This is an implementation of Verlet Integration, a numerical method commonly used for approximating trajectories. It's made with the C programming language and OpenGL, a popular API for GPU rendering. See here for the Python version (outdated).
- Simulate thousands of particles (at 60 FPS) experiencing real-time collisions, arbitrary forces, constraints, and linking.
- First person camera that can be controlled using the mouse and keyboard or animated along a path (Bézier curve).
- Custom OBJ file parser to import models from external applications and convert mesh data into an OpenGL-friendly data structure.
- Substeps, mathematical approximations, and sampling for improved simulation accuracy and stability.
- Algorithms to generate structures like recursive Icospheres.
- Mouse picking with a custom frame buffer to interact with objects in a 3D scene.
- Instance rendering
- Multithreading (deterministic vs. non-deterministic)
- KD-Tree or Octree spatial partitioning
- Math module by Felipe Ferreira da Silva for working with vectors, matrices, and common mathematical functions.
- Implementation of KD-Tree spatial partitioning by John Tsiombikas.
- GLEW for "wrangling" OpenGL functions and GLFW for window management.
Icosphere which maintains its pressure using Ideal Gas Law
- MacBook Pro
- Chip - Apple M2
I have no idea if this will run on your machine but you're welcome to try by calling make
in the root directory.
as export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<path-to-repo>/VerletIntegration/src/dependencies/library:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
followed by ./app
Inspired by