Typewriting. Words. Time. This game plays with them.
Typo is the Project that I've started for fun and to dive deeper into Svelte Framework.
Hit the star button on the top-right if you like it.
- Multiple Playmodes to play with words
- Dark theme
- Command palette to tune-up your settings
- Dedicated dev branch/server for rolling out untested features.
Client: SvelteJS
Utils: Rollup, ESLint
Hosted at: Surge
- Words from WordFind
- SVG from UnDraw
- Awesome README from readme.so
- Logo from Flaticon
- Advanced Favicon from RealFaviconGenerator
The application currently has words classified into 3 types based the character length. Each type currently has 100 words summing up to 300 words totally. All the words used in this application are fetched from WordFind.
- Add more Modes to play with
- Add mobile Virtual Keyboard support
- Create a unified way to compete with friends
- Create a profile to save user preferences and records that syncs to the cloud.
For support, email chandranchan321@gmail.com.