- (feature) Alerts. Message made optional for sound based events.
- (feature) Bithumb. Prime service supported.
- (feature) OKEX. Support turn on/off sections.
- (bug) IQFeed. Candles request fixes.
- (feature) Process non persistable basket securities.
- (bug) Storage adapter. Fix boards lookup and update.
- (bug) Reconnection fix.
- (feature) Digifinex, Idax, TradeOgre, CoinCap, Coinigy, LBank, BitMax, BW, Bibox, CoinBene, BitZ, ZB connectors.
- (feature) News. Priority property added.
- (feature) FIX connector. IBKR dialect supported algo orders.
- (feature) OKEx. Web sockets v3 supported.
- (feature) Plaza CGate. Spectra 6.2 supported.
- (feature) TWIME. Spectra 6.2 supported.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Interface 31 supported.
- (feature) Wait flushing data fix.
- (bug) Statistics parameters. Fix reset state.
- (bug) MarketDepth. Fix processing quote msgs with empty instrument info.
- (bug) RSS fixes.
- (feature) MarketDepth. Dynamic change price/volume text formats.
- (feature) OpenECry. More order types supported.
- (feature) OKEX. Position and account swap and margin supported.
- (bug) Candles compression. Fix for non TF candles compression.
- (bug) Basket adapter. Fix processing pending connect subscriptions.
- (bug) Connector. Fix subscribers counter for error responses.
- (feature) Basket adapter. Support offline mode for dedicated adapters.
- (feature) Board editor redesign.
- (bug) MessageAdapter. Fix ReConnectionSettings save/load.
- (feature) PropertyGridEx. WorkingTime supported.
- (feature) Order. Manual option added.
- (bug) Heartbeat. Restore after reconnect.
- (feature) Deribit. Extended orders.
- (feature) AlphaVantage. Lookup instruments supported.
- (bug) Quik. Fix hands while instruments lookup https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9238/zavisaet-quik-pri-podklyuchenii/
- (bug) Fix security lookup.
- (feature) LiveCoin. Candles support.
- (feature) Position. SettlementPrice added.
- (feature) OKEx. V3 protocol supported.
- (feature) Bitmex. Stop orders extended.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.53
- (bug) Bitmex. ExecInst fixes.
- (bug) Candles. Fix duplicate candles subscription.
- (bug) Market depth. Fix build depths from OL and L1.
- (feature) MT4, MT5 connectors.
- (feature) Save and load annotations for Chart.
- (bug) Fix storage format select.
- (bug) Fix cross-thread UI issues.
- (bug) Fix spashscreen info.
- (bug) Charting. Buy/Sell annotation theme fix.
- (feature) Portfolios panel. Provide withdraw operation.
- (feature) Orders panel. Conditional orders joined with regular orders.
- (feature) Crypto connectors. BalanceCheckInterval for refresh an account balances in case of deposit and withdraw operation.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Cancel group orders fix.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.41
- (feature) FAST dialects. Made network settings configurable.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. v9.73.07
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. SSL support.
- (bug) Fix securities lookup all processing.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes. DEM, LUF.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Globex board info added.
- (bug) Fix process multiples timeframes.
- (bug) Transactions snapshot storage. Fix orders and trades save.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. Do not show errors in security grid.
- (feature) Security lookup. Reset button to exchange board editor added.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix expiry time parsing fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Market depth fix.
- (feature) Index builder. Ignore errors as parameters.
- (feature) Save/load portfolio-connection mapping.
- (bug) Fix conditional orders save.
- (bug) Quik. Fix portfolio receive fix.
- (bug) Image publish cancellation processing fix.
- (feature) QuikLua. Handle From To date range for market data requests. https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9460/korrektnoe-otobrazhenie-svechei/
- (bug) Charting. Fix Equity legend color.
- (bug) TimeSpanEditor. Fix DevExpress themes.
- (feature) Default implementation of order log-> order book builder.
- (feature) Bittrex. Web sockets supported.
- (bug) Charting. Fix drawing trades with string id.
- (feature) OrderGrid, ExecutionGrid, TradeGrid, MyTradeGrid. Sides coloring.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. BuyBackDate, BuyBackPrice columns.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix stub connectors check.
- (feature) IConnector. Method RegisterXXX accepts From and To range, build from option.
- (feature) ExecutionGrid. OriginSide coloring.
- (feature) Crypto connectors. BalanceCheckInterval for refresh an account balances in case of deposit and withdraw operation.
- (bug) Fix duplicate candles subscriptions.
- (feature) Huobi. Support HADAX.
- (feature) FIX connector. Time format parsing settings as public.
- (bug) Snapshot. Fix trade data save.
- (feature) Orders modify. Disable security and portfolio.
- (feature) Binary format by default.
- (feature) Default theme is VS2017Dark.
- (feature) Themes. Icons auto coloring.
- (feature) CandleSeries.IsRegularTradingHours.
- (feature) Index and continuous securities support.
- (feature) Remote storage support.
- (bug) Logs. Designed fix.
- (feature) FIX connector. SSL support extended.
- (feature) FIX connector. QUIK FIX PreRrade support.
- (bug) MarketDataGrid. Fix further refreshes after error request.
- (bug) Chart. Fix Load indicators for deleted candles series.
- (feature) Default theme changed.
- (bug) Grids. Time zone column fix.
- (bug) Chart icons color fixes.
- (bug) Chart indicators change settings fix.
- (feature) Alerts panel.
- (feature) Chartings. Indicators settings while creation.
- (feature) MACD histogram. Draw signal and macd lines.
- (feature) Snapshot data refactoring.
- (feature) Emulator support.
- (feature) Risk management.
- (bug) Charting. RVI and Gator rendeding fixes.
- (bug) Charting. Order moving fix.
- (bug) Themes fixes.
- (bug) Grids. Fix filters for enum based fields.
- (feature) Security storage. Forced updates for manual modified data only.
- (feature) FIX connector. IssueDate, IssueSize translation support.
- (bug) FIX connector. SpectraFixDialect. Order mass cancel fix.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Active filters fix.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. CheckMoney option.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix connector description for Quik lua.
- (feature) Plaza. v5.3.6
- (feature) Micex. Stock30, Currency28, Currency30 interfaces.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix shared dll initialization https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9421/podklyuchenie-sdata-k-tranzak-/
- (feature) Charting. Auto select Security and Portfolio.
- (feature) Charting. Show non-charting orders on chart.
- (feature) Offline. Support replace for pending orders.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. End date for candles request fix https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/43390/.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. SecurityLookup error response handling fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Candles request fix.
- (feature) Http -> Https.
- (feature) Portfolio pickup option.
- (bug) Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, IQFeed fixes.
- (feature) SmartCOM. V4 as default.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix locked file issue.
- (feature) Compress candles from smaller time-frames.
- (bug) PnF candles store fixes.
- (feature) Chartings. Series settings extended.
- (bug) Scalping market depth. Cancelling orders fix.
- (feature) Scalping market depth. Order registration by double-click.
- (feature) Scalping market depth. Sorting by price column only.
- (bug) Cluster profile build fix.
- (bug) Grids. Fix filters for enum based fields.
- (bug) Option position chart. Legend binding fix.
- (bug) Option filter design fix.
- (bug) Options charts theme binding fix.
- (bug) Fix indicators build for multiple candle series.
- (feature) Auto and manual select candles series for indicators.
- (feature) Autoconfig turned off by default.
- (bug) Connector window. Show missed column names.
- (bug) File progress window. Closing fix.
- (bug) Edit security button enable fix.
- (bug) Show existing market data fix.
- (bug) Alerts loading fix.
- (bug) StochasticOscillator draw fix.
- (feature) Uses DateRangeWindow to set candle series From and To.
- (bug) Close and revert position fix.
- (bug) Orders conditional panel. Re register fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Time zone fix.
- (feature) Bitfinex, Okcoin. Track account subscriptions.
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix process unknown outgoing messages.
- (bug) Kraken. Signature calc fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Historical data fix.
- (bug) Crypto. Market data loading in non EN culture fix.
- (bug) Localization fixes.
- (feature) Quik DDE turned off.
- (bug) Yahoo restored.
- (bug) IQFeed. Fix parse fundamental messages with empty exchange code.
- (feature) Level1 fields. Dividends, AfterSplit, BeforeSplit.
- (bug) Themes fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/9257/v-gidre-i-v-dizainere-otsutstvuyut-biblioteki-devexpressxpfthemesvs2017/
- (feature) Embedded links of crypto connectors documentation.
- (feature) Crypto connectors Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck updates.
- (feature) Source-stubs for Binance, Liqui, CEX.IO, Cryptopia, OKEx, BitMEX, YoBit, Livecoin, EXMO, Deribit, Huobi, Kucoin, BITEXBOOK, CoinExchange.
- (bug) Offline mode. Cancel pending orders fix.
- (feature) Charting. Reset Y axis range on double click.
- (feature) Charting. Time zone settings for each axis.
- (feature) Charting. Draw lines on mouse down event.
- (bug) Charting. X axis scaling fix.
- (bug) Charting. Chart annotation editor related fixes.
- (bug) Charting. Tooltip fix for chart line display style.
- (feature) Charting. X0 style support.
- (feature) Crypto connectors. Withdraw support.
- (feature) Order. IsMargin property.
- (feature) Order. Slippage property.
- (feature) FIX connector. SSL support.
- (feature) FIX connector. Dukascopy support.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Lookup connections.
- (feature) Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck connectors.
- (bug) Many bug fixes.
- (feature) Performance improved.
- (bug) Options fixes.
- (bug) Oanda, InteractiveBrokers, Transaq, IQFeed, BTCE, LMAX connectors fixes.
- (bug) Alerts fixes.
- (bug) Exchanges panel. Fix single instance.
- (bug) Order book fixes.
- (feature) UI redesign.
- (bug) Many bug fixes.
- (feature) Available for download.