- CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
pip install -r reqirments.txt
- dataset: the Beijing Taxi Dataset
- For privacy reasons, we are unable to provide the Beijing taxi dataset. If you wish to use the Porto dataset, you can download it from Porto Taxi Trajectory Data.
- use
bash scripts/data_processing.sh
- use utils/beijing2traj.py to convert the original trajectory points of the Beijing dataset into trajectories.
- save the file obtained in the first step to data/beijing.csv.
- use utils/preprocessing_beijing.py to process the data.
If you are using beijing dataset, you may modify all 'dataset' field in scripts to 'beijing'.
- distort
- use
bash scripts/run_fed-trajCl_distort.sh
- use
- downsampling
- use
bash scripts/run_fed-trajCl_downsampling.sh
- use
- hit_ratio
- use
bash scripts/run_fed-trajCl_simi.sh
- use
- distort
- use
bash scripts/run_fedavg_distort.sh
- use
- downsampling
- use
bash scripts/run_fedavg_downsampling.sh
- use
- hit_ratio
- use
bash scripts/run_fedavg_simi.sh
- use