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-# Gatsby Recipes
-Gatsby Recipes is framework for automating common Gatsby tasks. Recipes are MDX
-files which, when run by our interpretor, perform common actions like installing
-NPM packages, installing plugins, creating pages, etc.
-It's designed to be extensible so new capabilities can be added which allow
-Recipes to automate more things.
-We chose MDX to allow for a literate programming style of writing recipes which
-enables us to port our dozens of recipes from
-https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/recipes/ as well as in the future, entire
-[Read more about Recipes on the RFC](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/pull/22610)
-There's an umbrella issue for testing / using Recipes during its incubation stage.
-Follow the issue for updates!
-## Recipe setup
-Upgrade the global gatsby-cli package to the latest with recipes.
-npm install -g gatsby-cli@latest
-To confirm that this worked, run `gatsby --help` in your terminal. The output should show the recipes command.
-### Running an example recipe
-Now you can test out recipes! Start with a recipe for installing `emotion` by following these steps:
-1. Create a new Hello World Gatsby site:
-gatsby new try-emotion https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world
-1. Navigate into that project directory:
-cd try-emotion
-1. Now you can run the `emotion` recipe with this command:
-gatsby recipes emotion
-You can see a list of other recipes to run by running `gatsby recipes`
-## Developing Recipes
-### An example MDX recipe
-Here's how you would write the `gatsby recipes emotion` recipe you just ran:
-# Setup Gatsby with Emotion
-[Emotion](https://emotion.sh/) is a powerful CSS-in-JS library that supports both inline CSS styles and styled components. You can use each styling feature individually or together in the same file.
-Install necessary NPM packages
-Install the Emotion plugin in gatsby-config.js
-Sweet, now it's ready to go.
-Let's also write out an example page you can use to play
-with Emotion.
-Read more about Emotion on the official Emotion docs site:
-### How to run recipes
-You can run built-in recipes, ones you write locally, and ones people have posted online.
-To run a local recipe, make sure to start the path to the recipe with a period like `gatsby recipes ./my-cool-recipe.mdx`
-To run a remote recipe, just paste in the path to the recipe e.g. `gatsby recipes https://example.com/sweet-recipe.mdx`
-### Recipe API
-#### ``
-Installs a Gatsby Plugin in the site's `gatsby-config.js`.
-Soon will support options.
-##### props
-- **name** name of the plugin
-#### ``
-##### props
-- **theme** the name of the theme (or plugin) which provides the file you'd like to shadow
-- **path** the path to the file within the theme. E.g. the example file above lives at `node_modules/gatsby-theme-blog/src/components/seo.js`
-#### ``
-##### props
-- **name**: name of the package(s) to install. Takes a string or an array of strings.
-- **version**: defaults to latest
-- **dependencyType**: defaults to `production`. Other options include `development`
-#### ``
-##### props
-- **name:** name of the command
-- **command** the command that's run when the script is called
-#### ``
-##### props
-- **path** path to the file that should be created. The path is local to the root of the Node.js project (where the package.json is)
-- **content** URL to the content that should be written to the path. Eventually we'll support directly putting content here after some fixees to MDX.
-> Note that this content is stored in a [GitHub gist](https://gist.github.com/). When linking to a gist you'll want to click on the "Raw" button and copy the URL from that page.
-## FAQ / common issues
-### Q) My recipe is combining steps instead of running them seperately!
-We use the `---` break syntax from Markdown to separate steps.
-One quirk with it is for it to work, it must have an empty line above it.
-So this will work:
-# Recipes
-a step
-But this won't
-# Recipes
-a step
-### Q) What kind of recipe should I write?
-If you’d like to write a recipe, there are two great places to get an idea:
-- Think of a task that took you more time than other tasks in the last Gatsby site you built. Is there a way to automate any part of that task?
-- Look at this list of recipes in the Gatsby docs. Many of these can be partially or fully automated through creating a recipe `mdx` file. https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/recipes/
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