diff --git a/hpcgap/lib/filter.gi b/hpcgap/lib/filter.gi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7374183accf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hpcgap/lib/filter.gi
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany
+## (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland
+## Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group
+## This software is licensed under the GPL 2 or later, please refer
+## to the COPYRIGHT.md and LICENSE files for details.
+#V IdOfFilter
+## <#GAPDoc Label="IdOfFilter">
+## finds the id of the filter filter, or the id of the filter
+## with name name respectively.
+## The id of a filter is equal to the
+## position of this filter in the global FILTERS list.
+## Note that not every filter for which IsFilter(filter)
+## returns true has an ID, only elementary filters do.
+## <#/GAPDoc>
+## Note that the filter ID is stored in FLAG1_FILTER for most filters,
+## testers have the ID stored in FLAG2_FILTER, so the code below is
+## more efficient than just iterating over the FILTERS list.
+BIND_GLOBAL( "IdOfFilter",
+ local fid;
+ atomic readonly FILTER_REGION do
+ fid := FLAG1_FILTER(filter);
+ if fid > 0 and FILTERS[fid] = filter then
+ return fid;
+ fi;
+ fid := FLAG2_FILTER(filter);
+ if fid > 0 and FILTERS[fid] = filter then
+ return fid;
+ fi;
+ od;
+ return fail;
+BIND_GLOBAL( "IdOfFilterByName",
+ name -> PositionProperty(FILTERS, f -> NAME_FUNC(f) = name) );
+#V FilterByName
+## <#GAPDoc Label="FilterByName">
+## finds the filter with name name in the global FILTERS list. This
+## is useful to find filters that were created but not bound to a global
+## variable.
+## <#/GAPDoc>
+BIND_GLOBAL( "FilterByName",
+ name -> First(FILTERS, f -> NAME_FUNC(f) = name) );
diff --git a/hpcgap/lib/function.g b/hpcgap/lib/function.g
index 93bbcc3af87..011bd9ede02 100644
--- a/hpcgap/lib/function.g
+++ b/hpcgap/lib/function.g
@@ -654,81 +654,6 @@ InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a function", true, [IsFunction], 0,
Print(" ) ... end");
- local class, flags, types, catok, repok, propok, seenprop,
- t, res;
- class := "Operation";
- class := "Filter";
- elif IS_CONSTRUCTOR(op) then
- class := "Constructor";
- elif IsFilter(op) then
- class := "Filter";
- flags := FLAGS_FILTER(op);
- if flags <> false then
- flags := TRUES_FLAGS(flags);
- else
- flags := [];
- fi;
- atomic readonly FILTER_REGION do
- types := INFO_FILTERS{flags};
- od;
- catok := true;
- repok := true;
- propok := true;
- seenprop := false;
- for t in types do
- if not t in FNUM_REPS then
- repok := false;
- fi;
- if not t in FNUM_CATS then
- catok := false;
- fi;
- if not t in FNUM_PROS and not t in FNUM_TPRS then
- propok := false;
- fi;
- if t in FNUM_PROS then
- seenprop := true;
- fi;
- od;
- if seenprop and propok then
- class := "Property";
- elif catok then
- class := "Category";
- elif repok then
- class := "Representation";
- fi;
- elif Tester(op) <> false then
- # op is an attribute
- class := "Attribute";
- fi;
- # Horrible.
- res := "<";
- APPEND_LIST(res, class);
- APPEND_LIST(res, " \"");
- APPEND_LIST(res, "\">");
- return res;
-function ( op )
-InstallMethod( ViewObj,
- "for an operation",
- [ IsOperation ],
-InstallMethod( ViewString,
- "for an operation",
- [ IsOperation ],
diff --git a/hpcgap/lib/read1.g b/hpcgap/lib/read1.g
index 2c01bf539a1..077eac11539 100644
--- a/hpcgap/lib/read1.g
+++ b/hpcgap/lib/read1.g
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ ReadLib( "permutat.g" );
ReadLib( "trans.g" );
ReadLib( "pperm.g" );
+ReadLib( "filter.gi" );
ReadLib( "object.gi" );
ReadLib( "listcoef.gd" );
ReadLib( "info.gd" );
diff --git a/hpcgap/tst/testinstall/type.tst b/hpcgap/tst/testinstall/type.tst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91206924689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hpcgap/tst/testinstall/type.tst
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+gap> test := x -> List([IsFilter, IsCategory, IsRepresentation, IsAttribute, IsProperty, IsOperation], f -> f(x));;
+gap> test(IsFinite);
+[ true, false, false, false, true, true ]
+gap> test(IsMagma);
+[ true, true, false, false, false, true ]
+gap> test(IsCommutative);
+[ true, false, false, false, true, true ]
+gap> test(Size);
+[ false, false, false, true, false, true ]
+gap> test(Group);
+[ false, false, false, false, false, false ]
+gap> test((1,2,3));
+[ false, false, false, false, false, false ]
+gap> test("hello, world");
+[ false, false, false, false, false, false ]
+gap> FilterByName("IsCommutative");
+gap> CategoryByName("IsMagma");
+gap> f := function() atomic readonly FILTER_REGION do return ForAll([1..Length(FILTERS)], id -> id = IdOfFilter(FILTERS[id])); od; end;;
+gap> f();