This timer is made only for casting and observing purposes to be seen by viewers in the top of the screen. The purpose of this timer is to give some kind of visual indicator about the remaining time without destroying the hype by letting people know if there is no time left for defuse.
There is no use for using this if you intend to play with a bomb timer. Just use the 10 Second Warning Music instead. CSGO makes a random delay for bomb plant signal to prevent abusing it for timer purposes unless you're a spectator.
I used Tsuriga's Game State Integration Quick Start Guide as a template when I started to figure out how to work with the game state integration.
And to be honest this is also a some kind of rip-off from one of the huds that PGL used at some point.
It's basically a thin line in the top of the screen that starts to shrink from both ends. During the process it changes color from yellow to red. Defuse line is blue.
Examples (outdated, I'll update these at some point):
- Bomb goes all the way and explodes
- Terrorists kill the remaining CTs before the bomb explodes
- CTs defuse the bomb
You can choose to keep it red (PGL style) the whole time by changing colorfade variable in index.html to 0.
The default settings are made for 1920 width canvas. If you have larger or smaller resolution than Full HD you can switch the width and height in the index.html by modifying c_bomb.width, c_bomb.height, c_def.width and c_def.width. If you have the Full HD canvas but want to change the length you can do it by changing MAX_LENGTH_BOMB and MAX_LENGTH_DEF.
Install node.js to Windows
Clone/unzip the repository to your computer
Go to that folder with your command prompt and enter
npm install
After installation is done:
node bombtimer.js
Do the OBS stuff
Create a new Browser Source
Check Local file, browser the folder and select index.html
Width: 1920
Height: 1080
Custom CSS:
body { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; }
- [x] Shutdown source when not visible
- [x] Refresh browser when scene becomes available
Copy the gamestate_integration_bombtimer.cfg to your cfg folder
steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
You can test this with the following options:
- Use the dummy page
- Use the dummy data provided by either using curl or POSTMAN or whatever
- Go to a random server with GOTV and hope that they plant the bomb.
- Play yourself against bots or players and keep in mind that if you are playing instead of being a spectator, the game will send the bomb plant message with a random delay.
If you want to test this with a real browser instead of Browser source of OBS, use URL in your browser.
Ask me if you have any. My DM is open on Twitter and Reddit.