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Please refer to the Gardener contributor guide.

Equinix Metal Extension Provider

The rest of this document describes how to contribute to, and test, this Equinix Metal (formerly Packet) extension provider for Gardener.

The guide demonstrates how to make changes, test them and publish them using the Equinix Metal provider extension.

Gardener uses an extensible architecture which abstracts away things like cloud provider implementations, OS-specific configuration for nodes and DNS provider logic.

Extensions are k8s controllers. They are packaged as Helm charts and are registered with the Gardener API server by applying a ControllerRegistration custom k8s resource to the Gardener API server. In addition to being packaged as Helm charts, extensions often deploy Helm charts as well. For example, the Equinix Metal provider extension deploys components such as the Equinix Metal CCM and MetalLB in order to provide necessary services to Equinix Metal seed and shoot clusters.


  • a running "garden" cluster with a kubeconfig for access oti


Important! Gardener's base control cluster, or "garden" cluster, really has two distinct kinds of API servers, both of which are accessed via kubectl using a kubeconfig file

  • The "soil cluster", the pre-existing normal Kubernetes cluster on which Gardener is installed, turning it into the "soil cluster"
  • The "garden cluster", a special k8s API server which doesn't have any nodes or pods and which deals with Gardener resources only, and runs on top of the "soil cluster"

The kubeconfig for the "soil cluster" is wherever you set it when creating the initial Kubernetes cluster, for example during garden-setup. If you used the standard garden-setup flow, then the kubeconfig is likely at $GOPATH/src/

The kubeconfig for the "garden cluster", when using garden-setup is at $GOPATH/src/

Development workflow

Your development workflow in general is as follows. Relevant steps will be described in detail below.


The setup steps are necessary just so that your extension can have what to work with against a garden cluster. In general, you will do these once, although if you are changing how the extension works with some components, e.g. the CloudProfile or Shoot, you may modify and redeploy them multiple times.

  1. Deploy your base cluster
  2. Convert your base cluster into a soil cluster, thus creating a garden cluster
  3. Deploy a seed to your garden cluster
  4. Deploy a project to your garden cluster
  5. Get an Equinix Metal API key and project ID, and save them to the secret file, which also contains the secret binding
  6. Deploy the secret and secret binding to the soil cluster
  7. Configure and deploy a cloud profile to the soil cluster
  8. Configure and deploy a shoot to the soil cluster

Base Cluster and Garden Cluster

Deploying your base cluster is beyond the scope of these documents. Deploy it any way that works for you. We recommend following the instructions at garden-setup. The documentation there describes, as well, how to deploy a seed.

Ensure the Seed is Deployed

You need at least one seed deployed. For simplicity, you should deploy the seed right into the garden cluster.

  1. Connect to the "gardener API server", e.g. KUBECONFIG=./export/kube-apiserver/kubeconfig
  2. kubectl get seed - this should return at least one functional seed

For example:

$ KUBECONFIG=./export/kube-apiserver/kubeconfig  kubectl get seed
gcp    Ready    gcp        us-central1   60d   v1.17.1   v1.19.9-gke.1400

Note that the above garden cluster is running in GCP, and so the seed is using the PROVIDER named gcp. That is fine. The Equinix Metal extension will be invoked when deploying a shoot to Equinix Metal, and can do so from a seed in GCP.

Deploy a Project

A Project groups together shoots and infrastructure secrets in a namespace. A sample Project is available at example/23-project.yaml. Copy it over to a temporary workspace, modify it as needed, and then apply it.

kubectl apply -f 23-project.yaml

Unless you actually will be using the Gardener UI, most of the RBAC entries in the file do not matter for development. The only really important elements are:

  • name: pick a unique one for the Project
  • namespace: you will need to be consistent in using the same namespace for multiple elements


You need two pieces of information for Gardener to do its job against the Equinix Metal API:

  • project ID - the UUID of the project in which it should manage devices
  • API key - your unique API key that has the rights to create/delete devices in that project

Both of these should be placed in a Kubernetes Secret, as well as the SecretBinding that enables the extension to use them.

A sample Secret is available at example/25-secret.yaml. Copy it over to a temporary workspace, modify it as needed, and then apply it.

Important: The Secret and SecretBinding must be in the same namespace as the Project.

kubectl apply -f 25-secret.yaml

Cloud Profile

The CloudProfile is a resource that contains the list of acceptable machine types and OS images. Each Shoot, when deployed, uses a specific CloudProfile and picks elements from it.

A sample CloudProfile is available at example/26-cloudprofile.yaml/ Copy it over to a temporary workspace, modify as needed, and then apply it.

kubectl apply -f 26-cloudprofile.yaml


With all of the above, you are ready to create a Shoot. The Shoot is the instructions for actually deploying a Kubernetes cluster, managed by Gardener, on machines deployed by Gardener. The interaction with Equinix Metal occurs via this extension provider.

A sample Shoot is available at example/90-shoot.yaml. Copy it over to a temporary workspace, modify as needed, and then apply it.

kubectl apply -f 90-shoot.yaml

The Shoot resource is long and complex, and beyond the scope of this document. The important parts to note are:

  • namespace - must match the namespace for the Project and Secret/SecretBinding
  • secretBindingName - must match the name of the SecretBinding
  • cloudProfileName - must match the name of the CloudProfile
  • region - must be one of the regions in the CloudProfile
  • infrastructureConfig - must conform to the infrastructure config, see here
  • controlPlaneConfig - must conform to the control plane config, see here


With the setup in place, you can run your local extension against the soil cluster.

The extension actually is made up of two components, although they start as one. Both use the provided KUBECONFIG to connect to the API server of the "base cluster", but their behaviours diverge from there.

  • A kubernetes controller, which registers and listens for events; the entire connection is initiated as a client.
  • A kubernetes mutating webhook, which registers an http endpoint to which the kube-apiserver sends events. Each event requires a new connection initiated by the kube-apiserver

If your locally running extension does not have an IP address accessible to the kube-apiserver, you need some way to open a tunnel for it. This is the job of starts an inlets tunnel to connect to your IP.


  1. Get the namespace in which your extensions are running
  2. Determine the port on which the hook will be listening
  3. Determine the port on which inlets is listening
  4. Determine the port on which the extension service gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal is listening
  5. Run the extension locally: make start <options>
  6. Run the webhook tunnel: ./hack/ <provider> <namespace> <webhook port> <inlets port>, where <namespace>, <port> and <inlets port> are as determined above, and <provider> is equinix-metal


<namespace> is the namespace that the extension is running in on the "soil cluster". After you deployed the shoot, connect to the "soil cluster" in which the seed is running, and do kubectl get ns; the target namespace should have your provider name in it.

For example:

$ kubectl get ns
NAME                                     STATUS   AGE
cert-manager                             Active   61d
default                                  Active   64d
extension-dns-external-j4psd             Active   6d21h
extension-networking-calico-xjshs        Active   6d21h
extension-os-ubuntu-nrhxn                Active   6d21h
extension-provider-gcp-bcdwd             Active   6d21h
extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh   Active   6d21h
garden                                   Active   61d
kube-node-lease                          Active   64d
kube-public                              Active   64d
kube-system                              Active   64d
shoot--em--em-test                       Active   6d21h

In this example, it is extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh.

Webhook Port

<webhook port> is the port on which the provider extension webhook component is listening. By default, it is 8443, but you can set it to anything you want.

it is set in the Makefile as WEBHOOK_CONFIG_PORT.

Inlets Port

<inlets port> is the port on which inlets is listening. The garden kube-apiserver uses the service gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal to connect to the webhook. The targetPort of that service must point either to:

  • the in-cluster pod where the extension is running
  • the in-cluster pod where inlets is listening, normally inlets-server

Because the gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal service is deployed and syncs every 5 minutes, changing the targetPort on this service to match the port on which inlets-server is listening will only last a few minutes.

Thus, you want the inlets-server listening port to match up to the targetPort of gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal

The gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal port is set in values.yaml, by default 10250, and the inlets port is set as the last argument to

Extension Service Port

The shoot kube-apiserver will be pointed to the gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal Service, which, in turn, as described above, points to the inlets pod. Thus, the apiserver must be told which port it already is listening on. In general, that is 443, but you can check it via kubectl -n <namespace> describe svc gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal in the soil cluster, for example:

$ kubectl -n extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh describe svc gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal
Name:              gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal
Namespace:         extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh
Labels:            app=gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal
Annotations: {"ingress":true}
                     DO NOT EDIT - This resource is managed by gardener-resource-manager.
                     Any modifications are discarded and the resource is returned to the original state.
Type:              ClusterIP
IP Families:       <none>
IPs:               <none>
Port:              <unset>  443/TCP
TargetPort:        10250/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

It is listening on 443 while sending to 10250, so you must pass 443 to make start.

Start Extension

Start the extension, which will start both the controller and the mutating webhook:


For example:


The option IGNORE_OPERATION_ANNOTATION=false is critically important. The annotation is how the gardenlet communicates with the extension controller. If it is set to true (the default), then shoots will not get reconciles by our extension.

Webhook Tunnel

./hack/ equinixmetal extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh 8443 10250
What the Webhook Does

The Webhook mutates certain resources as they are applied to the cluster. Specifically, it focuses on configuring the elements that will be deployed to Shoot clusters. These include, but are not limited to:

  • kube-controller-manager - the one that will be started for the Shoot, actually running as a pod in the Seed, to have the correct --cloud-provider setting
  • OperatingSystemConfig - to have the correct configuration for the specific OS deployed on the cloud provider's nodes

Full details on the webhooks is available here.

Likely Errors

When running the or make start, here are some common errors.

Bad Template might give output as follows:

error: error executing template "{{ index (index  .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip }}": template: output:1:10: executing "output" at <index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0>: error calling index: index of untyped nil

If you already ran make start, just ignore it. This happens because the is trying to get the load balancer IP assigned to the inlets-lb Service, but it hasn't been assigned yet. If you wait, this should clean itself up.

Address Not Found might give output as follows:

host: couldn'\''t get address for '\''executing'\'': not found

Again, this is likely a transient error. Wait until it passes.

Inlets Pod Not Ready gives output as follows:

++ kubectl -n extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh get pods inlets-server --no-headers
++ awk '{print $2}'
+ test 2/3 = 3/3
+ sleep 2s

Note that the number of ready pods given by test 2/3 might also be 0/3 or 1/3.

To resolve this, you need to get the status of the inlets-server pod:

kubectl -n <namespace> describe pod inlets-server

For example:

kubectl -n extension-provider-equinix-metal-9r7xh describe pod inlets-server

Here you could find one of several errors:

TLS Mount Failed
Type     Reason       Age                     From     Message
----     ------       ----                    ----     -------
Warning  FailedMount  28m (x5993 over 11d)    kubelet  Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[inlets-tls], unattached volumes=[default-token-m8cwf inlets-tls]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning  FailedMount  8m30s (x1614 over 11d)  kubelet  Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[inlets-tls], unattached volumes=[inlets-tls default-token-m8cwf]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning  FailedMount  4m17s (x8491 over 11d)  kubelet  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "inlets-tls" : secret "gardener-extension-webhook-cert" not found

This error likely is caused because you did not start the extension with the appropriate options, including <namespace> and WEBHOOK_CONFIG_MODE=service. These options set up the necessary certificate secrets.

Inlets Not Found
  Warning  Failed     2m44s (x3 over 3m33s)  kubelet            Failed to pull image "inlets/inlets:2.6.3": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for inlets/inlets, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied

For unknown reasons, your cluster is unable to get inlets.

Deploying an extension to a soil cluster

NOTE: Some operations in the development workflow don't support Go modules. It is recommended to clone the extension's source directory into your GOPATH.

If you don't already have it, clone the extension's source repository:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $_
git clone
cd gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal

Set your KUBECONFIG env var to point at the kubeconfig file belonging to the garden cluster (not the soil cluster). For a Gardener cluster deployed using garden-setup, the command should be the following:

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/export/kube-apiserver/kubeconfig

Verify connectivity to the Gardener API server:

kubectl get seeds

Sample output:

aws    Ready    aws        eu-central-1   104m   v1.14.0   v1.18.12

The extension is in controller-registration.yaml. It contains the Helm chart from here, tarred, gzipped, and then base64-encoded. By default, it deploys one replica of the extension pod from a registry.

NOTE: The controller-registration.yaml file in the master branch contains a reference to an unreleased container image. Either overwrite the tag field in the file or check out a Git tag before registering the extension.

If you are developing locally, you don't actually want to run one replica; you want 0. Modify the values so that it has:

  replicaCount: 0

This will set up all of the prerequisites but not try to deploy a controller pod, leaving you free to run make start

Next, register the extension:

kubectl apply -f ./example/controller-registration.yaml

From this point the extension should be deployed on-demand, e.g. when a shoot cluster gets created.

Making changes to an extension

Make code changes, then run the following:

# Run the tests
make test

# Re-generate any auto-generated files
make generate

# Verify auto-generated files are up to date
make check-generate

# Build a Docker image
make docker-images

You can now tag and push the resulting image to a Docker registry:

docker tag 9fa4c197cf04 <your-container-registry>:testing
docker push <your-container-registry>:testing

To use the new image, register or re-register the extension with the Gardener API server. Note that when re-pushing an existing Docker tag, you will likely have to temporarily set the extension's imagePullPolicy field to Always and delete the extension's pod to force the kubelet to re-pull the image.


To check the logs of the extension controller, run the following command against the base API server:

kubectl -n extension-provider-equinix-metal-xxxxx logs gardener-extension-provider-equinix-metal-xxxxx

Miscellaneous and "gotchas"

Helm chart packaging

The Helm chart that is used by Gardener to deploy the extension controller is packaged as a base64-encoded tgz archive inline inside example/controller-registration.yaml under the chart field. This entire yaml is generated when you run make generate.

To view its contents, run the following command:

cat example/controller-registration.yaml | grep chart | awk {'print $2'} | base64 -d | tar zxvf -

Ignored files

Some generated files are gitignored. To avoid building images using outdated generated data, be sure to always run make generate before running make docker-images (even when there is no visible Git diff).

Retrying operations

If shoot creation operations fail, you can restart them. See here. For example, to retry a failed shoot creation:

$ kubectl -n garden-em annotate shoot em-test annotated

Remember that the shoot is in the garden cluster, not the soil cluster, so use the appropriate kubeconfig.