Hiccup is a javascript library inspired by the awesome clojure library hiccup. Hiccup takes nested arrays and returns HTML, or React elements.
import { html } from 'hiccup'
=> html(["script"])
=> html(["p"])
"<p />"
=> html(
["section", { class: "container" },
["h1", { class: "banner" }, "Title"],
["p", "content 1"]]]
"<section class=\"container\"><h1 class=\"banner\">Title</h1><article><p>content 1</p></article></section>"
The same data can be passed to the react
method to generate react elements, allowing readable react to be written without JSX.
import React from 'react'
import { renderElement } from 'hiccup'
import Header from './Header'
// hiccup takes a 'createElement' function
// so that you can swap out React for Preact or anything else with the same API.
const r = renderElement(React.createElement)
// no JSX
function MyComponent({ title, content, items }) {
return r(
["section", { class: "container" },
[Header, { title }],
["p", content],
items.map(item =>
["li", { key: item.id }, item.content]