title | intro | versions | redirect_from | topics | shortTitle | ||||||
Managing reported content in your organization's repository |
After a contributor reports disruptive content in a repository, repository maintainers can view and manage the report. |
Manage reported content |
Anyone with admin permissions to a repository can view and manage reported content for the repository.
Before you can view or manage reported content, you must enable reported content for the repository. For more information, see "Managing how contributors report abuse in your organization's repository."
You can track, triage, and respond to reports of disruptive content. In the "Abuse reports" list, you can view all reports and navigate directly to each reported comment on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}.
{% data reusables.community.tools-for-moderating %}
After you finish moderating disruptive content, you can mark the report as resolved. If you decide that you're not done moderating, you can also mark the report as unresolved.
{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-settings %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-moderation-reported-content %}
4. To the right of the reported content you'd like to view, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The edit icon" %}, then click View content.
{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-settings %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-moderation-reported-content %}
4. To the right of the report you'd like to resolve, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The edit icon" %}, then click Mark as resolved.
{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-settings %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-moderation-reported-content %}
{% data reusables.repositories.reported-content-resolved-tab %}
5. To the right of the report you'd like to unresolve, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="The edit icon" %}, then click Mark as unresolved.