It's a forum which is integrated with smokefree project. People can discuss about quitting smoke
There are two digital ocean droplets available. One for test and one for production respectively.
Environment | IP | RAM | Git branch | domain names |
test | | 1024MB | master | |
production | | 1024MB | master | Not yet decided |
Both the test and production server configuration are exact replicas. The default images provided by Digital ocean was used. You would find more information about this here.
- Rails servers are fronted by Nginx
- ROR is deployed on Unicorn.
- The database is POSTGRES
- Preferred clients are [PGADMIN]
- Both are deployed from github via https
Both nginx and unicorn are configured as services
- service nginx stop
- service nginx start
- service nginx restart
- service unicorn stop
- service unicorn start
- service unicorn restart
- service postgresql stop
- service postgresql start
- service postgresql restart
For sending emails and running background jobs
To start in test server [env: profile] : bundle exec sidekiq -d -L sidekiq.log -e profile
To start in production server [env: production] : bundle exec sidekiq -d -L sidekiq.log -e production
TODO: Still need to add some more info