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Oracle GoldenGate on Docker

Sample Docker build files to provide an installation of Oracle GoldenGate for DevOps users. These instructions apply to building Docker images for Oracle GoldenGate versions 12c through 19c.


Before You Start

This project provides a Dockerfile tested with:

  • Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate Microservices for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate Microservices for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle
  • Oracle GoldenGate Microservices for Oracle

To build the images, use the script or follow the instructions for manually building an image.

IMPORTANT: To create images for Oracle GoldenGate on Docker, you must use Docker version 17.05.0 or later. You can check the version of Docker on your system with the docker version command.

IMPORTANT: You must download the installation binaries of Oracle GoldenGate. You only need to provide the binaries for the version you plan to install. The binaries can be downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network. Do not uncompress the Oracle GoldenGate ZIP file. The script will handle that for you. You also must have Internet connectivity when building the Docker image for the package manager to perform additional software installations.

IMPORTANT: The Docker Base Image should be prepared before you start creating Oracle GoldenGate Docker Image. Please refer the section Changing the Base Image regarding the base images.

All shell commands in this document assume the usage of Bash shell.

For more information about Oracle GoldenGate please see the Oracle GoldenGate 12c On-line Documentation.

Option 1 - Using to Build Oracle GoldenGate Docker Images

Once you have downloaded the Oracle GoldenGate software, run the script without command line options to view usage instructions:

$ ./
Oracle GoldenGate distribution ZIP file not specified.

Usage: [-h | <ogg-zip-file-name>] [<docker-build-options> ...]
  ogg-zip-file-name       Name of OGG ZIP file
  docker-build-options    Command line options for Docker build

  ./ ~/Downloads/ --no-cache

When the name of an Oracle GoldenGate ZIP file is specified, the result of will be a Docker image with the Oracle GoldenGate binaries installed. Created Docker images will follow the naming convention of oracle/goldengate-<edition>:<version>, for example:

  • oracle/goldengate-standard:
  • oracle/goldengate-standard:
  • oracle/goldengate-microservices:

The script determines the version and edition of Oracle GoldenGate by inspecting the ZIP file.

IMPORTANT: When creating Docker images for Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle, the script automatically selects the Oracle GoldenGate software for Oracle RDBMS 12c. To create Docker images for a different version of Oracle RDBMS, follow the instructions for Option 2.

Docker Build Options

When using, all command line options after the name of the Oracle GoldenGate ZIP file are passed directly to the docker build command. This allows you to modify the behavior of docker build. For example, adding --no-cache to the command line instructs Docker to not use cached images when building the Oracle GoldenGate Docker image. The --tag option can be used to give the new Docker image a custom tag.

The following example creates a Oracle GoldenGate Docker image and names it devops/goldengate-microservices:production. Output from docker build is not shown unless an error occurs.

$ ./ ~/Downloads/ --tag devops/goldengate-microservices:production --quiet

Option 2 - Manually Building Oracle GoldenGate Docker Images

Building an Oracle GoldenGate Docker image can be done manually, without using the script, by following the steps in this section.

First, the installation media must be extracted from the downloaded ZIP file and converted to a TAR file for the Docker build process. The extraction process depends on the version of Oracle GoldenGate downloaded.

Extracting Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Installation Media

The Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle software is packaged differently than for other databases. If Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle was downloaded, locate the appropriate filegroup1.jar file and extract it. For example, Oracle GoldenGate Microservices for Oracle contains two candidates:

$ unzip -l ~/Downloads/ | grep 'oracle.oggcore.*.ora.*filegroup1.jar'
125089328  2018-04-16 05:46   fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome/Disk1/stage/Components/
119782012  2018-04-16 05:45   fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome/Disk1/stage/Components/

The filegroup1.jar for Oracle RDBMS 12c can be extracted into the current directory with a command like this:

$ unzip -j ~/Downloads/ \

Then, conversion of filegroup1.jar to 123014_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome.tar is done with this command:

$ unzip -q filegroup1.jar -d ./oggcore && \
  tar Ccf ./oggcore 123014_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome.tar --owner=54321 --group=54321 . && \
  rm -fr  ./oggcore

NOTE: The group id and owner id of '54321' is used by the Dockerfile when creating the 'oracle' user account.

When the above commands are executed successfully, the resulting TAR file, 123014_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome.tar, will be used by the Dockerfile to create the Oracle GoldenGate image. Pass the filename to the Docker build command with the OGG_TARFILE build argument. This is covered in greater detail in a later section.

Extracting Oracle GoldenGate Installation Media for non-Oracle Databases

For non-Oracle databases, the installation software is packaged as a TAR file in a ZIP file, along with release notes.

$ unzip -lv ~/Downloads/
Archive:  /home/sbalousek/Downloads/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
260648960  Defl:N 62574810  76% 2017-08-05 07:25 2dcd70bf  ggs_Linux_x64_MySQL_64bit.tar
    1542  Defl:N      559  64% 2017-08-13 16:22 cb9f1c1b  OGG-
  181443  Defl:N   139000  23% 2017-08-13 16:22 92c6c95c  OGG_WinUnix_Rel_Notes_12.3.0.1.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
260831945         62714369  76%                            3 files

Extract the TAR file with a command like:

$ unzip ~/Downloads/ ggs_Linux_x64_MySQL_64bit.tar

NOTE: The name of the TAR file depends on the version of Oracle GoldenGate that was downloaded.

Optionally, rebuild the TAR file using the group and user identifiers 54321:54321. If this step is skipped, the resulting image file will be larger than necessary.

$ mkdir ./oggcore && \
  tar Cxf ./oggcore ggs_Linux_x64_MySQL_64bit.tar && \
  tar Ccf ./oggcore ggs_Linux_x64_MySQL_64bit.tar --owner=54321 --group=54321 . && \
  rm -fr  ./oggcore

NOTE: The group id and owner id of '54321' is used by the Dockerfile when creating the 'oracle' user account.

When the above commands are executed successfully, the resulting TAR file, ggs_Linux_x64_MySQL_64bit.tar, can be used by the Dockerfile to create the Oracle GoldenGate image. Pass the filename to the Docker build command with the OGG_TARFILE build argument. This is described in the next section.

Building the Docker image

Once the TAR file is created, the Docker image can be built. The Dockerfile requires three build arguments be defined for the docker build command.

  • OGG_VERSION - The Oracle GoldenGate version used for the Docker image. "", for example. This value is used to set the OGG_VERSION environment variable in the resulting Docker image and is otherwise not used.
  • OGG_EDITION - The Oracle GoldenGate edition, either "standard" or "microservices". This value determines the additional software added to the Docker image.
  • OGG_TARFILE - The name of the TAR file extracted using the commands above. The TAR file must be located in the same directory as Dockerfile.

An Oracle GoldenGate Docker image is built with a docker build command like this:

$ docker build --build-arg OGG_VERSION="" \
               --build-arg OGG_EDITION="microservices" \
               --build-arg OGG_TARFILE="123014_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome.tar" \
               --tag oracle/goldengate-microservices: --no-cache .

Changing the Base Image

By default, the base image used by Docker to build Oracle GoldenGate Docker images is oracle/instantclient: The Oracle Instant Client image can be built using the files in OracleInstantClient. You can change the base image used by the Oracle GoldenGate Docker images if your Oracle GoldenGate software is for a non-Oracle RDBMS or if you have more complex requirements of the Oracle GoldenGate Docker image.

The base image is changed by setting the environment variable BASE_IMAGE when executing the script as described in Option 1 above. This example uses an Oracle Database 12c Release 2 ( Enterprise Edition image created using the files in OracleDatabase:

$ BASE_IMAGE="oracle/database:" ./ ~/Downloads/

When manually creating the Docker image (see Option 2), the base image is specified as a Docker build argument. For example, using an Oracle Database 12c Release 2 ( Enterprise Edition base image is done with a command like this:

$ docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE="oracle/database:" \
               --build-arg OGG_VERSION="" \
               --build-arg OGG_EDITION="microservices" \
               --build-arg OGG_TARFILE="123014_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome.tar" \
               --tag oracle/goldengate-microservices: --no-cache .

Running a Command from the Base Image

If the base image provides run-time services, they can be specified at Docker image build time with the BASE_COMMAND argument. They can also be specified at run time with the BASE_COMMAND environment variable. The command specified by BASE_COMMAND will be executed in the background, before the Oracle GoldenGate services are run. For example, when the Oracle GoldenGate Docker image is based on oracle/database:, the RDBMS services can be specified with this command:

$ BASE_IMAGE="oracle/database:" ./ ~/Downloads/ --build-arg BASE_COMMAND="runuser -u oracle -- /opt/oracle/"

Running Oracle GoldenGate in a Docker container

To run your Oracle GoldenGate Docker image use a docker run command like this:

$ docker run --name <container name> \
    --cap-add SYS_RESOURCE \
    -e OGG_SCHEMA=<schema for OGG> \
    -e OGG_ADMIN=<admin user name> \
    -e OGG_ADMIN_PWD=<admin password> \
    -e OGG_DEPLOYMENT=<deployment name for Microservices Architecture> \
    -e PORT_BASE=11000 \
    -p 8443:443 \
    -v <host mount point>:<container-mount-point> ... \
    <image name>


  • <container name> - The name of the container (default: auto generated)
  • --cap-add SYS_RESOURCE - Required privileges for Docker container to allow su - oracle
  • -e OGG_SCHEMA - The GGSCHEMA to use for OGG (default: oggadmin)
  • -e OGG_ADMIN - The name of the administrative account to create for Microservices Architecture (default: oggadmin)
  • -e OGG_ADMIN_PWD - The password for the Microservices Architecture administrative account (default: auto generated)
  • -e OGG_DEPLOYMENT - The name of the deployment for Microservices Architecture (default: Local)
  • -e PORT_BASE - The starting port number used by OGG services (default: 7809 for Classic Edition, 9100 for Microservices Edition)
  • <image name> - The Docker image name created using Option 1 or Option 2

NOTE: Only the OGG_SCHEMA environment variable is used by Oracle GoldenGate Standard Edition containers. The other environment variables are used by the Microservices Architecture.


Mount points for Oracle GoldenGate Standard Edition are located in the container under the /u01/app/ogg/ directory. For example:

  • /u01/app/ogg/dirprm - The parameter file directory
  • /u01/app/ogg/dirdat - The standard trail file directory

For the Microservices Architecture, Oracle GoldenGate data is located under the /u02/ogg directory. Some examples are:

  • /u02/ogg/Local/etc/conf - Configuration files for the 'Local' deployment
  • /u02/ogg/Local/var/lib/data - Trail files for the 'Local' deployment


Depending on the OGG Edition, the container will expose one or more ports starting at PORT_BASE. For the Microservices Edition, the container will also expose a Load Balancer on port 443. To publish the Manager port from a Classic Edition container from the Docker host, use the --publish (-p) option for docker run. For example:

-p 7809:7809

For a Microservices Edition container, there are two options.

  1. Publish the port of the embedded load balancer to access all the microservices from a single port (preferred)

    -p 8443:443
  2. Publish the ports from individual OGG Microservices:

    -p 9100:9100   # Service Manager
    -p 9101:9101   # Administration Server
    -p 9102:9102   # Distribution Server
    -p 9103:9103   # Receiver Server
    -p 9104:9104   # Performance Metrics Server

SSL Certificate for Microservices Architecture

When the Oracle GoldenGate Docker image is created for Microservices Architecture, a dummy SSL certificate is generated for the OGG Web UI. Your own SSL certificate can be used instead of the dummy certificate like this:

docker run --name ogg-test \
    -e OGG_SCHEMA=ggadmin \
    -e OGG_ADMIN=oggadmin \
    -v /path/to/certificate.pem:/etc/nginx/ogg.pem \

The certificate file, /path/to/certificate.pem, needs to contain a full certificate chain including the private key and all intermediate and root CA public keys. For example:


Administrative Account Password for Microservices Architecture

On the first startup of a Microservices Architecture container, a random password will be generated for the Oracle GoldenGate administrative user if not provided by the OGG_ADMIN_PWD environment variable. You can find this password at the start of the Docker container log:

$ docker logs <container name> 2>/dev/null | head -3
--  Password for administrative user 'oggadmin' is 'qVc3bqNlwijk'

Running GGSCI in an OGG Standard Edition Docker container

The GGSCI utility can be run in the OGG container with this command:

$ docker exec -ti --user oracle <container name> ggsci

GGSCI is not installed for containers created with the Microservices Architecture.

Running Admin Client in an OGG Microservices Architecture Docker container

The Admin Client utility can be run in the OGG container with this command:

$ docker exec -ti --user oracle <container name> adminclient

Admin Client is only available in containers created with the Microservices Architecture.

Additional Utilities

Additional utilities, installed to the Docker Image at /usr/local/bin, can be found in the bin directory.

Known issues



All scripts and files hosted in this project and GitHub docker-images/OracleGoldenGate repository required to build the Docker images are, unless otherwise noted, released under the Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0. See LICENSE for details.

To download and run Oracle GoldenGate, regardless whether inside or outside a Docker container, you must download the binaries from the Oracle Technology Network and accept the license indicated at that page.


Copyright © 2017, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.