Warning: This app is still in a very Proof of Concept/Alpha stage. If you want to try it get it from the Play Store (opt-in https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.greenaddress.abcore) or directly from GitHub https://github.com/greenaddress/abcore/releases/tag/v0.23alphaPoC
Android Bitcoin Core is an Android app that fetches bitcoin core daemon and dependencies and is meant to make it easier to run Bitcoin Core daemon node on always on Android set top box devices and home appliances.
The dependencies are fetched from either a Debian or Arch mirror (currently providing respectively Bitcoin Core 0.11.1 and Bitcoin Core 0.11.2) and the node is meant to be used as a personal node when on the go.
ABCore is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
ABCore doesn't do any kind of phone home, doesn't have In-App Purchase or advertising.
During the initial configuration connects to a user selectable Debian or Arch Linux mirror to fetch the required dependencies and once it is installed it only communicates with the rest of the Bitcoin network like any normal full node.
ABCore requires a fair amount of ram (tested with 2GB) and a fair amount of disk space (tested with 100GB) as well as a decent always on connection - 3G or 4G is not adviced.
We also do not advice to use this as a wallet, we advice to use this as your personal blockchain anchor when on the go with wallets that support to set a personal node.
The contributors of ABCore are not liable for any cost or damage caused by the app including but not limited to data charges/penalties.
Lawrence Nahum twitter.com/LarryBitcoin
Icon Design
Ottavio Fontolan otta88.box@gmail.com
Special thanks to the Bitcoin Dev team, the Debian and Arch Linux teams and to github.com/Polve for JavaBitcoindRpcClient.