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base repository: gatsbyjs/gatsby
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base: gatsby-source-shopify@3.2.9
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head repository: gatsbyjs/gatsby
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compare: gatsby-source-shopify@3.2.10
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{{ refName }}
- 5 commits
- 244 files changed
- 5 contributors
Commits on Jun 2, 2020
fix(data-dependency-tracking): clear data dependencies when rerunning…
… dirty queries (#24378) Co-authored-by: gatsbybot <mathews.kyle+gatsbybot@gmail.com>
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fix(gatsby-dev-cli): support workspaces in yarn@1.22 (#24608)
* fix(gatsby-dev-cli): support workspaces in yarn@1.22 * try/catch parsing "sanitized" output
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chore: update packages (#24432)
Co-authored-by: Renovate Bot <bot@renovateapp.com>
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feat(gatsby): Add support for relative links (#24054)
* Add support for relative links * Review fixes * Changes from review + handle invalid links better * Changes from review + handle invalid links better * Ensure path is tarnslated in more places * Simplify link checks by explicitly checking for http(s) * Fix missing rewrite * Add tests and clear up edge cases * Use explicit protocol list for detecting external links (sorry gopher) * Don't double-prefix absolutified paths * Add e2e tests * Fix tests * Fix calls to deprecated methods * Add docs for relative links * Typo * Clarify
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- babel-plugin-remove-graphql-queries@2.9.3 - babel-preset-gatsby-package@0.4.3 - babel-preset-gatsby@0.4.8 - gatsby-admin@0.1.58 - gatsby-cli@2.12.42 - gatsby-codemods@1.3.3 - gatsby-core-utils@1.3.4 - gatsby-cypress@0.4.3 - gatsby-dev-cli@2.7.8 - gatsby-graphiql-explorer@0.4.4 - gatsby-image@2.4.6 - gatsby-link@2.4.4 - gatsby-page-utils@0.2.8 - gatsby-plugin-benchmark-reporting@0.2.6 - gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-catch-links@2.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-coffeescript@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-cxs@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-emotion@4.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-facebook-analytics@2.4.3 - gatsby-plugin-feed@2.5.4 - gatsby-plugin-flow@1.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-fullstory@2.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-glamor@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-google-analytics@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-google-gtag@2.1.3 - gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager@2.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-guess-js@1.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-jss@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-layout@1.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-less@3.2.3 - gatsby-plugin-lodash@3.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-manifest@2.4.10 - gatsby-plugin-mdx@1.2.14 - gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms@4.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-netlify@2.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-nprogress@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-offline@3.2.8 - gatsby-plugin-page-creator@2.3.8 - gatsby-plugin-postcss@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-preact@4.0.2 - gatsby-plugin-preload-fonts@1.2.9 - gatsby-plugin-react-css-modules@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-react-helmet@3.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-remove-trailing-slashes@2.3.4 - gatsby-plugin-sass@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-sharp@2.6.10 - gatsby-plugin-sitemap@2.4.4 - gatsby-plugin-styled-components@3.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-styled-jsx@3.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-styletron@5.0.2 - gatsby-plugin-stylus@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-subfont@2.2.4 - gatsby-plugin-twitter@2.3.3 - gatsby-plugin-typescript@2.4.4 - gatsby-plugin-typography@2.5.3 - gatsby-react-router-scroll@3.0.2 - gatsby-recipes@0.1.36 - gatsby-remark-autolink-headers@2.3.4 - gatsby-remark-code-repls@3.2.3 - gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files@2.3.4 - gatsby-remark-custom-blocks@2.3.3 - gatsby-remark-embed-snippet@4.3.3 - gatsby-remark-graphviz@1.3.3 - gatsby-remark-images-contentful@2.3.4 - gatsby-remark-images@3.3.9 - gatsby-remark-katex@3.3.3 - gatsby-remark-prismjs@3.5.3 - gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe@2.4.4 - gatsby-remark-smartypants@2.3.3 - gatsby-source-contentful@2.3.14 - gatsby-source-drupal@3.5.11 - gatsby-source-faker@2.3.3 - gatsby-source-filesystem@2.3.10 - gatsby-source-graphql@2.5.3 - gatsby-source-hacker-news@2.4.3 - gatsby-source-lever@2.3.4 - gatsby-source-medium@2.3.3 - gatsby-source-mongodb@2.3.3 - gatsby-source-npm-package-search@2.3.5 - gatsby-source-shopify@3.2.10 - gatsby-source-wikipedia@2.3.4 - gatsby-source-wordpress@3.3.10 - gatsby-telemetry@1.3.10 - gatsby-theme-blog-core@1.5.33 - gatsby-theme-blog@1.6.33 - gatsby-theme-notes@1.3.59 - gatsby-theme-ui-preset@0.0.48 - gatsby-theme@0.1.2 - gatsby-transformer-asciidoc@1.3.3 - gatsby-transformer-csv@2.3.3 - gatsby-transformer-documentationjs@4.3.3 - gatsby-transformer-excel@2.4.3 - gatsby-transformer-hjson@2.4.3 - gatsby-transformer-javascript-frontmatter@2.3.4 - gatsby-transformer-javascript-static-exports@2.4.3 - gatsby-transformer-json@2.4.4 - gatsby-transformer-pdf@1.3.4 - gatsby-transformer-react-docgen@5.2.3 - gatsby-transformer-remark@2.8.14 - gatsby-transformer-screenshot@2.3.8 - gatsby-transformer-sharp@2.5.4 - gatsby-transformer-sqip@2.3.10 - gatsby-transformer-toml@2.4.4 - gatsby-transformer-xml@2.3.3 - gatsby-transformer-yaml@2.4.3 - gatsby@2.22.17
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