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-1 What shortening ? Is that another name for margarines ?
-1 Have you done this before Nick ? How is the cost compared to a grocery store ?
1 Sorry for my misspelling . Any recipes on using it ?
-1 Is it easy to use the small pump ? Have you noticed some differences ?
1 That pretty cool actually . Would love to see this with a harder tire though . Do you have manufacturer ordering information ?
-1 Just curious how much did the leveling job cost ?
1 Cool idea . I'm curious though how can one drill all the way through 80 of door in a straight line ?
1 Thanks for your answer . Could you expand on what 2 hot wires are ? Does that mean 2 live wires ?
1 Are any of these answers useful enough for you to consider accepting one ? If not what else would you need in an answer ?
-1 I find this answer confusing . If it is a hollandaise how can it be made without yolk ? Where do the emulsifiers come from ? Could you maybe explain a bit more how it is made ?
-1 Are your brakes not working or just making noise ? The noise is fairly common for wet disk brakes . But do they still stop you ?
-1 How hot was your oven did you glaze the pastry prior to baking ?
1 Is there anything else in specific you would like to know about the selecting coffee beans for roasting ?
1 That sounds amazing Can I have the link ? D
1 great points . Just out of curiosity is there a reason that you would prefer steel over aluminum or are you just commenting that it would probably hold up well ?
-1 I think you have a point but are these dishes popular with Indians because they are easily identified as vegetarian ?
-1 how to use drush ? or database ? please help me more ...?
-1 I've never even questioned this before but now you mention it why is it OK for boards but not for knives ?
1 is there a particular book you would recommend to get started with molecular gastronomy ?
-1 Seems like this is a cooking method question . What type of appliance do you use to roast your beef and why ?
1 Thanks for the tip . What is the best way to freeze it though ? I mean aside from what I make with it when I finally decide to eat it how do I best store it for another day ?
1 You're brilliant . Thanks :) Now could you just tell me how to make the view show the fields as rows not columns ?
1 Thanks for the poking tip ! How long to cook ?
1 Can you remember any other specific ingredients that might differentiate it ?
1 Thanks for the update where did you find out that the construction has changed ?
1 Aha thanks that makes some sense although can't flexible gas pipes be used if that a concern ?
-1 Maybe it necessary to phrase this another way is there any food that everybody can eat ?
-1 I guess it kind of an obvious suggestion but Have you tried kohlrabi ?
-1 Sorry I have to ask is Taxonomy module enabled ?
-1 can you explain how why rocking your bike reduces your gear ratio ?
1 Thanks for the info this is enlightening . A followup question with panniers do you find it necessary to use a pair with the content weight somewhat balanced between the sides ?
-1 Any chance of following this up ?
-1 First you need to be precise in what you want to describe . What kind of Illy are we talking about ?
1 Welcome to the site ! Are the rims the same size on both bikes ?
-1 By protective plates do you mean fenders http questions/573/whats your most useful cycle accessory/587#587 ?
-1 For uninitiated person like me which one of the bikes in your photos is the MTB and which one is the CX ?
-1 Have you considered performing a simple test measuring how long it takes your cold water to boil versus warm water ?
1 That is awesome ! I would love to see bikes like that on sale and on the roads over here . Interesting that the frame geometry is relaxed a lot more than most UK bikes . Any idea on price ?
-1 So a fixed gear with no brakes would count ? I mean using the pedals to stop the rear wheel does qualify no ?
1 Thanks . BTW should I mince the parsley before frying it ?
-1 Please declare what your relationship is with HomeSpot . Are you the owner ?
-1 What the benefit of the horizontal dropout ? Is it safety ? Is it just a style ? Is it ease of maintenance ?
-1 I feel that way just from working all week are you sure it from the riding ?
1 Can you estimate what the warmest in rain air temperature is in which you could or would wear it for an hour ?
-1 I feel I'm on the receiving end of a cross cultural dialect issue :) What geographic location is this relevant to ?
1 A very good explanation . Thanks . Which degrees are those ? Fahrenheit or Celcius ?
-1 I dont understand Toeing in Will and by brake calipers do you mean brake pads ?
-1 How do you pronounce this pan near panny air pan near ?
-1 Could you provide some more details ? How fast day week ? Are there other ingredients beside water flour starter salt ?
1 Is there any further information you'll need for a proper answer to this ?
-1 Could there be a subtle aging process going on an overnight evaporation which leaves a more concentrated base behind ?
-1 Never did it but I'm curious ! Isn't it too starchy ?
-1 That an odd dimension for the height . You're sure it not 80 ?
1 Thank you for your answer . For the acidic rub do you mean like lemon juice ? Or more like yoghurt to permeate tenderize the meat ?
-1 Just to clarify is this a 20ft span with two 10ft beams and a post in the middle that will support the ends of the two 10ft beams ? If so why not just make a 20ft beam ?
-1 Yikes . Don't stoves usually provide heat that too uneven and would tend to stress and break glass ?
-1 I'm not sure I understand your second paragraph could you go into more detail ?
1 Nice Looks like a good book . Do you suppose you might be able to list some of the more advanced techniques they describe or provide an excerpt ?
-1 feel free to share the specifics of the space it quite relevant to the question . Is the space shape odd or is it hard to get to or what ?
-1 I think I understand now The pawls prevent the pedals from spinning around like crazy and mangling your feet ?
-1 I'm sorry I don't follow you Ok this is where I would tell my popup to close . But window.close won't work here either will it ?
1 Thanks for the info ! Did you need to do anything special to get theme preprocess hooks working ?
1 I'm unfamiliar with the principles behind mixing paint . Can you briefly explain how this works so people like me may better answer the spirit of your question ?
1 Interesting question . Even if you didn't end up with a powder as a result how can you make a stock or consume so pure that it doesn't taste like meat anymore ?
1 Those look really cool ! Do you keep it at the same temperature as your eggs ?
1 Thanks Tom Still getting broken missing handler errors when adding filters though Any ideas ?
1 Thanks really useful . But is the foam strictly necessary ? What are the disadvantages of not using this ?
1 Please share some recipies of those pastas/1 dish meals ?
-1 Don't want to be picky I assume that less than 3 hours from the finish should be more less than 250km from the end of a 600km but am interested in how much less ?
-1 lovely answers here but isn't the diameter twice the radius of a circle ?
1 Thanks Chris . Appreciate the prompt response . Would I need to add any cleanser after physically removing it ?
-1 Glad it fixed . What a sensai mechanic ?
-1 Doesn't this presume that the wall thicknesses are the same ? What will it mean if they are not ?
1 Sorry to be a pain but where did you go to get that screenshot ? Views Select the View Displays Filter Criteria and then ?
-1 Stupid question perhaps but what do the numbers in 25/15/15 and 10/7/7 represent ?
1 Great answer . Is it enough for the jam to reach 220 F or does it need to stay there a while ?
1 thanks with prepopulate where do I modify the url ?
-1 I'm not quite sure how this will work . There are hundreds of different tools used in a chef kitchen . Any suggestions on how to organize it ?
1 Thanks for the response . I'm looking for a way to do something like record a route and submit that . Do you know of anything like that ?
-1 How long is your commute ? Over what sort of terrain ? How often do you commute via bike ?
1 sorry what do you mean by processing power ?
1 Thanks for the answer do you know of anything I could use for the fixings with the foundations ?
1 Can you please explain what it does ?
-1 What do you mean with evenly ? Outside evenly brown or inside evenly done ?
1 Thanks I will try this . How much can the temperature fluctuate ? How close to 20C does it need to be ?
1 Could you tell us more about the protective plates ?
-1 One clarification are you looking for races to watch or races to participate in ?
1 wow thanks ! combined with baffledcook tips this basically covers everything not covered by experimentation would a lasagna freeze well ? my guess is a definite no ?
-1 I'm not familiar with refresh used this way . Are you rinsing them ? Changing the water ?
1 Thanks for the answer . However I don't have a grill can I cook it on a pan ? Why medium well is not properly cooked ?
1 Any wisdom as to how to get the vinegar to not smell ?
-1 Can you specify the order of the layers if you make lasagne ?
-1 Have you actually installed one of these things on your website and what experiences did you have with it ?
1 Very good ! Thanks . So in UK terms rumb and eye of round have the same characteristics and both can be used as an example of a well known tough piece of meat requiring more work ?
-1 +1 Didn't know that about coated materials do you know if the coating comes off in that situation or is it ruined and just stays on ?
-1 As a side question how do you prevent the kefir from developing little tiny useless curds and instead evenly thickening into something like yogurt ?
-1 Silly question does it maybe need more salt ?
-1 Is it possible that just that one board is not sealed so rain water is soaking into the wood ?
-1 OK but $node body is an array yeah ? Can you just print it out like that ?
-1 Could this be sublimed to something that is best described as a development manifesto ? Is that what we should essentially be looking for ?
1 @Micheal Thanks.Could you please elaborate on how I could set this up ?
-1 Dunno if it a language barrier but I don't get how seasoning can be connected to the rust issue ?
-1 if i'm not mistaken this goes on the front right ?
-1 Was the stuck batter really brown ? Did it stick on the sides ?
-1 You have 3-4 cups of juices left after a roast ? How big was the roast ?!
1 @freiheit Thanks for the answer . Where can I get these items ? Can I get some of them combined whichever I want to have or do I have to buy separately each of what I need ?
-1 should i be worried about the condensate backing up and dripping through the air handler furnace and down in to the duct work ?
-1 Are you sure you should use plural even refering to less than one numbers ? Wouldn't it be 0.50 dollar ?
-1 What sort of fruit are you using ? Are you adding pectin or getting from fruit too ?
-1 @yossarian Have you made this yet ? How did it work out ?
-1 By pepper do you mean red pepper ? I have seen the cayenne chocolate and love it but are you referring to black pepper ?
1 Can you please show me how to do it with colorbox ?
1 Thanks How much batter do you use for each shell ?
-1 Do you want it congee style ? Do you like yours fluffy ?
1 can you explain more please ?
-1 Is a toaster oven apt for heating a pizza stone ? sorry no experiences with t.o . here How long does it take to get enough temp ?
1 Thanks . The wall is 10 1/2 feet wide . Also how much excess carpet should I leave in order to have enough to tuck it between the tack strip and baseboard ?
1 Wow that thing looks awesome ! Is it quick easy to attach ?
-1 Bluetooth enable in widows you have alternate operating system Windows ?
1 Great idea on the mixed meat . I'll give a 50/50 a try . BTW isn't much sausage cured ground beef ?
1 Welcome to Bicycles.SE ! Your question is quite similar to What are the utmost important things to bring on a ride Is there anything you're looking to find out that not already addressed in this earlier question ?
-1 Could you please clarify both integral and interesting a bit ? They're subjective which is why this is appropriately CW . The molecular cooking should make the dish a more intense version of the dish not something gimmicky is that your point ?
-1 I know this is a bit obvious but when you fry them do you squish them with the skillet at all as they're cooking ?
-1 Out of interest with the cutting down on sleep do you think that this is sustainable longer term ? When you say your other half works part time how part time is that ?
1 Could you please tell us what toppings are on them ?
-1 Are we talking about using online sites such as Hulu ? Or like recording and watching cable TV ?
1 Can you please tell me how to use this PHP code and what it does ?
1 @Gulshan Sorry obvious question is there a reason this can't be a web application and or done w something like Adobe Air ?
-1 Just curious how much is a bunch of fresh mint where you are ?
-1 What kind of network interface are you talking about ? eth wireless ?
-1 was the oil in the pan really hot did you add the batter with the pan on the heat or not ?
1 Dry mustard ? Or prepared ?
-1 Are you concerned with the fact that these are glass or that they're shallow pans ?
-1 Wow this really is a broad question ! Can you mention what you already tried ?
1 Well what does the message say ? It must give some more detail than that somewhere
-1 I'm confused shouldn't the temperature of olive oil be lower than the one of sunflower or peanut oil ?
-1 1 What recipe are you currently using 2 Have you tried putting fruit or something else moist in there ?
1 Do you mind also explaining why bikes have this feature ?
-1 Bipolar ? Electronic Jekyll Hyde ? P
-1 Tell us what type of coating . Is it a dry whitish streaks or spots ? Is it clear but has a texture ?
-1 Can you specify sometimes ? When does it work and when not ?
-1 any idea what makes a light green tea different ? Does it have less of the actual green tea leaves ?
1 That a very appealing recipe by the way . Do you have a cast iron waffle iron ? What are you using to cook them ?
1 We were actually also interested in this idea . Can you give a little more detail as to how you do this ? When do you add the water ? How much water ?
-1 useless IDE fluff ? Is that an accurate term from a non MS perspective ?
1 Wow what a brilliant and crazy question ! Can I ask what you're going to do with it ? Candlemaking ?
1 do the restaurant ones have sauce on the top ? Or do they just put some cheese on and whack it under the grill ?
1 sorry I can't find a folding trike on the Catrike website do you know the model name ?
1 thank you for that . Do you think it is possible it just is the limit screws ?
-1 alternative being things like skype or many mainstream messenger client ?
-1 It is very interesting to see answers to related question that @Edward Tanguay included in his answer I often have wondered in which parts of the world England and which social echelons using shall in statements is actually still practiced by native speakers
-1 One of the things we like about them is that they are sort of crispy and it seems like that would be lost if I added water after they fried . Is my assumption wrong ?
-1 Would it be possible for you to link to exact url ? Is the url live somewhere ?
1 I'm aware of WSOD Walkthrough but none of the reasons seems to apply this case have you added the error reporting in the index.php ? Do you get some errors then ?
1 Christian could you please provide a reference for the recipes that you have seen tried ? What do you want to use the syrup for ? Is this a syrup to sweeten your coffee or a coffee and caramel syrup for desserts ?
1 How did you install it ? Did you use the the Ubuntu packages ?
-1 What platform ? Android ? iOS Mac PSN ?
1 So how on earth do I overwrite the existing files without deleting all of the custom content ? CSS markup etc
-1 Are you limited to using a microwave ? Or is that just a preference ?
-1 Isn't Scotland part of Britain ? What would you call their variant of English ?
-1 Are you deactivating the same plugin multiple times ? Or does that message comes on every plugin deactivation of multiple plugins ?
1 Thankyou best answer so far ! Did you buy these shoes so you could ride in to work and wear them all day or did you not fancy any of the Shimano golf shoes ?
-1 did't you just ask this on the Ubuntu Forum ? Same person ?
-1 So currently you're on 3.1.2 correct ? When you downgraded did you use a stock firmware or did you just put the redsn0w image on there right away ?
-1 1 You should probably edit the original question 2 Agreed that unprofessional 3 You let recruiters IM you ? Are you crazy ?
1 Can you define butter spread for us ? Do you mean margarine or other non butter spreads ? Or is there some spread that uses butter as a component that you're referring to ?
1 What does visible to cities mean ? What range ?
1 Are you using fresh herbs or dry ? What is the dish ?
-1 @Evan ? Is this a car thing ?
-1 Have you tried upgrading using the tools provided with core ? What errors have you encountered ?
1 How lay are we talking about here ? Do you have some knowledge of Galilean dynamics and Newtonian mechanics ?
-1 Why was this closed ? Is this question answered elsewhere on SE ?
1 Please explain science behind the darker the color of the metal of the muffin tin the more it will brown its contents in relation to being in a domestic oven ?
1 What are you interested in achieving ? Which other features would you like to see in the module ?
-1 What do you want to display there ? A View a custom made page a node ...?
-1 Just out of interest is it now considered acceptable to utilize utilize instead of using use as in the question above ? Or should I stop worrying about this ?
-1 Can you enable it again manually ? and if so how ?
-1 What happens if you try other alternative keyboard ? Do you lose them as well or is it just Swype ?
1 As opposed to ? What should it be instead ?
1 just out of curiosity why would you want to wipe out all but the absolutely necessary fonts ? Is it a disk space constraint ?
-1 I don't know if this will help but what do you get if you use a different language ? Does changing to English and then back to Italian change things ?
-1 Also what your workflow ? Are you shooting raw ?
1 @Olof Sorry for the typo ! I wanted to ask whether all primary operators are annihilated by $S$ and $ bar S $ ?
1 and @Nico Have you tried my solution ? Did it fix the problem ?
-1 what environment operating system do you use Mac PC iPhone etc
1 What do you actually want ? Check if a certificate is valid or force wget to connect only if a certificate is valid ?
-1 Is this a fresh install ? Have you tried running a fresh install ?
-1 @Edward can you be more specific about what these three terms are supposed to refer to ? Do you mean the machine running the software the business that provides you the machine or something else ?
1 Are you unable to change it back ? Or are you just curious as to how it got changed ?
-1 Can you post a picture ? Understanding where the soil and stones are coming from would be the first step to understand how to prevent the soil and stones from building up ?
1 Ising or Icing ??
-1 Is the 2x4 laid across the ceiling joists ? How widely spaced are the joists ?
-1 Web Apps ? How about Meta Stack Overflow ? :)
-1 Why not share your library over Bonjour so she can access your music ? Or is there something else you want her to do ?
-1 what is a seawall ? It is a name that is only used in the USA
1 The Smalltalk one ? The CLOS one ?
-1 What does scomposition mean ? Do you mean decomposition ?
-1 Do you mean What can you do with Drush that goes beyond what you can do through the Drupal web interface or Can Drush be used for things besides Drupal
-1 Whats SiteMinder ? Link ?
-1 Which end are you talking about the part that plugs into the car for the part that plugs into the phone ?
-1 What do mean by theme a prompt theme ?
-1 That first parameter will be your page title Have you tested this code ? What exactly are you trying to accomplish and what are you seeing that not the behavior you want ?
1 native ? You compile to the microcode for your particular processor or the generic x86 instruction set ?
1 Community wiki ? Also sigoldberg1 can we have a link
-1 Touched upon in Do All Adverbs End in Ly http do all adverbs end in ly.aspx section What Are Flat Adverbs .
1 I've never heard of this it sounds really interesting though and I'd like to try it next time I make meatballs . About how long does it take to cook them this way ?
-1 Is there something imperfect about your current grips that you'd like to improve on ? Do you wear gloves ?
1 What are you trying to say ? You want a Registry Editor ?
1 Pizza powder ? What that ?
1 Shouldn't it be then reasonable to expect you to ask how are you DOING I'm doing good instead of how are you ?
1 I assume you've already considered using the Featured Image and decided it doesn't meet your use case ? Are these a large number of existing posts or are you designing a system for posts to be added in the future
1 Have you tried running it from the command line ? softwareupdate list to see if it spits out any errors ?
1 What do you mean with thickness ? Moduli ?
1 Would a tool that provides an RSS feed for a tag work alright ? What OS are you using ?
-1 Does this mean that below 78.5 C dry ice will precipitate out of the air ? Or is there freezing point depression due to the atmosphere being a solution mixture of several gases
-1 @Kara Perhaps rephrase the question Is it OK to listen to music while cycling ? When I first saw the title I thought it might be something like What types of music do you listen to while cycling
1 Is it possible you have an error in your remove_action http Function_Reference remove_action and add_action http Function_Reference add_action call ? Your second parameter is show but shouldn't it be the function you are adding or removing ?
-1 Is your air conditioning running all day and not able to get the house temperature down to 78F ? Or is it on and off like normal expected operation all day long ?
1 Please clarify something for me . Are you getting leaks from the top of the valve itself or from the base where the stem meets the rubber tube ?
1 Are you hardcoding the node id in the second method but it won't load the node ? Or is the question why you aren't getting that node id in the second method ?
1 what is EPST ? What are you trying to do ?
1 How do you sync the flash ? Do you mean that you just press the shutter button and then try to manually activate the flash in time to light the picture ?
1 I am really disappointed that common speech allows the use of who like that and I think I am correct when I say that if the cashier had said Can I help whomever is next you will hear snickering in line and a subtle Why is she speaking like that .
1 What is this folder used for ? I've never heard of it before ?
1 @George Have you picked a license yet ? kind of needed to set that up or lets pick this up in e mail ?
1 Wow that is a great answer ! Thanks for the answer . One more question for you though . How can I tell what the float of the pedal is ?
1 Could you rephrase that as more of an ethical question Ok is it right to buy a Chrysler
1 Shouldn't this be a community wiki ? It doesn't have a clearly correct answer ?
1 hm can one award a bounty to a question as in reward the author for this awesome script ?
-1 Could you try to render a case use of the jussive mood from another language into english ? As in how would you use the imperative to command he she it them separately from the second person ?
1 Limericks ? Do you mean mnemonics ?
-1 Is your profile at 85-100% completion ? Also how active are you ?
-1 Is it something I can fix myself easily then ? Or does it require some esoteric knowledge which Local Bike shop owners gain through years of study ?
1 @Sky Sanders is support for fromdate todate on the TODO list ? If so any idea when it will be implemented ?
1 Oh and since this is a story telling kind of topic shouldn't this be CW Does it need 30 answers first and can users with rep 100 still answer then
1 so the airport is in one feature class and the destination in another feature class ? You wish to join all airports to all destinations ?
-1 there is documentation too if that your style where can I find the docs ? Is it just https lucjon Py StackExchange blob master ?
-1 I'm not sure about this but I assume that in commercial yoghurt there is a lot of sugar added . Did you add any ?
-1 Are you using the Flash display stack and vector objects or are you bitmap blitting ? What sort of scenes are we talking about that are running slowly ?
-1 Could you rephrase This much days It work smoothly ? Do you mean the same stick worked some days ago ?
1 how far off of their true locations are the points ? meters or not even in the right general area ?
-1 Does the motor by itself ever start on its own or does it always require a boost to make it start ? Also what type of door opener is it chain belt or screw ?
1 Is it a bluetooth keyboard ? And does this Apple link http kb/TA23441 viewlocale en_US by chance help at all ?
-1 Harmless for them ? Or harmless for you when they come find their revenge ?
1 so you saying that Facebook is a small company ? with 5 billion dollar in value ?
1 Could you possibly expand on the difference between fluorescent and reflective clothing ? Until now I would have thought they were more or less the same . Is it simply a matter of the degree of reflectivity ?
1 Do you mean the font size of a TTY or of a terminal within X If the latter which terminal emulator ?
1 What about installing TTS Service Extended ? Does that do anything for you ?
-1 What platform are you looking at ? Can you use Google Maps to draw shapes ?
-1 Where are you envisioning this sample content would be located to be automatically imported ? I assume you are doing something more complex than just a Settings Import
1 Is location important or are you just looking for a hierarchy ? I see you are going to be using categorization by location but are you planning on using attributes like a lookup table or a spatial search like what near me ?
-1 You mean other than when things like taste heat tolerance health etc are factors ? Or is that what you are asking ?
1 What the deal here ? Question asked and answered by the same person who profile is mysteriously not linked any more ?
1 What filters are you hooking to ? Can you post one of your functions that fails to modify the_content ?
-1 Say I want to estimate a large number of parameters this could be made more precise What is the framework ? I guess it is linear regression ?
1 Do the writers of the GRE write illogical yet grammatical sentences like this to intentionally trip people up ? Or do they really think this way ?
-1 This guys is both an MCSE sysadmin AND an MCSD and you're gonna waste his time with reading logfiles ?
-1 Bike planes ? Do you mean bike lanes ?
1 absolutely correct UMM what is in the blue J box on back side of the wall possible junction location for an extension wire ???
1 bring what back ? how are bluetooth and killing processes related ?
-1 can you give details of what exactly these tar files are supposed to contain what is the script supposed to do with the output of pdflatex ?
1 good idea . you have to chop them right ?
1 Can we pass a law that cars may not be operated within 100 yards of children under the age of 6 Which law would have a greater impact on public health ?
-1 Have you considered a Dremel tool ? Or is it not a fine enough cut ?
1 Does saying bin sh l fix it ? If not what about switching to another shell like tcsh l ?
-1 In your picture with the green wire I see the magnetic field and the current but where is the force pointing ? And now what I am confused about is if you now coil this wire up in the picture I have attached where are the force lines pointing ?
-1 How is the complex number c given to the Turing machine ? Are you considering in terms of Turing machines over real complex numbers ?
1 Is your intention to stop and then shoot ? Or are you also looking for firing ranges that allow bicycles ?
-1 Was it prepared on board or was it a commercial product ? Was it more like a tea or was it carbonated ?
-1 Crudo ? You mean raw fish like sashimi ?
-1 @genneth I'm not convinced ... I feel there can be some initial distribution of these particles resulting into some binary system or something revolving each other but not collapsing . Dare to prove this wrong ?
1 Good idea . I am wondering will this compromise the moistness of the meat ?
-1 Heap with linked list of records + balanced binary tree keyed on priority pointing to corresponding linked list won't work ? What am I missing ?
1 If it just a matter of a few specialised custom macros then a bit of find and replace would suffice no ? Or is the problem that they won't accept certain packages macros ?
1 Thanks for the detailed answer that really helpful . Is there a way to recognise double triple butted tubes on eg used frames ? Can you hear the thickness change by flicking it with a fingernail ?
-1 Step 1 acquire a piglet . seriously what your geography
-1 Do you have an existing Windows and Ubuntu installation ? Do you just want to change the boot order ?
1 Are the warped spots reachable from the doorway ? If so could you use a bent nose pliers to straighten the track ?
-1 I have the Nikon D3100 and was wondering if the autofocus on the Nikon AF S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens would work with it ? also i am going to buy Sigma Zoom Super Wide Angle 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC OS Optical Stabilizer does this particular lens support D3100 ?
-1 Hello Blix and welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . To which version of Drupal are you interested ?
-1 I've always pondered if there were any 3D games classified as Metroidvania . Do you know of any other than the Prime series which I've always considered in the spirit of the classification but never really dwelled on it ?
-1 not sure what a sewage ejection pump is any links ?
-1 My touchpad never works when a USB mouse is plugged in . Could that be the case ?
-1 Do you mean the metapackage ubuntu desktop ? Or the default applications gnome panel and such that make up the Desktop install of Ubuntu ?
-1 Outside or inside ? Is there are paint or enamel or anything on the wood already ?
1 Do you _really_ want python to do the conversion ? What are the disadvantages in your view of simply calling pdflatex as an external command ?
-1 Are you running a dedicated server with your own VMs or do you have one VM provided by a hosting company ? Or are you talking about vhosts in regard of apache being multi homed ?
-1 Is this the headset microphone or microphone microphone ? Or could you link to the product ?
-1 I think all of the issues in one questions is not ideal here . Would it be possible to separate the issues into distinct questions ?
-1 Same here . @germanus Can you provide more information ?
-1 Can you determine if it a software or hardware issue ? What happens if you boot into the Mac OS installer or some other bootable CD ?
-1 Could you elaborate on what you mean by square ish ? How squarish is square ish ?
1 Would it be possible for you to expand clarify your question ? Perhaps word it differently ?
-1 Twitter is a knowledge repository ? Really ?
1 What the problem with Gmail about privacy ? The only issue I saw recently was Google Buzz but I'm not sure that affected the Google Apps accounts did it ?
1 Do you have any module that changes the menu ? May you provide a list of installed modules ?
1 What do you have in mind with Algorithmic approaches ? I gave some examples of applications in my answer is that what you are looking for ?
1 Suggestion to edit the title ? Free Open Source Theme Frameworks as an Alternate to Thesis
-1 Is this just a confused marketing statement ? Or can you point us to a product that does this or a use of this notion in the wild ?
-1 Could you post the image or part of it along with the colours you're trying to apply and what actually happens to the image ? is it the whole image that changes colour or just the colour you're applying that wrong
-1 Are these links stored in a database ? How are these links generated ?
1 Is your work email a Gmail account or Exchange etc Which email app are you using ?
-1 Can you explain why you need a text file dump of a bunch of synonyms ? Why not just use http synonyms ?
-1 Using Apache ? How about mod_security ?
-1 Try installing a JRE eg apt get install openjdk-6-jre possibly the one from the 10.04 repo _before_ trying the full upgrade . Does it work ?
-1 What operating system do you use ? Windows or Mac ?
1 First 30 days or last 30 days ? Nothing seems to start at 0 is that just a side effect of the first day traffic questions spike ?
1 Do you want to connect your wiki with other systems ? Bug tracking customer support planning ?
1 I cannot understand the exact question but if you want to define something like Petri nets why don t you define your object by describing the difference from Petri nets ? What is the difference between your object and acyclic Petri nets ?
-1 How many recipients is mass ? Also does it need to be a 3rd-party service ?
1 are you using the webSockets API and is this going to be open sourced at all ?
-1 Could you post an example TeX file somewhere ? Also which editor do you use or are you using the Terminal to run pdfLaTeX ?
-1 @code i'm not getting your point here could you elaborate a little bit ? I see badges well wrapped on badge_counts key why do you think they need to ble flattened ?
1 Yes but is getting away with it the best choice ? What about ethics in GIS ?
1 @George will this work in Fedora 15 under the new Gnome 3 Is it in the repositories ?
-1 What do you mean by expected running time ? Are you taking the expectation over some random distribution of inputs as most of the answers seem to think or over the distribution of random bits used by the algorithm the usual meaning for randomized algorithms or both ?
1 Is the crack getting bigger ? After you fix it what happens when you say it comes back ?
1 In my opinion if the variable is significant p 0001 without imputation and you have enough data that is reason enough to leave it alone . What are the confidence intervals telling you ?
1 What do you mean by MobileMail ? The Mail app on the iPhone ?
1 @Mark Trapp Not constructive ? Really ?
1 Why would the detection limits go up ? Are they not a feature of the test instrument rather than that of the sample being tested ?
1 Isn't this too time localized anyway ? How long will at the moment last ?
1 There are many varieties of useful . What do you need want these books for ?
-1 Wait my previous comment may have been jumping the gun What is it you're trying to do Get access to someone else record or go for the bigger SQL Injection vulnerability there ?
-1 Hmmm Apple software on Windows question . I guess the Apple Software part defines the fact that you posted it here ?
1 How turn key do you need it ? Can you add your own features to a base plugin or do you need all the features written for you ?
1 What do you mean ? The best OS to do Arduino development on or the best OS to run on your Arduino a la FreeRTOS ?
1 could you give us more information about Yesterday Yesterday ? IS this a regular folder or a symlink ?
1 What are you trying to optimize ? Do you want to minimize the number of sets ?
1 Do you have a typo in equation 1 ? Right now the second part of 1 involves the second derivative of theta with respect to theta should one of those thetas be a y ?
-1 I can't quite figure out when you're auditing the Transport Phenomena course . It might help to provide more context is motivation really the right word or is it more cause and effect ?
-1 Is the server side going to be written in Java or Python ? Will a simple database on the server suffice or do you need to perform much game logic ?
1 You say you don't want multisite and then when someone mentions multisite you say it a good idea ? Different pages with different things on them is this a joke question ?
1 also did you read through the documentation of add_meta_box at http Function_Reference add_meta_box ?
1 What do you mean by like this ? And for what exactly are you asking a rationale ?
-1 While the title of this question does use Palatable correctly the word http www.merriam dictionary palatable has connotations of mmm tasty Perhaps edit to say easier ?
1 @ Joe . Since this is community Wiki mind if I clean up the intro to get to the details a bit more succinctly ?
-1 What kind of riding do you plan on doing ? Other criteria for this bike ?
-1 @Georg Anyway I inended to answer both questions . Do you think I should edit my answer to make this clearer ?
-1 Parsley is very easy to grow . Could you buy some seeds and put them in a windowsill pot ?
-1 Hmm ... I don't know about this one . Can you give a use case ?
-1 Is your problem that you don't know how to use your mbed to send signals or that you don't know what signals to send ? Or both ? :)
-1 @code Come on I have already made an end user friendly site at http can we stick to what we already have ?
1 It depends on what you are cooking with the egg because they have a few different roles in a dish . Can you provide more information on which dish you are cooking where you want to replace the egg ?
-1 Your kB s is extremely low personally I do not see that I get full speed transfers 400kB/s my broadband limit . Can you check other downloads or streaming and provide information about your connection configuration ?
-1 Well what do your current results look like ? Is the glow you're talking about from the high brightness images having spillover ie pixels that would be black or dim in faster exposures are accumulating more light from nearby light sources in the slower ones throwing off the HDR processing
1 What is the dynamic range of your camera sensor how many bits per pixel ? Can you adjust the pixel format of the raw file ?
-1 I really want to know some context for this question . Why would you ever need a word for someone who loves frogs ?
1 Hello user1293 and welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . To which Drupal version are you interested ?
1 @alexanderpas What servers ? No servers are being mentioned ?
1 Just make a Facebook account ? I thought other sites would just offer it if they can you can't really force them can you ?
-1 Have you tried doing a whois ? Can you give us a sample URL ?
-1 Depends on your PHP experience . What is yours ?
1 How are you getting your data ? ArcGIS Server feeds ? SDE ?
1 by without a public facing server do you mean the kml has to be on the local machine or that you don't want to have to bother with installing configuring buying a public website ? And does the custom map you want to make need to be seen by others or just you ?
-1 Huh I hadn't thought of that . That is strange isn't it ?
-1 I have a basic question . What Wordpress php file is this in ?
1 I can't reproduce this . You have selected Taxonomy Term and not Taxonomy Term ID in the Sort Criteria box ?
1 What does your data look like ? Are the values bound ?
-1 You should probably clarify what kind of framework you're talking about ? 3D Graphics Framework ?
-1 Can you expand on this question a little ? What else to you know about the great prediction ?
1 How did you fix this . It doesn't seem that simply moving your views into separate modules would work ?
1 Not really following what you need are you looking for something like http project hierarchical_select ?
-1 Any update ? Have you found out why they're requesting these details ?
1 +1 very welcome update for an inspiring simple yet really entertaining game given your new employment I've long expected this transition free time project or not ;) One question though why do you have to add enable new sites ? Having a threshold in place should allow for this to happen automatically in principle no ?
-1 @George I installed to fedora 12 and my panel will not autohide now . Any ideas ?
-1 What type of data is being sent from the application as in is it XML or anything like that ? Does it have a consistent structure ?
1 I have seen webform revisions module but it solves nothing to me . Have you got that functionality working ?
1 Are you looking for a provider that accepts ZAR as well or would one accepting ZAR only be sufficient ? Would you be able willing to hold use a merchant bank account with a South African bank for this purpose ?
1 Why must you sell the studded tires ? Can't you just throw them in a closet during the summer then remount them when winter rolls around ?
-1 Or for example mention what stat package you are using ? R SAS SPSS etx
-1 Are you running the latest update 10.5.8 or 10.6.5 . Is bluetooth devices can wake up enabled ?
1 An API is not at fault if they allow requests to take place more than 30 time in 5 seconds right ? Or do we need to build throttling into our API ?
1 Hello cmos welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . By embedded view do you mean a view created with Views ?
-1 community wiki ? there isn't one right answer ?
1 I have the same problem . How did you resolved it ?
1 another great example for how google makes you stupid . does nobody ever read the documentation anymore ?
1 If you open a terminal in Gnome and do sudo cat dev/vcs1 it should show what should be displayed on tty1 same for vcs2-6 . Do you see a login prompt or any console messages ?
1 Have you checked the newest GCC gcc4 version to make sure it isn't done already ? Have you mentioned your intentions on any gcc relevant forum ?
1 When you say single page you mean when you view a blog post page ? And when you say page template you mean when you view a blog page like About Us ?
-1 My daughter earbuds magnetize TOGETHER not opposing and they shocked her once . Anyone know why ?
1 @neilfein first e bike ? what about http q/1590/605 ?
-1 It depends on the application AFAIK . Do you have any specific ones in mind ?
1 Is there any real world current sources ? How can I implement a current source from a voltage source ?
1 how much current is your power supply rated for ? what are you using ?
-1 Does it have to be Linux ? Have you considered ZFS An older stable version 14 on FreeBSD 8.1 ?
-1 @Robusto That sounds very plausible . Do you think that contrasts with your other two examples ?
-1 Better is entirely subjective with nothing more specific . What do you photograph what are your priorities ?
-1 What make of frames were these ? How much do you weigh ?
1 The solution reported in the issue report is to replace any occurrence of unset $form $id with $form $id array #language NULL in the module file it just a matter of doing a search and replace on a file . What do you exactly don't understand ?
-1 I'd guess it an archaic past tense of to owe ie Which you owed yesterday ?
-1 There a lot of different software . Worth making this community wiki ?
1 @mike Could you edit the title of this question to be more descriptive ? Maybe something like Current flow in batteries
1 Just curious why should you want to use live wallpapers ? Doesn't that drain your power much quicker ?
-1 What is your cost model ? Is AABC meant to be more efficient that CAAB ?
-1 Are you absolutely sure what kind of chip it is ? Are there sites that let you search by pin numbers ?
-1 @code Okay I'll rerun them in a bit . One small sidenote I was unable to reproduce the browser issue what steps are needed for that ?
1 Default search comes with user search . You can't use that ?
-1 If you stay at the CGI level _any_ language can be used for web development . Anything in particular you need ?
-1 How would this be possible ? How would you be able to link the subscribers on Identi to tweeters ?
-1 hot flues and toxic electrical insulation are likely not compatible bed mates . Have you considered WiFi ?
1 Hello Ruben welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . For which Drupal version are you asking the question ?
-1 I eat rarely . Is that bad ?
1 This is a philosophical question not a physics question . Maybe there also a Philosophy Stack Exchange ?
1 Do you want a rating based on difficulty or one like the ESRP blood violence sex etc Or Both ?
1 If this question isn't being moved to meta can it be split ? Move the stuff specifically related to this site to meta and leave the rest here for general web use ?
-1 Paul I tried to email you to discuss this offline but Google claims the email address in your profile is invalid . How can we contact you ?
-1 Also what are the screen dimensions ? Ie will the screen always be smaller than 512x512 ?
-1 I don't really see a good question here . Can you focus it a bit ?
-1 That a very serious bug . Any chances you've reported it in ?
1 Do you want to turn off thumbnails on just the desktop or in folder windows e.g . Places Home Folder as well ?
1 I'm not quite sure what is your question 1 You want to produce a PDF file without embedding any fonts and you'd like to know when this is safe ? 2 You would like to make sure that all Latex users can compile your document without installing additional packages ?
-1 @StrixVaria A complete list of all German words and their meaning would be helpful we give him the phrases but he wants the translation then what :)
-1 I could swear I've seen this identical title before but I can't seem to find the duplicate . Anyone ?
-1 Depends on the size . Broiler fryer ?
-1 I think you may get more answers if you take some time to re write your question and attempt to clarify what exactly you're asking . Could you give an example for instance ?
1 Why community wiki ? Isn't it expertise to show that you know a cool website dedicated to latex templates ?
-1 Is this on a server you control ie . can set sv_cheats on ?
1 Great question . Perhaps it should have the pronunciation tag ?
-1 You should provide more information . If your site has an URL like http how can a URL like https # AlaaBatayneh status/72020345695109122 be set as path for your node ?
1 +1 for Because I'm lazy . Ever considered a career as a developer ? :)
-1 I tried diskusage and it should give you the exact distribution of your internal ROM . So you have 122mb for Applications 20mb for System data then how much Free space is reported by diskusage ?
1 So the new account is for you to use ? Or for the other person ?
-1 The Field API is a very large section of the Drupal API . What specifically are you trying to accomplish ?
-1 The water.mapcalc file should be rather straightforward . However probably the white space in the directory name causes troubles ?
-1 It hard for me to imagine a content type with 100 fields and it even harder to imagine if that it would be the best and most usable solution for any problem . Can you explain which problem you're trying to solve ?
-1 I also want to know about this . How can I get notified when there is a reply to this question ?
-1 I can't replicate this at all . Maybe try flipping the hardware switch or Fn+F5 or whatever your key is ?
1 A platform for new developers to show off their stuff ? Having your app hosted on a solid cloud service ?
-1 @mattdm the most interesting that the writer says that he broke his kit down to items that didn't do the job as well but were more inconspicuous . So uh I wonder if Minox is still in business ?
1 LDAP and nfs are two different issues . What about using LDAP for authentication and autofs to automatically mount the home directory via nfs ?
-1 Any progress I'm having similar problems with the result from a query . Should we add an Idea on ESRIs website that we can vote up ?
1 What are you asking specifically ? for algorithms to do some kind of transitions ?
1 What type of device will be doing the dropping ? ASA IPTables WFP ect ?
-1 I second George . Can you elaborate your problem a bit ?
-1 Speaking of I stared at the moon last night and didn't see anything special . What was I supposed to see ?
1 Based on the lack of reply maybe you should take a different approach . What is wrong with installing 300 drivers ?
-1 Looks like you've installed vmware . Did you try to disable uninstall vmware ?
-1 This really just boils down to You're used to Windows doesn't it ?
-1 When you lock your screen the password prompt has a small keyboard layout indicator . Have you tried clicking on that to see if your layout isn't incorrect ?
1 I have to say that I don't like the output harder to read and code isn't formatted with the correct colors . Could there be an optional output for how it is printed ?
1 i o inversion is not equivalent if they assume an external magnetic field to be present . Is that the case ?
1 Perhaps you could explain why you believe that these should be related ? Do you have any evidence that supports this belief ?
1 @jblue who said that hes not going to do any work himself . as you imply ?
1 The README file provided with the samples seems to give all the information you might need . What precisely do you not understand ?
1 Google says they generally don't like pages with more than 100 links on them out of curiosity what is your source on this can you cite it in the post in a hyperlink ?
1 Indeed this is more applied mathematics than physics though I'm not sure it a good enough reason to close this question . It an odd question in any case perhaps a little clarification would help ? :)
1 Sure no problem . Jesteś z Warszawy ?
-1 +1 but no Windows servers ? And this is just backing up data no DRP BCP right ?
-1 Works fine here . Have you tried to download it again ?
1 that two votes for reopen . what more do you need ?!
-1 Maybe it just your CPU fan getting old . Do you have any hardware sensors for your fan enabled ?
-1 Contrary to common belief Einstein never failed in math . Does this count in ??
-1 I think I misunderstood . Is the peak perpendicular to the garage door or parallel ?
-1 I added a contains spoiler tag because I didn't know about any secret mission . Maybe we could use this tag for questions that contain spoilers on the side ?
1 Hey the cookies are fried ! Why the baking tag D
-1 @alexanderpas apparently FRAPS did work . Should we merge ?
-1 This question is not clear are you talking about a system you're developing that needs to store a credential client side ? Or are you talking about a home user end user PoV ?
1 I'm inclined to agree with Pavel . Maybe change it to What tech purchase has best improved your life as a programmer or something ?
1 Since in essence the nesting in a lmer makes it a repeated measures design is there a way in which your question about the appropriate confidence interval around the effect size is related to the question in repeated measures ANOVA about which measure of effect size to report ? Specifically it is unclear whether the error term should include subject variance or not etc ?
1 I assume you are using NPI to refer to a problem in NP not known to be NPC ? Also in the reference to Ladner do you perhaps mean that L is NPC and the removal S is NPI ?
-1 Have to agree with @Aubergine here . Why not make us a place to find hints about getting through some of the levels ?
1 So the usages are quoted and from a 34-year old professor no less What is this world coming to ?
1 Eh Fresh pasta takes less than 3 minutes to cook in boiling water . Why would you need to microwave this ?
-1 @Noldorin true . But it could pass as a big list question perhaps ?
1 @Peter Shor Of course . Doesn't everyone ?
1 Perhaps rephrase it to something like What do you look for when choosing a distribution or Which distribution would best suit scenario X
1 What does NB stand for ?
1 Do you think the term standard means this is THE standard today ? Isn't it like asking why principal component are principal and not secondary ?
-1 How static are we talking ? No database ?
-1 I thought that was the style in all languages . Can you give an example of a language where the explicit numerals are not avoided ?
1 Depends on your preference . How much do you dislike food poisoning ?
-1 This happens to me as well it very obnoxious . However are you asking a question ? P
-1 The cottage cheese idea sounds great . What flavors have you tried and like ?
-1 The GPS satellites are recalibrated ephemeris data update from ground based stations every couple hours . If the whole earth shifted uniformly would GPS automatically get updated to the new position within a few hours ?
-1 Hey I think it broke again the link doesn't show on so . Can you check ?
-1 Mtrombley you said you got a solution . Can you post it ?
-1 Confirmed . Maybe there nothing on that site yet ?
-1 Okay but everything has to do with physics . Is there a survival.SE :)
-1 I suspect some of your surface area suggestions might be right . Do you have an example of this we could critique ?
-1 @yacoby I am going to write a little extension and am considering a addon for soapi that uses XHR for direct communication with the API . would this be of value to you ?
1 I thing dev tips like these should be tagged support not discussion . Maybe both
-1 Those coordinates look correct longitudes should precede latitudes to retain the positive orientation of the coordinate system horizontal displacements must precede vertical displacements and values in the SE US should have longitudes around 86 and latitudes around +30 . In what sense then is anything reversed ?
1 @user391 I really don't like doing this but I'm going to recommend we close this because it is really not about WordPress but about those other solutions and by definition will be off topic see http proposals/1500 phase definition As a moderator I can close but I want 1 or 2 other opinions before I do . Others agree or disagree ?
1 It great Any plans for an iPad specific version ?
-1 I'm surprised that cauliflower is 4 minutes while broccoli is only 1 . Is it because cauliflower is much denser and more tightly packed ?
1 nginx rather than wordpress Perhaps you mean nginx rather than Apache ?
1 That is the correct way AFAIK for embedding a thumbnail into an RSS feed . What result are you seeing and what result would you expect ?
1 What was wrong with PostAffiliate ? I was going to use them ?
-1 I think the special relativity tag could be dropped from this since although the theory of Dirac fermions requires SR behind the scenes in order to be consistent we're not talking about relativity directly . Did you have a particular reason for including the tag ?
-1 In its current form the question is too open ended and basically does not provide enough information for a relevant answer . Could you explain your situation a bit more ?
1 Interesting question . I wonder if there might be a difference between fresh and dried pasta ?
-1 sudo was updated to version 1.7.4p5-1.fc14 on January the 17 . Can you check with rpm qi sudo which version including release you have and also include the output of yum v repolist ?
-1 @Jader the title of the question and the actual question seem somewhat different . It seems to me that the title of the question should be something more like What are the benefits of googles over glasses for cycling
-1 I've been trying to do the opposite decrease the sensitivity below the minimum . Have you had any luck with your attempts ?
-1 The edit might make the question more relevant to more people . Maybe or maybe not ?
-1 I see no problem with e mail being used as a verb . If you can mail a paper letter why can't you e mail an electronic letter ?
1 Ditto look professional . What does that mean to you exactly ?
-1 Ashvini if you cannot tell the difference between answering a question and posting a discussion you shouldn't be working on software to begin with . Really what the hell ?
-1 This question depends on what window manager you are running . Are you using Gnome KDE XFce ...?
1 @kiamlaluno I subscribe that way often . how do you unsubscribe ?
-1 MultiseatX https community MultiseatX gives you independent displays but there no easy way of switching input devices between them and I'm not sure if it possible to mix X and console . What if you just ran X normaly with a fullscreen terminal on one monitor ?
-1 @zengr Ok . Why are you requesting that people enter their entire URL instead of just their ID ?
1 Take a look here http questions/7908/what resources can teach me to draw floor plans by hand/7911#7911 . Is that the kind of thing you're after ?
-1 I think the error is in your index.php file see my answer . can you pastebin the code of this file ?
-1 I think the default behavior conforms to your requirement . What completion options have you set ?
1 Posters are assuming you live in North America . Is this a valid assumption ?
1 You ask about a tag . Is that tag from Wordpress or does the NextGEN gallery has it own tagging mechanism ?
-1 Ah I didn't have the XNA framework on that machine because of the lack of VS I'm guessing . Can you check for that on load ?
-1 I was going to answer with http extend plugins/w3-total cache as far as I know it the best solution for doing this . What does it lack that you need ?
1 This is hard to answer without more context what is your threat model your application etc A general answer is at http questions/1476/what is the difference in security between a vpn and a ssl connection so can you look at the answers there and either get clarity on those answers there or ask more specific questions here ?
-1 That weird . What widget is that ?
-1 The message I get is No command dmd found What exactly is dmd ?
1 @kemp Unless I'm missing it you haven't included a link that to home page so we can see it for ourselves . Can you do that ?
1 Well that didn't take long . The Mac App Store was released what less than two hours ago ?
-1 Strange because it should use the Intel chipset drivers to run the USB . Have you updated to the latest Boot Camp ?
1 My old pre had this too ! oh Palm why must you have been so horribly marketed ?
1 This still shows old and read messages . How do you fix that ?
-1 As @Willie Wong says marginpars are already floats and should not end up overlapping although they may not end up where you want them to and long ones may overflow the bottom of the page for which problem there is the marginfix package . Are you using some unusual class or package that redefines marginpar ?
-1 I would have explained a problem which could have solved with the help of Versioning and then would have explained what versioning is all about . you did the same and yet they do not understand ?
1 Are you looking for something that gives you a global view ? For instance to see the difference in load time from Texas and Tokyo ?
1 It going to depend to a large degree I would have thought on the climate . Where are you ?
-1 Sounds like the dimmer has some type of protection circuitry that is tripping . Do you know the model number or make model ?
-1 You need to specify a jurisdiction at least a country ideally a state and town when asking if something is illegal . Otherwise how can we give the correct answer ?
1 Hello Erin and welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . To which Drupal version are you interested ?
-1 i ll come back to you on this one . Do you have Logic express pro ?
-1 It seems to me that the font installation guide was set up in a more elaborated way in previous versions . Am I missing something or confused with another document ?
-1 Is it actually backing up i.e . Flowing from street into the house or is it just blocked ?
-1 You might want to make the title more specific . For example How many generations of stars will exist before the universe nuclear fuel is depleted
-1 Either you don't understand what AJAX does how it works or you haven't posted all the relevant code . Where is the global $values declared ?
1 I could swear that a similar question has been dealt with here but I can't seem to find it . Anyone able to ?
-1 can you clarify a bit . when you said I thought about adding some lists about science 500 users are you talking about Following a list created by another Twitter user ?
1 @Shinto Sherlock You just answered the question . Why would you not post it as an answer ?
-1 the amount of time you might end up spending trying to figure out a noisy power supply might offset the cost of picking up an adjustable power supply or even a decent single voltage Meanwell or similar 5VDC power supply . That said maybe an LM6805 or LP2954 will do the trick ?
1 Polls are discouraged . We are after questions that can be answered like How do I reach the last star on Super Mario 23
-1 Now I realize the point of the discussion on meta about SI units . I said it about CGS units but this works for these also should I cry ? p
1 Hello Arosboro and welcome on _Drupal Answers_ . May you report the code of vtiger_portal_user_form_validate which I think it is your custom form validation handler ?
-1 There used to be a Flash version made by Sega themselves . Where did that go ?
1 Also it would be helpful if you told us more about what you're trying to do . What kind of manipulations are you hoping to accomplish ?
-1 Eight Days of Malaise What is your favorite whois application and why ?
1 Oh no ! Is this related to the double roasted peppers from the salsa thread ?
-1 promised to the client without my knowledge I feel your pain . Would an arcobjects solution be acceptable ?
1 It might be useful to know what exactly your sound setup is . Do you have PA JACK ALSA permanently or do you stop PA while you use JACK or ...?
1 I was somewhat confused but after a while thinking I agree that although requiring the same answer the question is different . Is there somewhere a guideline to this ?
1 +1 Very nice . Can you do a stable sort so we can do sub sorts ?
1 Some otherwise useless kitchen gadgets might have other valid uses . I never use a garlic press just another thing to clean when I can crush it with the side of my knife but they can make play doh hair or really small noodles
-1 @Itai your dislike of vignetting is hardly a reason to judge something as too subjective and therefore to close it . Is this site for technicians or photographers ?
1 @carson I'm one of your user :) . Any news about some new release wink wink ?
-1 In this question current state I feel it would fall under how do I make game X . And if you've made more complex games couldn't you simply pick up an up to date API reference and write a framework ?
-1 @Soviut I've added your changes however I'm getting banned by IP when I click two questions in the link above . Is there some way of avoiding this ?
-1 It a strange question . Can you rephrase it ?
-1 I really don't know but a GTK+ version would be awesome . Are you thinking net C++ or PyGTK ?
-1 at should do exactly what you want . Why make things hard on yourself by insisting on a more complicated solution ?
1 @Nick for some reason your automator is trying to open Library InputManagers MultiClutchInputManager.bundle which is very suspicious . Could you create a new user log into that account and perform the same test ?
-1 Strongly depends on what you do . What do you do ?
1 Pathauto is able to handle that . Have you tried it ?
1 Interesting question . Are you after a theoretical discussion or is there a specific problem you're trying to solve ?
-1 @Noctrine I sincerely appreciate that . :) @Frédérick Imbeault Can you share a link to the article you read ?
1 This doesn't seem off topic to me . Is there a reason you decided to close your own question ?
1 Your top picture shows two white plastic tabs with the one on the right looking like it is not engaged and pushed into the frig . Possibly this needs to be pulled forward to allow the compression fitting to sit properly or maybe it is an indicator of shipment damage .
-1 Bah . No I'm not . I'm guessing it requires 10.6 ?
-1 Scalebars usually measure distance but a swimming pool might be a volume or an area . Or do you mean the length of a swimming pool ?
1 @Sklivvz We could exclude time travel by considering two copies of the Universe and asking if two identical atoms would decay simultaneously . Would you agree that this is an equivalent problem ?
1 http wiki Comparison_of_revision_control_software is a great comparison table for exactly this . Discussion question community wiki ?
-1 Not sure a honeypot that isn't in a production environment will teach you anything you need attackers to connect to it in order to learn . Unless you are trying to do something different ?
1 I'm trying to do the same thing . Did you ever get an answer ?
1 The same way anyone with a desk job stays healthy ! This isn't really programmer related ?
-1 where I live it gets dark at night . Do you sleep during the day ?
-1 I've wondered about this too . Can you make a display of an array of LEDs and then detect touch by using the same LEDs to sense reflected light from a finger ?
1 Boolean logic . Does that apply ?
-1 I've removed the reference but if you are attached you can put it back . Can we remove these comments ?
1 When displayed the menu link will use the defined path alias . Any reason why this isn't enough ?
1 It doesn't increase exponentially a^x it increases quadratically x^2 . Can you correct the title ?
-1 mhchem.sty is 1300 lines long . What exactly are you asking to be reimplemented ?
1 The image is a little difficult to read . Can you add just the source of that DIV html to your question ?
1 I've never heard of either of those . What country are you in ?
1 I notice that spell checkers complain if you don't capitalize Internet . Didn't yours ?
-1 Perhaps I'm the only one seeing this but it seems sort of vague ish as to whether you're trying to address this from a client side or server side position . I think you want it addressed in the website itself server side am I correct ?
-1 I have these pedals and don't have this problem . Perhaps it your shoes ?
1 Title is pretty incoherent . Proposed edited title Does the cat argument in query_posts fetch posts from subcategories as well as the given ID
1 Indeed it should be automatic . Which phone do you have ?
-1 tex guts is a really ugly term to use . Can we use tex only or plain tex instead ?
1 At least there nothing ungrammatical about them . Could you elaborate on why you have doubts about their correctness ?
1 @Xio Then you should explain which solution is better for you . Are you asking for an existing module that is not Views or are you asking how to do it with a custom module ?
-1 done . Also I edited your title to be easier to scan is this what you had in mind ?
1 That does sound odd . Is there perhaps a threshold setting of some sort ?
-1 Not familiar with this game . Should this be tagged as a cheat ?
-1 I'm going to say that this should probably be put on http . I believe you are wanting to set up Virtual Access Points ?
-1 filtering means message arrived aplly it a label archive delete forward . So what ?
-1 Your question reads as if you've already found a solution . What is the problem ?
1 Notify when open WiFi access point is found is available in stock Android . Is this not what you're talking about ?
1 If you prepare slightly smaller images I'll insert them in your question . Also what that thing with truncated titles in your screenshots ?
-1 15 boards per hour is four minutes per board . How long does the PICkit 2 take to program your part ?
-1 Surely to embed HTML5 into another site that site has to be written in or support HTML5 . Or am I missing something ?
1 At $400 it too pricey to recommend . Have you considered a strobist based kit in conjunction with ebay triggers ?
1 nvidia-96 http p nvidia-96 should be what you need . What is the output of dmesg grep i nvidia and grep i nvidia var log Xorg.0.log ?
-1 I guess this could lead to another set of advertising answers . There are a good range of vendors providing high quality services in this industry but you might want to update your question with region country etc ?
-1 I don't understand your question . Can you clarify ?
1 prefab really isn't a particular architectural style it a manufacturing process . Can you post a picture ?
-1 @Stephan I understand the question as referring to an univariate distribution hence one variable with multiple observations . Am I missing something ?
1 Fire rating is usually measured in minutes . Do you have an idea of how long you want to contain a fire ?
-1 I've heard rumors of Pb Sn solder being incompatible with certain RoHS PCB finishes . Does anyone have real data about this ?
-1 I alfred . What model on your data do you use to estimate the mean and SE ?
1 Follow up question There are some slight errors on the elapsed times displayed on the site due to treating all months uniformly as 30 days and ignoring leap years . Do you think it a good idea to keep these errors to match the site see my answer or should we try to fix them ?
-1 RS422/485 do not have a clock they're asynchronous . So what ?
1 For those of us who aren't specifically familiar with sendmail it might help if you post a more complete set of log lines and describe exactly what details you're paying attention to when you do this manually . For example in the line you've posted is p937blksdh3 the message id ?
1 glug glug glug sounds like no air behind water . Have you checked the vents on the roof ?
1 don't do that . why would you do that ?
-1 While I don't want to discourage non technical questions I can't see how this one can possibly be answered other than it depends or possibly when the artist is dead . Maybe it could be rephrased as What are approaches for defining the scope of a photographic project
-1 are you sure it is not an 0606 component ie . Measurements of the device ?
1 I have never heard of a smart switch and have wired several homes . Do you have any examples or links ?
-1 No it doesn't really matter too much for your 50 odd sprites . But what to lose ?
1 I see . Maybe you should have updated the version to 1.0.1 or something like that to indicate that it is a new version ? :)
1 interesting i have used my google apps as the email to chat for some time and never had any problem connecting to other users . Could you describe the issue you are seeing ?
-1 it might not be Windows that is doing this but your display driver . Is it nVidia ?
-1 Interesting . Are these log based analytics or something like Google Analytics ?
1 This is the first time I've heard of this . What is it ?
1 How are your PC and PS3 connected to the network i.e . wirelessly or via ethernet ?
1 Deceleration is negative acceleration . Have you taken calculus ?
-1 Example assuming A means typeset text from recipe a of height 1/6th available height AAAA BBBBCC DD looks like it fits your constraint . Is it acceptable ?
1 No offense @Jack but this seems largely argumentative . Do you think you could rephrase it ?
1 That four times the capacity of the one you posted a link to and would be almust five pounds of water on your back . Best of luck finding one but maybe you should focus on one that easy to refill instead ?
-1 As far as I'm aware it should work correctly . Could you provide an example ?
1 @Sklivvz If you like riddles here you are one puts an ice cube in a glass and fills it up with water . How much water will flow out when the ice cube melts ?
1 A DVT is tailored to a design . What is the design ?
-1 This one asks about the size thought . Slightly different ?
1 This waveform resembles a frequency modulated sinusoidal wave only it is not Is this a joke ?
1 We probably need to see your code or at least get some more information on what is not working . If you are trying to overlay onto google maps is your wfs layer in spherical mercator projection ?
1 Seems very similar to http questions/1634/which instant messaging services use or allow secure protocols and what do those but there may be a slightly different goal here . @LanceBaynes Could you elaborate a bit particularly in a way that distinguishes this question from the other ?
-1 This looks so much like when I try to mount my USB not encrypted . What do you get from dmesg ?
-1 Just curious if you're still having this issue . I assume that having your users type https calendar doesn't fix the problem ?
-1 @Rory ah but you're still talking about general usage scenarios . What about the specific use case connected to the Internet but no outgoing connections except to Windows Update ?
1 I've never heard of this happening . Is this one of the core widgets ?
1 It looks like each user has a single screen session . I'm not familiar with byobu why do you think there are five screen sessions ?
-1 CodeIgnitor is a PHP framework not a content management system . Are you thinking of ExpressionEngine a CMS built atop CI ?
1 All I have some ideas for Palm Springs meetup locations just by looking on Yelp . Should I start a question in main or meta add my locations as answers so people can vote and also add their ideas for meetup locations ?
1 This seems hard and fragile . Why not just directly address any CSRF vulnerabilities that your site has ?
1 It really depends on the specs and the quantities of your PCB . Can you let us know the approximate size of the PCB the quantity you want how many layers and if there are any other unusual requirements ?
1 On Linux you pass the disabled password flag to adduser . Maybe OS X has something similar in its command line repertoire ?
-1 @Nate Yeah this is pretty close to that question . I'm not up on disc brakes anyone know if these can be merged or is there enough difference between the two models to maintain the two Q&A threads separately ?
1 It is not clear to me are the independent i.e . right hand side variable continuous or discrete ?
-1 This depends immensely on size of the organization complexity and number of systems usage patterns level of required actual security etc Can you add some more details ?
-1 Showing off code and showing off art or design are very different . What specifically are you looking for examples of ?
1 There are already plenty of reasonably commonplace words presented in answers but slipping into armchair philologist mode I can't help wondering if the process of word sharing between languages is skewed more towards importing rather than exporting in the case of Far Eastern languages . Might the supposedly more self effacing character of such speakers make them quicker to adopt the foriegner words rather than keep pushing their own ?
1 It looks like it may be an artifact of JPEG compression . Does the same problem occur with lossless formats such as TIFF or PNG24 ?
-1 Do the scales overlap to some extent i.e . shared constructs across the questionnaires ?
-1 @Macha I also upgraded to Ubuntu 10 and it still works for me . What terminal ?
-1 I've seen one on I think . Or maybe Nick Arcade ?
-1 Do you want the scans to be run continuously or on demand . Also do you want devs to be able to configure their own scans or just trigger request one ?
-1 That very odd since the pedal is just 2 months old . Hopefully Wiggle will send you a bolt but then I suppose you'll have to explain and prove the bike didn't fall on that side ?
1 That example sentence doesn't really feel right . You sure you don't mean to use the past perfect ?
1 This has since been part of the site . Is it still useful ?
-1 @matt +1 to the suggestion by @Chris_O . Also maybe you should launch such a crowd function site for WordPress Projects ?
-1 Interesting topic . A missing part of the question I think is is homomorphic encryption considered secure from a cryptanalysis PoV
1 I may be missing something but I agree with @whuber . I do not see why you need an approximation g x when you have h x ^+ and in what sense will any other function g x be better than h x ^+ ?
-1 That crazy . Are you using any sort of home screen replacement ?
-1 Sounds fishy to me . What are they going to give you for that $75 ?
-1 Sorry I'm not sure I follow . How can I do that when I can't even boot into Ubuntu ?
1 If the period register is 0 it probably never matches and so it never triggers the interrupt . With PR2 line uncommented can you trigger on a breakpoint set inside the interrupt routine ?
1 I'm suspecting a bad charger most home screen I've used turns itself on when you just plugged the device in or plugged the device out if a bad charger somehow causes the device to think that it had just been plugged off and or plugged on it could cause the symptoms you're having . Have you tried with a different charger and different wall socket ?
-1 What your code does it to add the line as a graphic to the dataView . DO you want to create a new Polyline featureClass and add the line + Azimuth Value to this featureclass or do you want to add the Values to the points featureClass ?
1 I noticed you had 3 answers . Did they give you the information you need or did they not answer your question in full ?
-1 Btw after answering I realized I wasn't clear about something is this referring to Local Administrator or e.g . Domain Admins ?
-1 I just tried an empty field in Lightroom 3 and it seems to be working as you I would expect all photos without a setting on that field are being included . Is there a chance some other setting on your collection is tripping it up ?
1 I haven't used photoshop in ages but that seems quite large . Do you mean the size of the files on disk or do you mean the memory footprint of the file when you're working with it ?
1 The size of the summation sign might differ depending on your math font . Do you mean the computer modern sum ?
-1 the title is a bit awkward I had no idea what the Q was about before reading it . Perhaps great GIS maps cartography quotes ?
-1 Scope probes often come with a small plastic screwdriver . Do yours fit ?
-1 I don't think this should have been relegated to the CW junkheap . What the rationale ?
-1 Could you please include the whole content of your etc fstab . Also what wrong with using the standard etc fstab with UUIDs that seem more robust than paths that Ubuntu creates on an install ?
1 That code works for me . Does it work for you if you just use that in an otherwise empty document ?
1 You added the tag approximation hardness . Can you elaborate on how this question is related to hardness of approximation preferably in the question ?
1 You should also consider the ergonomics of your setup . For instance does one configuration or the other cause you to move your next out of it natural position more than the other ?
-1 @InvertedAcceleration no worries . Question for you how are you going to deal with the increased floor height in the garage ie Door threshold areas ?
1 D Wave Have your lecturers recommended their technology to you ?
-1 Brownout or conversely surges could be possibilities but you'd need to take some measurements before an EE can really make any comments . Do you have a logging DMM ?
1 You better deal with it soon Some people need more relaxation than others or they will drop dead . Chest pains anyone
1 the screw supposed to fasten the lever . can you send a couple of pictures ?
-1 Sorry you're trying to make a stream of you on your computer ? Screenshots or video from a webcam ?
-1 Just so I understand correctly the censoring issue When you dilute a sample the concentration of a compound falls so low that the test instrument can fail to detect its presence . Is that an accurate re phrasing of the censoring problem ?
1 @Sklivvz I'd recommend to edit the headline . As it is and taken wordly the only answer is Of course what else
1 Excellent question . Can we get som esources as to where the different styles originated ?
-1 We do have don't do there . Do you ?
1 There is no line that begins with X From_ in the show original message . Any other suggestions ?
1 @Tsuyoshi I have never ever heard of course pronounced with f . Are you talking about off course ?
-1 If you do it once you can keep using it again and again and again ... In any case looks great is really a subjective thing . Can you be more clear on what you actually want ?
1 Chances are this doesn't exist . Also language ?
-1 Why did you phrase the question so well in the body but horribly in the question field ? Please rephrase your question as What video players do you recommend for Ubuntu
-1 Bumpity bump . Anyone else have any thoughts on this ?
-1 They usually gather in the meeting hall . What do you want them to do ?
-1 Do you want real data or just test data i.e . fictional ?
1 My stock Android keyboard works with text prediction . What shown as the name in Settings Locale and text ?
-1 GBA Game Boy Advanced . What is Ds ?
-1 Sorry I'm an OS X newbie . Could you please elaborate as to how I would create and save this file ?
-1 I'm not sure this is much of a layout challenge in any real sense get the font right adjust a few parameters . Perhaps some more focused questions on aspects of the adjustments might be better ?
1 Your title is a little ambiguous . Are you asking how well does it work or how does it work ?
-1 hi Talvi this question is a bit too general discussiony and no correct answer for what we like to see here . Can you be MUCH more specific with what you want ?
1 sorry i'm not able to comprehend that ? Where is the add folder option in the places menu ?
1 I like your question . Can you tell us where you plan to post the results ?
-1 This sounds a bit ambitious for using the Google Maps API . At the very least you're probably going to need a back end server to run this what are you using ?
-1 I'm afraid that I don't understand the question . Could you clarify it and explain exactly what aspect of TeX you are asking about ?
-1 Setting to no color works . Area there any issues with this technique ?
-1 @Helder This Q is a total mess can you please smooth it a little like rewrite ? And maybe remove the statement form ?
-1 I have the iPhone 4 but do not see API Keys at the bottom of the screen . Has this capability been removed ?
1 I have a small problem . When I tell Swatch to find my user name it returns an error There was a problem with the request Status code 500 Any ideas ?
-1 @Sklivvz or MBQ can you please edit the question title to put it proper English ? Why does the sky change color
1 I'm not clear about this if you're asking for a cryptographically secure random number generator even with certain additional constraints then that easy just tell us which platform language you're on . If you're asking for something else then it not clear and why would you ask on ITsec ?
-1 Oops sorry about that . Delete ?
1 Are you open to programmatic solutions e.g . custom renderers or solely OOTB methods ?
1 Definitely not mainly because no such lens exists . Did you mean EF 70-200 f/4 L or EF S 18-200 f/3.5-5.6 ?
1 I like the close votes with no explanation . How is this not a real question ?
1 Could you specify earliest possible records . 1950 1900 1500 ...?
-1 Similar to this question http questions/1183/colons and semi colons . Also can someone with sufficient rep please add the punctuation tag ?
1 I think it would be excellent if you could give more detail see suncoolsu answer . Furthermore with design do you mean how to analyze the data ?
1 It not clear what you mean by Printing saving . Where do you want the command saved to ?
-1 Gah . This keeps getting bumped by the bot . Can't we just close it ?
-1 It looks like you will have the device powered for most of the time that you have valid data . Isn't a battery backup ed SRAM more appropriate than an EEPROM or better Flash then ?
-1 This is exactly the same situation as NIS and autofs error http questions/4547/nis and autofs error down to the example user name . Do you have a problem with account association is this homework are you both following the same tutorial or what ?
1 Also on re reading your question it is not clear what you mean by minimum eigenvalue initial correlation matrix . Could you clarify what you mean by that term ?
-1 @code Heh heh missed that . Can you please add StackCenter http questions/1114/stackcenter your one stop for everything stackexchange to your list of apps that use Soapi.JS ?
-1 Sorrry but i dont know where are these project properies . Could someone tell me ?
-1 Your image link is broken . Can you try to find new image and link to that ?
-1 I don't really understand why this question is so heavily downvoted . Is it because of the patent thing ?
-1 @Slawek Please provide some documentation for your metric . Can you find anything online to support that ?
-1 Hai nonsenz Very thanks for your help and I want to restrict the filedepot module uploading file sizes basing on registered users . Please help me how to do ?
1 @Mac I'd be interested in hearing more about that situation . Can you post it as a question for us to solve the incompatibility ?
-1 Probably not what you're asking either but produces a superscript prime . Maybe prime is just the command that holds the symbol and it only intended to use for defining other commands such as ?
1 This looks like a bug to me . Have you asked for help on Google forum http support forum p Calendar hl en&utm_source HC&utm_medium leftnav&utm_campaign calendar ?
1 I've had similar problems . Are you using any extension ?
1 It could be a blockage . Does it drain ok ?
1 While it is possible to weld frames together witness this tall bike frame http photos neilfein/4653212878/in set-72157624042376181 I'm going to guess that the stresses on a tandem would require some rather heavy reinforcement making for an extremely heavy tandem frame . Can someone confirm or deny this ?
-1 @karianna I'm using Subversion hope discussing little tech programming won't make this closed ! Please let me know whether I need to post a question in SO asking how to merge log comment to particular class ?
1 @Lèse key words here being supplement their own content . If ALL the content is copied what of value or interest is being created exactly ?
1 This sounds like an open ended hardware request which is likely to get your question closed . Can you make your question any more specific ?
1 Asking for an iPhone app specifically is off topic for here . Try the Electronic Gadgets SE http proposals/614/electronic gadgets maybe ?
-1 as I said here you can ask for security books . Btw do you really mean wireless or did you actually mean more specifically wifi ?
1 Can you please be more specific ?? What do u mean by but it not a problem as far as the tutorial goes ??
-1 Please further specify odt and org files . For which application s ?
1 This has been tagged Civ-4 that seems to be the wrong game . Was a different tag intended ?
1 I think this is off topic but I'm not 100% . Any thoughts ?
1 Sorry why are you forced to use this thing ? Do you have any personal will power ?
-1 It first choice in mine version . But what is this Custom there ?
-1 I'm not sure this is practical . So much game logic uses vector math you'd have to either do everything in 3D before converting down to 2D or whatever for rendering or you'd have to completely abstract away your vector library which would surely be impractical ?
1 @adatapost great ! however do you mean APIs sites that you can reference from your site such as Google Analytics sites where you upload your logs to or both ? :)
1 this question title is a bit misleading because of the existence of this question http questions/1295/sat solver download . I think you might rephrase as Best Upper Bounds on SAT ?
-1 Google would have to know what books your local library has on hand . Are they there yet ?
1 Since you mentioned Evil Maid by Joanna you already know the answer to your question . Am I missing something here ?
-1 Career advice questions like this one are too localized for this site . Please see Are Career Advice questions useful for anyone except the poster http questions/588/are career advice questions useful to anyone except the poster/590#590 ?
1 It sounds no pun intended like you are looking for some sort of shock sensor accelerometer to detect the impact of the kick . The problem that I see here is how do you limit the impact detection to just the kick event and not detect the impact of the foot boot on the ground ?
1 @Curtismchale To clarify I think this question has two parts one asking for an inexpensive heart rate monitor the the other asking about wrist vs chest mount units . @David is this correct ?
-1 Can you please help me how can I do that ? Whit some code example ?
1 It would really help the many viewers of this question if you would edit it to be clear without having to follow links . And what is DPAPT ?
-1 What is the frequency ie is it weekly monthly quarterly annual data ?
1 If you only want a finite number N of oracles you could define an N in-1 compound oracle by using the first log N bits of the compound oracle to indicate which suboracle you wish to query . Am I missing something ?
-1 Might get better responses from Stack Overflow http even though this applies to your games it really programming . In the meantime Can you not just put the DLLs in the same folder as your executable ?
1 And NFS and DNS and other stuff too . Can you provide a breakdown by port ?
1 Sorry for the delay When you say overridden using filters what do you mean exactly ? There an alternative to hacking on the source ?
1 Please may I give this 10 upvotes ? Please ?
1 pdfTeX does not alter images . Perhaps post the problematic file somewhere we can get at ?
1 Interesting concept . Have you tried just adding them to a list as you get follow notifications ?
1 I could not figure out how to make this view . Can you elaborate on this please or refer me to a suitable link ?
1 Also every app has XSS that could be displayed as HTML XML or a future markup language . Do you seriously want to have that argument ?
1 Well the title may say it all but _ all _ isn't enough for me to understand what you are asking . Can you please elaborate ?
-1 That odd I have directX headers in my MinGW and I don't remember adding them separately . Granted my MinGW install is quite old but when and why would they stop supplying those headers ?
1 Also I think it might not happen with all applications . Can you please use Banshee as the app we're testing with ?
-1 Thanks for the approval :) But as I said my photoshop fu is weak on this . Can you please post a tutorial ?
1 Some prof once told me that 1N400x s are all made the same just graded differently based on how they turn out . Not sure how much I believe that but if you look at some datasheets http datasheets/ds28002.pdf all specified parameters are the same except Vr and only two different capacitances maybe they just make 1N4004 and 7 s
-1 There are not many ready made exploits for max excel out there at least not in non commercial exploit packs . Which version of office do you have ?
-1 @ZoFreX If it can be answered in 250 characters or less i.e . user gets whole answer from meta description do you think the searcher would have stuck around on the site for more than two seconds ? :)
1 A little bit more detail would be ideal to get the question . At least how does your data look like who are the subscribers what do they have to do with average time and how is average time in service defined ?
1 I once saw someone touch the house radiator to discharge before working inside a PC . Does that really help ?
-1 Sorry I'm a newbie in Physics world . But since you said that it always with other stuff can't we just weight the whole bundle of'em quark with other stuff then if we know the weight of other stuff do simple math ?
-1 Nothing . Remember Kevin Mitnick and Bernie S .?
1 Best is rather subjective . Do you mean easiest to use fastest or most elegant ?
-1 This looks like it could be a fantastic solution . Could you please add it as an answer to the other question http questions/5345/mouse and keyboard for xbox-360 ?
-1 I have a question about your question . Did clean urls configure correctly ?
1 I recommend the $0.5M 1THz Agilent VNA http litweb pdf/5989-7620EN pdf . 1 $1070 right ? D
-1 That code looks like it what I've been waiting for the second one with the l ! Sorry but in which template file do I type it in and where inside it ?
1 I hope I've translated this okay please check it . Also I'm guessing your version of Ubuntu is 10.10 as opposed to 10.04 ?
-1 This does not sound like you have observations or cases on which you observe both an X and a Y realization . How do you find out which X is associated to which Y ?
1 thanks that what I feared but it good to hear that you found it workable . If this site is available can you please let me know the URL ?
-1 @Metalshark this question has not received any unique answers and I believe is probably close enough to a duplicate to close . Any objections ?
-1 What do you mean by deferred and fetch later ? Could you please give some examples ?
1 Please describe what happens if you try to boot . What boot options are used ?
1 I'm not sure what you mean by it shows no impressions too . Do you mean that your site doesn't come up in the results when you put those keywords in ?
1 This question isn't really on topic in my view . It also might induce a holy war along the lines of vi or emacs
1 @Russell 30 pages is a lot and I guess it will have some noise in it too . Can't you just post the gist of it here ?
-1 Can you please change the question to What idiom starts out like I'm going to start taking names and instead of just What is this idiom
1 That is a weird site . For one they count forum software as Content Management but then neglect Wordpress ?
-1 $G'$ does not seem to add anything to your setup as it is simply a forest of cliques . You seem to be asking about the average connectivity of $G$ but what is the distribution of functions ?
-1 I installed it using pacman but it still shows the error . It written Please install the build so do I also need to build it or do I just need to reboot ?
-1 Thanks for editing this to provide a clearer statement of an interesting question @Graham . @Thunderror does that capture what you were interested in ?
1 I am having the same issue with Google Sync and an iPod Touch . The issue of null where it should say ipod toch Any suggestions on where to look ?
1 @Stefan Not sure what you mean by the comment above sorry . Want to take it to chat ?
-1 please can you confirm where you have downloaded moonlight and which version add this to your question . Also which websites are not working add the links ?
-1 I've reformatted your question . Is the table now correct ?
-1 @eWolf Sorry I didn't have a chance to install the XNA framework . Have you considered listing your application on StackList http ?
1 putting the keyword with special character in quotes does not work . is there any other methods ?
1 Thanks Example of using breqn in my case please ?
-1 1 Huh Can you please explain ?
1 @David By the way I hate to state the obvious but just looking at the regions you selected in your graph it looks like you chose the area in the lowest quartile . Is that a sufficient criteria ?
1 Done . Do you specifically want small numbers inside the big number or just shading ?
-1 Sorry I'm actually talking about the μF not the voltage . What do you think about that ?
1 what the raw information you have ie how did you come to two DORs ?
-1 I have tried the default Hello World from a new C++ console project and it builds and runs fine could you please provide a screenshot of the error ? What templare are you using ?
-1 Despite my answer your question is too broad if a question at all no question mark . What I understand your question to be is how to use Google ?
1 Nice Can we get this for our Stack Overflow profiles please ?
1 Please can you add more information as to what you want inner protected world to mean are we talking about a ring of planets some sort of mental sanctum or something interdimensional or something completely other ?
1 I'm not sure what your problem is here . Is it that GMail let the e mail into your inbox despite it being flagged as spam or from an address on your blacklist ?
1 +1 for not saying hey I'll just rent a VPS ! I won't get hacked because I've got automatic updates right
1 +1 for the historical paragraph please add reference but 1 for thinking that programmers should betray the established methodologies of those for whom they work ?
-1 I've compiled with TeX Live 2007 2008 2009 2010 and 2011/pretest and had no errors . Would you please add the list of file that you obtain by adding listfiles at the start of the input ?
-1 @robin @peter It isn't clear to me that it an exact duplicate either . Are you both referring to the one I linked above or another one ?
-1 Googling reveals update grub will create a grub config file . Please forgive my ignorance but what does this do and how will it help me ?
1 I'm probably going to be sorry I asked but what a BA Bachelor of Arts Benefits Administrator Bad Ass ?
1 I have a question back Let say your site has the user Gavin with the IP A . Should no other user including Gavin be able to login from another ip or should only a second Gavin not be able to login from another ip then IP A ?
1 I also cannot see anything on that link . Is it on another page or have you removed the Ads entirely @Amit ?
1 This question really doesn't satisfy the guidelines of the site . Can you please read the FAQ and then edit this question ?
-1 +1 Cool I think I have been invited to an event through this a very long time ago . Could you please make the link an actual link to the site and edit your answer to show anyvite measures up to the requirements ?
1 I don't want to sound rude and don't mean any offence but do you have any experience with coding normal physics i.e . Rigid body physics ?
1 Maybe it better just to ask and to provide some rules like one suggestion per answer use voting on exisiting ones . Or is this the meaning of community wiki already ?
-1 We will need more information . Would you please open a terminal and post the result of sudo fdisk l ?
-1 I'm sorry but I find your question hard to understand . Could you perhaps add a picture or an example ?
1 Thanks a lot Can you please comment on this http questions/23990/initialize wordpress environment to use in a real cron script related question ?
1 Oh I see I misread it sorry . So you want to know number the number of equivalence classes via their language of DFA of size n ?
1 Yeah I didn't cover the why but it a good question . Maybe they need to add some kind of searching engine or something but where are they going to get one of those ?
1 This feature is available on CM6 . Is it possible for you to upgrade ?
-1 Related answer http questions/5376/seo and changeable but optional urls/5390#5390 Edit If anyone is knowledgeable about this subject I'd also like to know how the canonical fits in when doing pagination or sorting . If the pages are showing the same content but in different order is it really the same page ?
-1 But the Bayes formula says something like the sum something is it enough to know those probabilities ? Could you please post an example ?
1 Yeah you answer did help me . Please can you give me a little bit more details about creating a custom admin page that allows the user to add static sections via AJAX with links to their edit pages if there no Static Content menu in which other ways the user can create the content ?
1 Since you mentioned that P is PCP 0 log n I'd like to add that it is also PCP 0 0 PCP 0 log log n etc . How does such a characterization help separate it from NP ?
1 It not clear what you're trying to do here . Do you want the view to render the string 1 image more than 1 image ?
-1 Ummm what ? Can you please clarify your answer ?
-1 You've given lots of details but have not clearly asked a question . Are you interested in knowing why you aren't yet appearing in Google search results ?
1 Assuming for the moment that it NOT a bug it does make me think we could reverse engineer the purposes of the different colors by shooting some test shots . What happens if you manually select a focus point for example ?
-1 Please be a little specific best differs amongst various users . What features specifically are you looking for ?
-1 could you please post the output of iptables v L instead of iptables L ? You are using interface based rules and those are not listed correctly without v ?
1 @D.W if thats the case as I thought it not really a security question is it ?
-1 please define medium large sized holes . And are you talking about timber members ?
1 Would I be right to understand that since you've posted this on SO you are looking for a programming way to solve this question ? Something like a rewrite system for propositions in Bayesian probabilities ?
1 And then in addition to image tags and metadata Lightroom stores a history of edits such as color tweaks crops and all that . Where are those stored ?
1 Something of a non sequitur but could someone OP mod please edit this and add oh my at the end of the title ?
1 We don't have master switches for stoves in the US . Could you explain how this works ?
-1 I don't see what you mean with this question nor can I imagine what kind of answer you search . Could you please elaborate more ?
1 Sorry I'm not clear on what happening in the question . Are you saying that the cart zooms over power rails while they're unpowered ?
1 Could you please elaborate on this answer ? Maybe add a step by step guide ?
-1 I can't quite parse your definition of BestE . M and x are sitting outside of their quantification also don't you want $M$ to reject inputs which are not in $L$ ?
-1 @henchen Sorry to ask but doesn't an extractor suffices ? Why are you considering hash functions ?
1 sorry yeah that what my file looks like . Well the isn't indented but that doesnt matter right ?
1 Great question I'm really curious about that also . Any mechanical engineer types out there got a good explanation ?
1 Looks like the question got truncated ? Could you please edit it to complete your question ?
1 However could you please comment the difference ? And the problem with the former ?
-1 Could someone please explain to me the statement in more detail ? Eg if k 1 and R is x y then what will be A ?
-1 Seeing this problem with a bit of perspective an idea would be to embed bibliographic metadata in PDF files . Maybe biblatex can do that or can be made to ?
-1 Dear @sb1 it all great but could you please answer the main question in non engineering terms that often already suppose an answer without asking why whether the energy just disappears in the form of electromagnetic waves and how much ? How much do we have to try to catch it by surrounding the circuit ?
-1 How can you not know the length of the array ? How will you know that your index is out of boundaries ?
-1 Your title mentions relativity but your question body does not . Could you resolve this for us please ?
-1 On a HTML document ? Are you referring to a screenshot ?
-1 Um if two n state DFAs are acyclic then each merely accepts a finite set of words of length at most n in which case their intersection is just the intersection of the two labelled transition graphs which will have n states and can be computed in linear time and space . Or am I missing something ?
1 I'm not sure that I understand the question . Can you please elaborate ?
1 with ships the fortify until healed option doesn't show up unless you're in your own territory . Have you put the bomber in your territory or in one of your cities and then tried to heal it ?
1 @chaman sorry I can't figure out what exactly it is you want . Are we talking about the chapter title that only appears once such as 1 Introduction or do you want to know how to change your heading that appear on every page of the chapter ?
1 What library are you using for XPath ? Are you setting the namespace mappings in there ?
-1 Sorry but i am a newbie in drupal . Can you add complete code to get the array of node items filtered with taxonomy ?
-1 Please make your question more understandable . And provide an example What sentence is not clear for you ?
-1 As far as I am aware you should be able to do this . Did you receive any error message ?
-1 Please see my comment on Egil answer this does not work for java swing windows . Any other way to do this ?
1 For the record there are about a bazillion big gears in Limbo . Next time include a screenshot perhaps ?
-1 What is your definition of connected subgraph Do you mean that the undirected version of the subgraph is a connected component or that there some source node of the subgraph from which all other nodes of the subgraph are reachable ?
-1 This sounds like the questioner is asking how to switch gears smoothly and is concerned in particular with letting go of the bars ? @solomongaby can you please confirm and edit your question to be clearer ?
-1 sorry for the dumb question one thing that I don't get is why sites route and other routes in the documentation have This method is new to version 1.1 description . Is it new or just updated ?
1 Nice question !. Which specific terms do you understand and which ones do you not understand ?
1 @John if so bugger ! I am still ranked well I wonder if or when I will drop ?
-1 Yes it works . But if I write path instead of draw it doesn't work could you tell me the difference between them please ?
1 Thanks this was easier to understand . Can you please add a few more lines to last three definitions ?
-1 I think you're trying to find repeating characters at the beginning of a string is this correct ? Would you mind rephrasing your question ?
1 @DeLonge The question looks pretty vague to me . Care to specify what you're after ?
1 Apologies if I am mistaken but this reads like a homework question . Is it ?
-1 This question is unclear . Please clarify it add annotated screenshots .
1 I'm hesitant to deal the final blow to this question to be honest . If dealing with CSS isn't a part of webmastering then what is ?
1 The reason for using Please try not to eat the semicolon was simply because I couldn't come up with a better example . Would there be any difference if it was related ?
1 are the line segments only straight lines ? Do you want an algorithm that given two polygons finds what line segments they overlap over ?
1 Could you please give me a reference that 95% should lie between 1.96 1.96 . In other words why should standardized residuals be $d_i sim N 0,1 $ ?
1 @AviD Cool thanks ! The original question asker gets to decide who answers the question though and can then just select his or her own answer right ?
-1 Transmission monitoring already existed as an answer . Could you please describe more the iTunes watched folder function ?
-1 There is no image attached . Also what have you tried by yourself ?
-1 Wow . That video I'm drooling . Can I have this for C++ please ?
1 Fine thanks a lot . Can you please provide the link for downloading the CD cache for the ubuntu version 10.10 ?
-1 1 Could you please give us a small but complete example showing the problem . 2 Have you already tried replacing the float package by floatrow ?
1 Are you also interested in common real world uses of other Public Private key protocols besides RSA e.g . DSA etc
1 I know that click here should be avoided at least for semantics . Can somebody please explain It ruins a perfectly good SEO opportunity ?
-1 Can you please edit your question so that the title fits to the text ? Suddenly does not seem to involve moving VBox to a different location does it ;) ?
-1 I have just tested this in a Google Presentation Document by copying the symbol in your question . It displays fine in design and when I click Start Presentation ?
-1 Please elaborate . Did I give you enough info to do so ?
1 Can you please clarify if you only care about the weights why you don't simply do data x + w ? What do you care about besides the weights ?
-1 Andy that jars with my understanding of what a Sylvester matrix is . Do you have a reference ?
-1 Please clarify are you going to charge your boss for this ? Or is your boss going to charge a client ?
-1 To properly address the symptom we need some information . Do you mind following https Audio AlsaInfo please ?
1 It sounds like you're trying to dump LiveCD images for various distributions onto a USB drive and then be able to boot them . Is this correct ?
1 Just looking at it it looks like a skewed normal distribution . Are you sure the outliers are necessary for your analysis ?
1 In the bike lane obviously . What're they gonna do ?
1 Sorry its not clear but what are you considering for alternatives ? Are you trying to decide between a desktop client and a web client or considering Winforms over WPF ?
-1 Please be a little more specific ! did you install it in an unusual way or is it just a normal Ubuntu package ?
1 I think chunklen needs to also be able to decrease or else your queue will have size proportional to its largest ever size even if it is empty . So how about if q head next q tail chunklen 2 ?
-1 Sorry but my broadcom still needs the proprietary driver . Therefore the questions raised as above is when connected to the internet via cable can you download the broadcom driver via additional driver ?
1 How do you define minimal ? The minimum number of movements or the minimum of the sum of distances squares of the distances ?
1 A quick google search shows lots of good free generators . Are you looking for anything in particular ?
1 sorry last question alot of my fucntionality is gone it was an autocomplete search field does this mean I have to add all the elements I want back into my module above ? or is there a way for it to only modify what I tell it to change ?
-1 Thanks again Robert ! I will definitely work it out But can you please explain about my confusion on whether it will provide normalizable or non normalizable mode basically my first comment after your response and in that case what will be the source that will couple to boundary operator ?
1 sorry my bad english its not what i ws looking for becuase everything i would have to include a shortcode after more tag in the post editor but it can do that work . So its not possible to just work on some function which will automatically put some text code after the more tag in the post page ?
-1 Can't you just generate the HTML code in a manner that marks the blocks which can be hidden with divs ? Why are you bound to that representation ?
1 Where is this dead zone ? Can you please update your question with a screenshot ?
1 I use 11.04 and I still get the popup . Could you include a screenshot please ?
-1 I'm sorry . Did I hurt your feelings ?
-1 please add to your question details of your graphics card lspci grep VGA also have a look in the Additional Drivers window which nvidia driver is installed and most importantly is it activated ? Does it say activated but not in use ?
1 I'm not quite sure what you are trying to achieve . Do you want the background image to change only when you hover over the corners ?
-1 Please add the replys as comments to the answer this way the user gets notified of the reply . Just to make sure both of the videos use only the baseline profile of AVC ?
1 I don't get your question to be honest . Could you clarify it more please ?
1 Great question . Could you clarify what you mean by uniform do you want to bound the amount of preprocessing of the parameter ?
1 This is something i can explore . Could you please send me an example ? thx
1 The most complete resource is the internet at large but that is a bit broad . Is there anything specific you are looking for ?
-1 For what it worth I haven't seen this . Can you please add your device and carrier to your message ?
1 please can you add to your question the results of the following sudo lshw class network followed by rfkill list . Also what happens if you deactivate the B43 driver and activate the STA driver ?
1 I am having a hard time figuring out what each symbol means . Could you explicitly identify them please ?
-1 Do you retrieve only exact matches ? What is the sorting criteria ?
1 Can you please be more specific about your question ? You talk about Samsung graphic customizations ?
1 Please be more specific . What exactly do you mean by hangs ?
-1 Your problem is coming up with a practically useful definition of centre . What your application ?
1 1 Thanks for the explanation that the verb section here is indeed an abbreviation . 2 Can you please fix the link to Blog ?
-1 The format here is Q&A and this is just an A I know I'm being a bit anal but could you split your solution into its own answer using the button near the bottom and refactor your question into a question please ?
1 Please add the first part to your post . You mean both players should have the same number of parts of the stick ?
-1 @Jen sorry to be patronising . Are you confusing square numbers numbers raised to the power of two and powers of two ?
-1 @Matt Sorry about the edit maaan . Out of curiosity why don't you want the spoiler block ?
-1 What do you mean by take off in relation to brightness here ? Do you mean reduce or perhaps measure ?
-1 The first step is where the magic lies I guess . Care to elaborate please ?
1 @AnthonyK What is the name of the images you want to display ? Are they same for all rows ?
1 Can you clarify the question please ? Is it that you have an account with but not a paying account ?
1 If you can edit your reply and add the answer to the question please Is viewState really important ? and if I want to hand code it will it be a difficult process ?
-1 @alex gray It still not clear which you want 2 $1 or 2 1 . Did you make the typo again in your comment ?
1 Your question is unclear . Could you please edit the question to more fully describe what you are trying to accomplish and what your different scenarios are ?
1 Good question . I wonder if it should be migrated to CS Theory http or Programmers http ?
1 Moritz although the yes no answer to this question is covered by Rice Theorem see my answer below for more interesting results . Maybe txwikinger you should change the question to What is the complexity of the set i L M_i is in NP ?
-1 Your first sentence is unclear . When you say which might differ just slightly are you referring to the colors or the random numbers ?
-1 @Tim Why not posting this as an answer ? Please ?
1 yep sorry for the confusion . any other ideas ?
-1 Hi johnny8888 I'm on a Solaris server and there is no manual entry for expect . Can you please elaborate your answer ?
1 Is the table structure fixed ? For example will there be different spans ?
1 can you please try flushing your dns cache with this command dscacheutil flushcache and restarting your browser . Let us know if you can still access server.local with your browser ?
1 @Bob Murphy Yeap you see I'm sorry is used waaay too often and usually it doesn't mean that someone is sorry it just a protocol keyphrase . Do we need protocol keyphrases where real action and attitude is what actualy needed ?
-1 Barney Frank is a politician Frank Barney is an artist . How could you guess what format the full name is ?
-1 @Kyle Cronin can you please tell me than the font is shown in the Fixed width fonts ? in the Font panel like Monaco or Courier
-1 +1 We try to not put the sales men in the same room Can I work for you please ?
1 I would recommend asking the question on Also it a huge question . Can you shorten it please ?
-1 Thanks Gilles for the answer But i am not still able to get the whole concept . Could you please be a bit more simpler without reducing the information in it ?
1 Are you using the default expression evaluator ? Also have you tried applying the line directive to the ret instead of a nop ?
-1 I get confused about scope with this horde of niche sites . Please explain A question about apple filesystems belongs on superuser ?
-1 ah sorry missed that . anything suspicious in your zshrc ?
1 Sorry about that yes it is a taxonomy page then . The code I posted above using get_terms was working so that means your code should work too right ?
-1 The minimum sum would be found by taking the smallest number then subtracting all other numbers from it . Do you mean closest to zero ?
-1 Sorry if this is a dumb question but I remember a nice theorem in one of Knuth fascicles that said a boolean function is self dual iff it can be expressed as the composition of majority functions . Has this observation been used in any algorithm for that problem ?
1 That should work . What is the error you are getting ?
-1 Either way the whole point of the question was to see a concrete mathematical proof . Instead of just saying it is so can you please show how it is so such that I can learn more ?
-1 Huh ... I thought he was just overlooking the box but you're right @Tetrad wiki is now mod only . Seems strange why wouldn't they allow users to apply it themselves ?
1 Can you please describe in more detail what you mean with inclined ? Should the line go from the upper corner of a cell to the bottom opposite corner of the same cell or should it cross several cells ?
1 Do you mean the launcher ? Could you please provide a screenshot ?
1 Sorry just realized you were talking specifically about using the word in the title which does make things a little trickier you probably don't want your app to have a different name on both sides of the pond although it wouldn't be unheard of . Can't you just use Plane instead ? P
1 Question Is N allowed to have an initial value that is also in V ie a power of 3 ?
1 The best case would be if the list were already sorted but I don't think that what you're asking . Could you be more specific ?
1 I don't get the question . Perhaps you can explain it more clearly ?
1 So to conclude it should be acceptable for the beginning to have only one SceneGraph that would contain all the objects in the scene . Can you advise please if cameras lights triggers should be in the scene graph as well ?
-1 @Peter How about calling it the necessary ? That discreet right ?
-1 what have you tried did you look for a vb tutorial ?
-1 Homework ? Can you post what you've tried ?
1 Sorry but I don't buy it . Why should we be sheep because exceptions didn't exist in PHP over a decade ago when classes were first implemented in PHP 4.something ?
-1 @GeeGoldz will you be accepting an answer ? @csl how about that bounty ?
1 We already have a related not a duplicate question http q/1055/8 http questions/1055/which states or countries have stop sign as yield laws for bicyclists idaho stop but we never got a good summary of locations where the Idaho Stop was implemented unless it really only Idaho that has this law . Maybe make this a question asking how the law has worked out in these locations ?
1 Let hope for the best . Did you get a chance to look at any server access logs from just after the last IISReset to the first incidence of the error ?
-1 @Jason Orendorff Sorry I meant just the response the other was just a setup . I would have suggested that her in I told her is the IO with the implicit news of her father death being the DO If her is a DO in that sentence what about I told her the news ?
1 Should be expect instead of respect . And also please see my added question Do I have to know about Escher and Bach
-1 I'm sorry that doesn't really make sense . What is your question ?
1 You may want to post the code right here . Maybe use pastebin or something if it too much to embed directly in your post ?
-1 What do you mean by coordinates position on the screen I guess ? Which layout are you working with ?
-1 Using what ? Html ?
-1 @Chip I created a Trac question http questions/648/should we answer questions about theme reviews to discuss whether we should answer these questions on WPSE . Could you please give your opinion too ?
-1 @Stephen Oh sorry ... I misunderstood . but u do see why u need to learn c c++ right
1 Great question . What exactly do you mean by bug ?
1 I know but your question implied that you have conductive tape and want to know if it is conductive . Another good question might be Is there a conductive tape product and then have details in the question about what you need specifically ?
-1 header Content type image jpeg does not set a header instead it sends raw header to the browser . What do you want to achieve ?
1 @Martin I think modification of boot.efi wont be so risky i can simply time machine back to my old system if anything goes wrong right ? Would u please provide me with modification instructions ?
1 Thank you very much for your answer . Could you please take a moment and provide the code I would need to add which would allow me to achieve these goals ?
1 you need to clarify the question . Are you talking about generating a DC voltage from the PWM ?
1 I don't know if I understand correctly Do you want to add a new image tag to your div tag ? Where do you have your list ?
1 What have you tried so far ? Do you have any pseudo code that you've come up with on your own that others can comment on ?
1 Yes This is the correct answer . Can you please check if my proof below is correct ?
1 @Mgccl Great that you found a better solution for your specific case . May I ask what you are doing this for ?
1 @Kosmonaut Yes please I agree with Martha . What is the deal with W ?
-1 I'm not familiar with Australian laws but I'd be surprised if there anything there very different from similar laws elsewhere answers would apply equally on other locales . Am I wrong about those laws ?
1 Sorry nevermind I found the option for it :) Without having much knowledge of Wordpress do you know how I'd go about combining image map within the fancybox with some custom jQuery to trigger events based on the area clicks ?
-1 The problem you described is not to be expected in normal circumstances . Can you please add to your question a minimal working example http mini en.html illustrating the odd bahaviour described ?
-1 @Gaim Better but you still haven't stated what OS this is for or what programming environment you're using . And where did the address of _printf come from ?