- docker installed
- aws-cli installed and configured
- cdk installed
- python installed
- kubectl installed
Define the aws account to deploy:
Define the aws region to deploy:
Define the kubeconfig temp location:
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Bootstrap the cdk:
cdk bootstrap aws://$CDK_ACCOUNT/$CDK_REGION
Deploy the vpc stack:
cdk deploy MissionDevVps
Deploy the eks stack:
cdk deploy MissionDevEks
Deploy the image stack:
cdk deploy MissionDevImage
Copy the image name from the stack output and paste it in the container image placeholder at express-sample-app/deployment.yaml
Get the kubeconfig:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name mission-dev --region $CDK_REGION
Test the kubeconfig credentials
kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG get ns
Apply the template:
kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG apply -f express-sample-app/deployment.yaml
Port-forward into the sample app:
kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG port-forward service/express-app 3000:3000
Test the app is working:
curl localhost:3000
To destroy the resources run:
cdk destroy --all