This Lambda function is using the latest version of the Veracode API available here
In order to use this you will need:
- Generate AWS Access/Keys and create a AWS profile.
- You will need to get a veracode service user available in this link here
This is only AWS on AWS NW AWS QA environment.
Go to veracode console and create and APP, create a sandbox into this app. Get the information (ID) about your APP and your sandbox. You need to post a JSON by using AWS signing v4 available here
- Specify the bucket where are located your files to scan.
- Specify the veracode_appid & veracode_sandboxid.
- Specify each file within the bucket.
KMS encrypted for API here
You need to specify IAM Auth in your requests
- AccessKey [your-access-key]
- SecretKey: [your-secret-access-key]
- AWS Region: us-east-1
- Service Name: execute-api
To post files to scan you need to perform this command: PS: Because of API Gateway 30 seconds limitation, POST operations are not available for a build which requires important file size.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @resources/test_upload.json
To get the results you have to perform this command:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET{appid}
"filesData": {
"bucket_name": "nw-sls-deploy-941794040565-qa",
"veracode_appid": 326812,
"prefix_bucket": "serverless",
"environment": "qa"
"platform":"JAVASCRIPT / JavaScript / JAVASCRIPT_5_1",
"name":"JS files within"
"platform":"JVM / Java J2SE 6 / JAVAC_5",