A);
The matching of shapes during the evaluation of a lazy function, or the validity of indices and
ranges, is checked through assertions when the flag -DNDEBUG
is not defined.