All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. For each version listed below, changes are grouped to describe their impact on the project, as follows:
for new featuresChanged
for changes in existing functionalityDeprecated
for once-stable features removed in upcoming releasesRemoved
for deprecated features removed in this releaseFixed
for any bug fixesSecurity
to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities
- work in progress on ganttlab/ganttlab-live issues...
- Tasks are now ordered by their Gantt due date by default !6 (alwinmarkcf)
- Avoid a GitLab API 502 failure if there are too many projects in a group
- Updated vue-gitlab-api to use the newest GitLab API v4
0.5.0 - 2018-06-09
- GanttStart and GanttDue now support time and timezones !5 (khartahk)
- Now using milestone due date before using a fallback due date set to "start + 1 day" !3 (Marzn)
- A bug when the GanttStart date were not used to fallback to "start + 1 day"
- vue-multiselect styles are now contained in a separate file
- Default values causing vue-multiselect to fail !2 (jabis)
- A bug with malformed GanttStart or GanttDue dates causing rendering to fail
- Weird case with GitLab issues descriptions coming with different line break characters
0.4.0 - 2016-12-05
- Now comes with integrated GitHub support
- Information about GitHub support in Readme
- Refined look and feel, drastically improved login screen
- Styling has been moved from components to SCSS style sheets
- An edge case avoiding selection of a group project on large groups
- A white screen while paginated, due to lack of scroll to top behavior
- The useless scrolling after lowering number of issues expected per page
0.3.0 - 2016-11-24
- Width of Gantt chart is now calculated on browser window width, making it full screen
- Improved and refined global UI
- A button to refresh current display, keeping filtering and pagination state
- One can now share or bookmark a GanttLab Live link with full issue filtering configuration
- The expected "Remember me" checkbox, backed by browser localStorage
- User is now able to search for projects, or for groups and projects in this group
- Today vertical axis on the Gantt chart is now dashed for readability
- Pagination and issues per page is now shown only at the bottom
- GanttLab has been renamed GanttLab Live and moved to
- GanttLab Live is now hosted on
- Main filtering menu has been reordered for a common behavior (first selected option is left)
- Now using vue-multiselect component to replace and improve vanilla select
- A padding problem causing useless horizontal scrolling on the page
- Today is now always on the Gantt chart, even if it is out of range or not on an existing tick
- Insights to Google Analytics is useless and has been removed
0.2.0 - 2016-11-05
- A simple pagination system, allowing user to view all issues on the Gantt chart
- An option to let user choose how many issues will be shown on the Gantt chart
- Issues bars in the Gant chart are now linked to the issue on the GitLab instance
- Issue title in the Gantt chart is now clicable with a link to the issue on the GitLab instance
- One can provide a Google Analytics tracking code to get insights to its GanttLab instance
- Private and Personal Access Token links are automatically generated with GitLab instance URL
- Token links now on top of Readme for users of GanttLab Live
- Made it clear providing Private Token or Personal Access Token is the same
- A downloading spinner attached to the GitLab instance URL top right
- Now using vue-gitlab-api to achieve cleaner code and easier improvments
- Readme now indicates no more steps to run it now, as it is running live on GitLab page
- Login screen includes a link to original repository for more readings
- An help button is now displayed next to the close button
- All issues created by user are automatically displayed at start without any click needed
- New top bar displaying user avatar and name on left, and GitLab instance URL with close button top right
- Trailing slash is now automatically removed from the GitLab instance URL
- Default token on production config is now empty, to provide better login screen experience
- An error message is displayed with full GitLab API URL on login screen if connection failed
- User is now able to close GitLab connection and choose another server on the login screen
- A login screen is now asking for GitLab URL and Private Token
- Application initial behavior has been refined
- Project has been renamed from "GitLab Gantt" to "GanttLab"
- Bold red for today label and vertical axis on the gantt graph ganttlab/ganttlab-live#3
- Issue description could be null if created by GitLab API
- This CHANGELOG file to hopefully serve as an evolving example of a standardized open source project CHANGELOG
- Groups are searched by current user name
- GitLab url and token, along with Moment.js locale are defined in configuration files
- A gantt chart derived from a D3.js based on Visavail.js work and Moment.js date manipulations
- The GanttStart and GanttDue string are configurable
- GanttDue string in issue description overrides the due date (for the edge cases it could be needed)
- GanttStart string in issue description overrides the creation date as the gantt start date
- Gantt start and due date are automatically calculated with issue creation date and due date
- Implemented bash scripts for a deadly simple "run it now!" steps
- Using vue-resource to get data in right from GitLab API
- Config files for dev and prod environments has been removed, gitignored, and replaced by example files
- A specific data URI is used to display an empty favicon
- README includes a preview, and describes main topics to get started
- Initial vue-cli scaffolding with webpack plugin