Assertion failure in IsomorphismFpGroupByGeneratorsNC from AllHomomorphismClasses #4406
Observed behaviour
On this input:
G := PerfectGroup(336, 1);
AllHomomorphismClasses(G, G);
AllHomomorphismClasses(G, G);
The output is:
gap> G := PerfectGroup(336, 1);
L3(2) 2^1 = SL(2,7)
gap> AllHomomorphismClasses(G, G);
[ [ b*a*b^-1*(a*b)^2*a, a*b^-1*a*b*(a*b*a)^2 ] -> [ <identity ...>, <identity ...> ], [ b*a*b^-1*(a*b)^2*a, a*b^-1*a*b*(a*b*a)^2 ] ->
[ a^-1*b^-1*(b^-1*a^-1)^2*b^-1*a*b*(b*a)^2*b^2*a, a*b ], [ b*a*b^-1*(a*b)^2*a, a*b^-1*a*b*(a*b*a)^2 ] -> [ b^-1*a^-1*b^-2*a^-1*b^-1*a*(a*b^2*a*b)^2, a^2*b^2*a ] ]
gap> CharacteristicSubgroups(G);
[ Group([ ]), Group([ a^-2 ]), Group([ a, b ]) ]
gap> AllHomomorphismClasses(G, G);
Error, Assertion failure in
Assert( 0, Length( GeneratorsOfPresentation( pres ) ) = Length( gens ) ); at /home/nickkrempel/Documents/gap-4.10.2/lib/ called from
IsomorphismFpGroupByGeneratorsNC( G, gens, nam ) at /home/nickkrempel/Documents/gap-4.10.2/lib/ called from
IsomorphismFpGroupByGenerators( Source( hom ), m[1] ) at /home/nickkrempel/Documents/gap-4.10.2/lib/ called from
IsSingleValued( imgs ) at /home/nickkrempel/Documents/gap-4.10.2/lib/ called from
MorClassLoop( G, bi, params, 9 ) at /home/nickkrempel/Documents/gap-4.10.2/lib/teaching.g:1010 called from
<function "AllHomomorphismClasses">( <arguments> )
called from read-eval loop at *stdin*:4
you may 'return;'
Expected behaviour
Expect the second call to AllHomomorphismClasses
to succeed with the same result as the first call.
Copy and paste GAP banner (to tell us about your setup)
┌───────┐ GAP 4.10.2 of 19-Jun-2019
│ GAP │
└───────┘ Architecture: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-default64-kv3
Configuration: gmp 6.1.2
Loading the library and packages ...
Packages: AClib 1.3.1, Alnuth 3.1.1, AtlasRep 2.1.0, AutoDoc 2019.05.20, AutPGrp 1.10, Browse 1.8.8, Carat 2.2.3, CRISP 1.4.4, Cryst 4.1.19, CrystCat 1.1.9,
CTblLib 1.2.2, FactInt 1.6.2, FGA 1.4.0, Forms 1.2.5, GAPDoc 1.6.2, genss 1.6.5, IO 4.6.0, IRREDSOL 1.4, LAGUNA 3.9.3, orb 4.8.2, Polenta 1.3.8,
Polycyclic 2.14, PrimGrp 3.3.2, RadiRoot 2.8, recog 1.3.2, ResClasses 4.7.2, SmallGrp 1.3, Sophus 1.24, SpinSym 1.5.1, TomLib 1.2.8, TransGrp 2.0.4,
utils 0.63
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