# -*- rdoc -*-
This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between releases except for bug fixes.
Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or reference information is supplied with. For a full list of changes with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
frozen-string-literal pragma:
new pragma, frozen-string-literal has been experimentally introduced.
- Feature #8976
besides, –enable/–disable=frozen-string-literal options also have been introduced. [Feature #8976]
command line options –debug or –debug=frozen-string-literal enable additional debugging mode which shows created location with at frozen object error (RuntimeError).
- Feature #11725
safe navigation operator:
new method call syntax, ‘object&.foo’, method #foo is called on ‘object’ if it is not nil. this is similar to ‘try!’ in Active Support, except:
method name is syntactically required
obj.try! {} # valid obj&. {} # syntax error
arguments are evaluated only if a call is made:
obj.try!(:foo, bar()) # bar() is always evaluated obj&.foo(bar()) # bar() is conditionally evaluated
attribute assignment is valid
obj&.attr += 1
- Feature #11537
indented here document:
new string literal, here document starts with ‘<<~`. refer doc/syntax/literals.rdoc for more details.
- Feature #9098
ARGF.read_nonblock supports ‘exception: false’ like IO#read_nonblock.
- Feature #11358
Array#bsearch_index [Feature #10730]
Array#dig [Feature #11643]
Comparable#== no longer rescues exceptions [Feature #7688]
Enumerable#grep_v is added as inverse version of Enumerable#grep.
- Feature #11049
Enumerable#chunk_while [Feature #10769]
Enumerator::Lazy#grep_v [Feature #11773]
File.mkfifo [Feature #11536]
Add File::TMPFILE corresponding to O_TMPFILE
Hash#fetch_values [Feature #10017]
Hash#dig [Feature #11643]
Hash#<=, Hash#<, Hash#>=, Hash#> [Feature #10984]
Hash#to_proc [Feature #11653]
new Encoding::IBM037 (alias ebcdic-cp-us; dummy)
new mode flag File::SHARE_DELETE is available. this flag means to permit deleting opened file on Windows, but currently this affect only files opened as binary. [Feature #11218]
new option parameter ‘flags’ is added. this parameter is bitwise-ORed to oflags generated by normal mode argument.
- Feature #11253
IO#advise no longer raises Errno::ENOSYS in cases where it was detected at build time but not available at runtime. [Feature #11806]
Kernel#loop, when stopped by a StopIteration exception, returns what the enumerator has returned instead of nil. [Feature #11498]
Module#deprecate_constant [Feature #11398]
NameError#receiver is added to take the receiver object. [Feature #10881]
Numeric#positive? and Numeric#negative? are added, which return true when the receiver is positive and negative respectively.
- Feature #11151
Proc#call (and also #[], #===, #yield) are optimized. Backtrace doesn’t show each method (show block lines directly). TracePoint also ignores these calls. [Feature #11569]
Queue (Thread::Queue)
Queue#close is added to notice a termination. [Feature #10600]
Regexp/String: Updated Unicode version from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0
add the following methods as a primitive tool of iseq loader. See sample/iseq_loader.rb for usage. Note that loader does not have verifier so it is easy to cause critical problem by loading modified/broken binary data. See [Feature #11788] for more details. (experimental feature)
RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary(extra_data = nil)
String#+@ and String#-@ are added to get mutable/frozen strings.
- Feature #11782
String.new now accepts new option parameter ‘encoding’.
- Feature #11785
Struct#dig [Feature #11688]
Thread#name, Thread#name= are added to handle thread names [Feature #11251]
Array#select!, Array#keep_if, Array#reject!, and Array#delete_if no longer changes the receiver array instantly every time the block is called. [Feature #10714]
Array#flatten and Array#flatten! no longer try to call #to_ary method on elements beyond the given level. [Bug #10748]
Array#inspect doesn’t raise error even if its content returns a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external as inspected result. [Feature #11801]
Enumerable#chunk and Enumerable#slice_before no longer takes the initial_state argument. [Feature #10958] Use a local variable instead to maintain a state.
On Windows File::Stat#ino always returned 0, but now returns BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION.nFileIndexHigh/Low. [Feature #11216]
Hash#inspect doesn’t raise error even if its content returns a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external as inspected result. [Feature #11801]
IO#close doesn’t raise when the IO object is closed. [Feature #10718]
IO#each_codepoint raises an exception at incomplete character before EOF when conversion takes place. [Bug #11444]
Module#define_method and Object.define_singleton_method now require method body, Proc, Method, or a block, and raise ArgumentError if no block is given directly. [Bug #11283]
pack/unpack (Array/String)
j and J directives for pointer width integer type. [Feature #11215]
Logger#level= now supports symbol and string levels such as :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal (case insensitive) [Feature #11695]
Logger#reopen is added to reopen a log device. [Feature #11696]
Merge nkf 2.1.4.
Socket#connect_nonblock, Socket#accept_nonblock, TCPServer#accept_nonblock, UNIXServer#accept_nonblock, BasicSocket#recv_nonblock, BasicSocket#recvmsg_nonblock, BasicSocket#sendmsg_nonblock all support ‘exception: false` to return :wait_readable or :wait_writable symbols instead of raising IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable exceptions
BasicSocket#recv and BasicSocket#recv_nonblock allow an output String buffer argument like IO#read and IO#read_nonblock to reduce GC overhead
ObjectSpace (objspace)
ObjectSpace.count_symbols is added.
ObjectSpace.count_imemo_objects is added.
ObjectSpace.internal_class_of is added.
ObjectSpace.internal_super_of is added.
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#accept_nonblock and OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#connect_nonblock supports ‘exception: false`.
Pathname#descend and Pathname#ascend supported blockless form.
- Feature #11052
IO#wait_readable no longer checks FIONREAD, it may be used for non-bytestream IO such as listen sockets.
Object#timeout is now warned as deprecated when called.
Net::FTP#mlst is added.
Net::FTP#mlsd is added.
Coverage.peek_result: new method to allow coverage to be captured without stopping the coverage tool. [Feature #10816]
Fiddle::Function#call releases the GVL. [Feature #11607]
Base64.urlsafe_encode64: added a “padding” option to suppress the padding character (“=”). [Feature #10740]
Base64.urlsafe_decode64: now it accepts not only correctly-padded input but also unpadded input. [Feature #10740]
removed unused argument. github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/515
Add Vector#round. github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/802
removed unused argument. github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/356
Connections are in passive mode per default now. The default mode can be changed by Net::FTP.default_passive=. [Feature #11612]
default value of Net::HTTP#open_timeout is now 60 (was nil).
Net::Telnet is extracted to net-telnet gem. It’s unmaintain code.
- Feature #11083
Rake is removed from stdlib. [Feature #11025]
Updated to RubyGems 2.5.1. For full release notes see:
docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/History_txt.html#label-2.5.0+-2F+2015-11-03 and docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/History_txt.html#label-2.5.1+-2F+2015-12-10
$SAFE=2 and $SAFE=3 are obsolete. If $SAFE is set to 2 or larger, an ArgumentError is raised. [Feature #5455]
rb_define_class_id_under() now raises a TypeError exception when the class is already defined but its superclass does not match the given superclass, as well as definitions in ruby level.
rb_timespec_now() is added to fetch current datetime as struct timespec.
- Feature #11558
rb_time_timespec_new() is added to create a time object with epoch, nanosecond, and UTC/localtime/time offset arguments. [Feature #11558]
rb_autoload() deprecated, use rb_funcall() instead. [Feature #11664]
OS/2 is no longer supported
BeOS is no longer supported
Borland-C is no longer supported
Haiku now stable and best effort