Writing a ground-up solution for taking profile pictures in iOS can be a pain and time consuming. AvatarCapture is a Swift based library inspired by ZCSAvatarCapture whose purpose is to make it as easy as possible to start your camera(front facing or rear), allow you to snap a photo or choose a photo from your Photos library.
Note: AvatarCapture has a minimum deployment target of iOS 10
Edit your PodFile:
pod 'AvatarCapture'
Then run pod install
- Display an existing
- Start the iPhone camera for capture
- Swap cameras from front facing to rear and vice versa
- Choose a photo from the iPhone library
- allow more flexibility in where buttons are positioned
- add custom elements/subviews
- Change/choose shape of avatar profile
Getting started with AvatarCapture is super easy!
First, initialize the view controller(anywhere but viewDidLoad
is common):
let avatarCaptureController = AvatarCaptureController()
avatarCaptureController.delegate = self
avatarCaptureController.image = UIImage.init(named: "an_existing_image.png")
subscribes to AvatarCaptureControllerDelegate
and is required for retrieving the UIImage after selecting a photo
In this example, avatarView
is a UIView defined in a storyboard. Whatever the width
and height
of this UIView is will determine the dimensions of the avatar.
- Begins capturing the output from your iPhone camera and displays the on screen buttons to interact with your camera
- Stops the live preview of the iPhone camera. This method does not need to be explicitly called in most situations
- Swaps the live preview from the front to rear camera and vice versa. This method does not need to be explicitly called in most situations.
- Displays the Photos library for choosing an image
Once you've subscribed to the AvatarCaptureControllerDelegate
protocol, you can be notified when an image was selected and when the image selection was cancelled:
extension MyViewController: AvatarCaptureControllerDelegate {
func imageSelected(image: UIImage) {
print("image Selected")
func imageSelectionCancelled() {
print("image selection cancelled")
Berend Ozceri - @berendo for thinking of doing this
ZCSAvatarCapture for doing this first
Please feel free to create issues if bugs are found or if enhancements or new features are desired