A small project which implements user authentication and full text search algorithm. Project has its own logging mechanism.
User first commits registration form with his personal information. After that he can perform log in and has access to the full-text search form. User can search various files on server. Search algorithm is implemented using indexing mechanism. Firstly, system performs indexing on existing files. The output of indexing operation is a hashmap with words as keys and rows where words are found(in vector format) as values. Afterwards, full-text search can be executed on the map significantly faster.
Project uses Mongodb database and Jetty application server.
Dependencies used in project:
- Monger for communication with Mongodb
- Compojure for routing
- Clostache for templating
- Propertea for working with .properties files
Copyright © 2013 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.