(Looking for the main documentation page instead? See here)
WP Packages Update Server provides an API and offers a series of functions, actions and filters for developers to use in their own plugins and themes to modify the behavior of the plugin when managing licenses.
- WP Packages Update Server - Licenses - Developer documentation
- The License Query
- Functions
- Actions
- wppus_added_license_check
- wppus_removed_license_check
- wppus_registered_license_schedule
- wppus_cleared_license_schedule
- wppus_scheduled_license_event
- wppus_browse_licenses
- wppus_did_browse_licenses
- wppus_did_read_license
- wppus_did_edit_license
- wppus_did_add_license
- wppus_did_delete_license
- wppus_did_check_license
- wppus_pre_activate_license
- wppus_did_activate_license
- wppus_pre_deactivate_license
- wppus_did_deactivate_license
- wppus_license_api_request
- Filters
- wppus_licensed_package_slugs
- wppus_license_valid
- wppus_license_server
- wppus_license_api_config
- wppus_submitted_licenses_config
- wppus_check_license_result
- wppus_activate_license_result
- wppus_deactivate_license_result
- wppus_check_license_dirty_payload
- wppus_activate_license_dirty_payload
- wppus_deactivate_license_dirty_payload
- wppus_activate_license_payload
- wppus_deactivate_license_payload
- wppus_browse_licenses_payload
- wppus_read_license_payload
- wppus_edit_license_payload
- wppus_add_license_payload
- wppus_delete_license_payload
- wppus_license_public_api_actions
- wppus_license_api_request_authorized
- wppus_license_bypass_signature
- wppus_api_license_actions
- wppus_api_license_actions
The License Query is an associative array. It is used to browse the license records either with the Private API action browse
or with the wppus_browse_licenses
$license_query = array(
'relationship' => 'AND', // Relationship of the criteria when provided - 'AND or 'OR' - default 'AND' (optional)
'limit' => '10', // Limit the number of results ; set to any negative value for no limit - default 999 (optional)
'offset' => '0', // Results offset - default 0 (optional)
'order_by' => 'date_created', // Order of the license records returned - default 'date_created' (optional)
'criteria' => array( // Criteria to filter the license records - accepts multiple values - if omitted, the result is not filtered (optional)
'field' => 'field', // Field to filter by - see the list of accepted license fields below (required)
'value' => 'value', // Value of the field to filter by - format depends on the operator (required)
'operator' => 'operator' // Comparison operator - see the list of accepted operators below (required)
'field' => 'field', // Field to filter by - see the list of accepted license fields below (required)
'value' => 'value', // Value of the field to filter by - format depends on the operator (required)
'operator' => 'operator' // Comparison operator - see the list of accepted operators below (required)
... // More criteria...
Accepted operators are: =
, >
, <
, >=
, <=
, IN
Accepted license fields are: id
(only for wppus_browse_licenses
, not through the API), license_key
, max_allowed_domains
, allowed_domains
, status
, owner_name
, email
, company_name
, txn_id
, date_created
, date_renewed
, date_expiry
, package_slug
, package_type
NOTE: the field allowed_domains
is a serialized array, therefore when used in a criteria the only operators likely to return results are LIKE
The License API is accessible via POST and GET requests on the /wppus-license-api/
endpoint for both the Public and Private API, and via POST only for the Private API. It accepts form-data payloads (arrays, basically). This documentation page uses wp_remote_post
, but wp_remote_get
would work as well for the Public API.
In case the API is accessed with an invalid action
parameter, the following response is returned (message's language depending on available translations), with HTTP response code set to 400
Response $data
- malformed request:
"message": "License API action not found"
The description of the API further below is using the following code as reference, where $params
are the parameters passed to the API (other parameters can be adjusted, they are just WordPress' default) and $data
is the JSON response:
$url = 'https://domain.tld/wppus-license-api/'; // Replace domain.tld with the domain where WP Packages Update Server is installed.
$response = wp_remote_post(
'method' => 'POST',
'timeout' => 45,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array(),
'body' => $params,
'cookies' => array(),
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
printf( esc_html__( 'Something went wrong: %s', 'text-domain' ), esc_html( $response->get_error_message() ) );
} else {
$data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$decoded_data = json_decode( $data );
if ( '200' === $response['response']['code'] ) {
// Handle success with $decoded_data
} else {
// Handle failure with $decoded_data
The public API does not require an authentication key, because for each provided operation, the License Key IS the authentication key for the API: by default, keys are randomly generated using bin2hex( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 16 ) )
which gives back an unguessable, random string of 32 characters. Even if the keys CAN be edited via the admin interface, it is highly recommended to use an unguessable, random string regardless.
It provides 3 simple operations: check
, activate
and deactivate
$params = array(
'action' => 'check', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to check (required)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "activated",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin"
Response $data
- failure (in case of invalid license_key
"license_key": "test-license"
$params = array(
'action' => 'activate', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to activate for the provided domain (required)
'allowed_domains' => array( 'example.com' ), // Domain name for which the license needs to be activated - can be a string (required)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "activated",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin",
"license_signature": "some_complex_encrypted_string-some_complex_hmac"
Response $data
- failure (in case of invalid license_key
"license_key": "test-license"
Response $data
- failure (in case of illegal status - illegal statuses for activation/deactivation are "on-hold"
, "expired"
and "blocked"
"status": "expired"
Response $data
- failure (in case of already activated for allowed_domains
"allowed_domains": [
Response $data
- failure (in case of no more domains allowed for activation):
"max_allowed_domains": "2"
$params = array(
'action' => 'deactivate', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to activate for the provided domain (required)
'allowed_domains' => array( 'example.com' ), // Domain name for which the license needs to be deactivated - can be a string (required)
Response $data
- success (in case some domains are still activated):
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "activated",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin"
Response $data
- failure (in case of invalid license_key
"license_key": "test-license"
Response $data
- failure (in case of illegal status - illegal statuses for activation/deactivation are "on-hold"
, "expired"
and "blocked"
"status": "expired"
Response $data
- success (in case all domains have been deactivated):
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [],
"status": "deactivated",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin"
Response $data
- failure (in case of already deactivated for allowed_domains
"allowed_domains": [
The Private API, only accessible via the POST method, requires extra authentication for all its actions - browse
, edit
, add
, delete
The first action, browse
, is particular in the sense that, unlike the other actions and aside from the authentication token, it accepts a JSON License Query instead of the classic form-data payload.
With the Private API, depending on granted privileges, developers can theoretically perform any operation on the license records - be careful to keep the Private API Authentication Key an absolute secret!
To access the Private API, an authentication token must first be obtained with the Nonce API ; for example:
// We assume the API Key is stored in environment variables
$api_key = getenv( 'WPPUS_LICENSE_API_KEY' );
$url = 'https://domain.tld/wppus-token/'; // Replace domain.tld with the domain where WP Packages Update Server is installed.
$response = wp_remote_post(
'headers' => array(
'X-WPPUS-Private-License-API-Key' => $api_key,
'body' => array(
'api_auth_key' => 'secret', // Only used if X-WPPUS-Private-License-API-Key is not set
'api' => 'license', // Only used if X-WPPUS-Private-License-API-Key is not set
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
printf( esc_html__( 'Something went wrong: %s', 'text-domain' ), esc_html( $response->get_error_message() ) );
} else {
$data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
if ( '200' === $response['response']['code'] ) {
error_log( $data );
} else {
// Handle failure with $data
In the above example, the $data
variable looks like:
"nonce": "e7466375e8c851564653c6f7de81cd8f", // the authentication token
"true_nonce": false, // whether the token can be only used once before it expires
"expiry": 9999999999, // when the token expires - default is +30 minutes
"data": { // the data stored with the token
"license_api": { // the license API data corresponding to the API key, generated by WPPUS
"id": "api_key_id", // the ID of the API key
"access": [ // the list of authorized access privileges - `all` means access to everything related to licenses on WPPUS
Once an authentication token has been obtained, it needs to be provided to API actions, either via the api_token
parameter, or by passing a X-WPPUS-Token
header (recommended - it is then found in $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WPPUS_TOKEN']
in PHP).
In case the token is invalid, all the actions of the Private API return the same response (message's language depending on available translations), with HTTP response code set to 403
Response $data
- forbidden access:
"message": "Unauthorized access"
In case the Private API is accessed via the GET
method, all the actions return the same response (message's language depending on available translations), with HTTP response code set to 405
Response $data
- unauthorized method:
"message": "Unauthorized GET method"
See The License Query for more information on the $license_query
$params = array(
'action' => 'browse', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'browse_query' => wp_json_encode( $license_query ), // A JSON representation of a License Query (required)
'api_token' => 'token', // The authentication token (optional - must provided via X-WPPUS-Token header if absent)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "deactivated",
"owner_name": "Test Owner",
"email": "test@test.com",
"company_name": "Test Company",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin",
"data": {
"api_owner": "private_key_id"
Response $data
- failure (in case of malformed License Query - same as no result):
$params = array(
'action' => 'read', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to read
'api_token' => 'token', // The authentication token (optional - must provided via X-WPPUS-Token header if absent)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "deactivated",
"owner_name": "Test Owner",
"email": "test@test.com",
"company_name": "Test Company",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin",
"data": {
"api_owner": "private_key_id"
Response $data
- failure:
$params = array(
'action' => 'edit', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license-new', // The key of the license to edit (required - used to identify the record to edit)
'max_allowed_domains' => '99', // The maximum number of domains allowed to use the license - minimum 1 (required)
'allowed_domains' => array( // Domains currently allowed to use the license (optional)
'status' => 'blocked', // The status of the license - one of pending, activated, deactivated, on-hold, blocked, expired (required)
'owner_name' => 'Another Owner', // The full name of the owner of the license (optional)
'email' => 'test-new@test.com', // The email registered with the license (required)
'company_name' => 'New Company', // The company of the owner of the license (optional)
'txn_id' => '#999999999', // If applicable, the transaction identifier associated to the purchase of the license (optional)
'date_created' => '3099-12-01', // Creation date of the license - YYYY-MM-DD (required)
'date_renewed' => '3099-12-015', // Date of the last time the license was renewed -\n YYYY-MM-DD (optional)
'date_expiry' => '3099-12-31', // Expiry date of the license - YYY-MM-DD - if omitted, no expiry (optional)
'package_slug' => 'new-package', // The package slug - only alphanumeric characters and dashes are allowed (required)
'package_type' => 'theme', // Type of package the license is for - one of plugin, theme, generic (required)
'api_token' => 'token', // The authentication token (optional - must provided via X-WPPUS-Token header if absent)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license-new",
"max_allowed_domains": "99",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "blocked",
"owner_name": "Another Owner",
"email": "test-new@test.com",
"company_name": "New Company",
"txn_id": "#999999999",
"date_created": "3099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "3099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "3099-12-31",
"package_slug": "new-package",
"package_type": "theme",
"data": {
"api_owner": "private_key_id"
Response $data
- failure (in case the fields do not match the requirements):
"errors": [
"error message 1",
"error message 2",
$params = array(
'action' => 'add', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to add (required)
'max_allowed_domains' => '2', // The maximum number of domains allowed to use the license - minimum 1 (required)
'allowed_domains' => array( // Domains currently allowed to use the license (optional)
'status' => 'pending', // The status of the license - one of pending, activated, deactivated, on-hold, blocked, expired (required)
'owner_name' => 'Test Owner', // The full name of the owner of the license (optional)
'email' => 'test@test.com', // The email registered with the license (required)
'company_name' => 'Test Company', // The company of the owner of the license (optional)
'txn_id' => '#111111111', // If applicable, the transaction identifier associated to the purchase of the license (optional)
'date_created' => '2099-12-01', // Creation date of the license - YYYY-MM-DD (required)
'date_renewed' => '2099-12-015', // Date of the last time the license was renewed -\n YYYY-MM-DD (optional)
'date_expiry' => '2099-12-31', // Expiry date of the license - YYY-MM-DD - if omitted, no expiry (optional)
'package_slug' => 'test-package', // The package slug - only alphanumeric characters and dashes are allowed (required)
'package_type' => 'plugin', // Type of package the license is for - one of plugin, theme, generic (required)
'api_token' => 'token', // The authentication token (optional - must provided via X-WPPUS-Token header if absent)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "deactivated",
"owner_name": "Test Owner",
"email": "test@test.com",
"company_name": "Test Company",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin",
"data": {
"api_owner": "private_key_id"
Response $data
- failure (in case the fields do not match the requirements):
"errors": [
"error message 1",
"error message 2",
$params = array(
'action' => 'delete', // Action to perform when calling the License API (required)
'license_key' => 'test-license', // The key of the license to delete
'api_token' => 'token', // The authentication token (optional - must provided via X-WPPUS-Token header if absent)
Response $data
- success:
"id": "99",
"license_key": "test-license",
"max_allowed_domains": "2",
"allowed_domains": [
"status": "deactivated",
"owner_name": "Test Owner",
"email": "test@test.com",
"company_name": "Test Company",
"txn_id": "#111111111",
"date_created": "2099-12-01",
"date_renewed": "2099-12-15",
"date_expiry": "2099-12-31",
"package_slug": "test-package",
"package_type": "plugin",
"data": {
"api_owner": "private_key_id"
Response $data
- failure:
The functions listed below are made publicly available by the plugin for plugin and theme developers. They can be used after the action plugins_loaded
has been fired, or in a plugins_loaded
action (just make sure the priority is above -99
Although the main classes can theoretically be instantiated without side effect if the $hook_init
parameter is set to false
, it is recommended to use only the following functions as there is no guarantee future updates won't introduce changes of behaviors.
Determine whether the current request is made by a client plugin or theme interacting with the plugin's license API.
Return value
if the current request is a client plugin or theme interacting with the plugin's API,false
wppus_browse_licenses( array $browse_query );
Browse the license records filtered using various criteria.
(array) See The License Query
Return value
(array) An array of license object matching the License Query
wppus_read_license( array $payload );
Read a license record.
(array) See the License API action read
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success (see the response of the License API action read - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an empty array otherwise
wppus_edit_license( array $payload );
Add a license record.
(array) See
for the License API action add
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success (see the response of the License API action add - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an array of errors otherwise
wppus_add_license( array $payload );
Add a license.
(array) See
for the License API action add
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success (see the response of the License API action add - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an array of errors otherwise
wppus_delete_license( array $payload );
Delete a license record.
(array) See
for the License API action delete
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success (see the response of the License API action delete - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an empty array otherwise
wppus_check_license( array $payload );
Check a License information.
(array) An associative array with a single value -
array( 'license_key' => 'key_of_the_license_to_check' )
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success, and associative array in case of failure (see the response of the License API action check - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string)
wppus_activate_license( array $payload );
Activate a License.
(array) An associative array with 2 values -
array( 'license_key' => 'key_of_the_license_to_activate', 'allowed_domains' => 'domain_to_activate' )
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success, and associative array in case of failure (see the response of the License API action activate - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string)
wppus_deactivate_license( array $payload );
Deactivate a License.
(array) An associative array with 2 values -
array( 'license_key' => 'key_of_the_license_to_deactivate', 'allowed_domains' => 'domain_to_deactivate' )
Return value
(mixed) An object in case of success, and associative array in case of failure (see the response of the License API action deactivate - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string)
WP Packages Update Server gives developers the possibility to have their plugins react to some events with a series of custom actions. Warning: the actions below with the mention "Fired during client license API request" need to be used with caution. Although they may also be triggered when using the functions above, these actions will be called when client packages request for updates or when License API calls are performed. Registering functions doing heavy computation to these actions when client license API requests are handled can seriously degrade the server's performances.
do_action( 'wppus_added_license_check', string $package_slug );
Fired after a package was marked as "Requires License".
(string) the slug of the package
do_action( 'wppus_removed_license_check', string $package_slug );
Fired after a package was marked as "Does not Require License".
(string) the slug of the package
do_action( 'wppus_registered_license_schedule', string $scheduled_hook );
Fired after the license maintenance action has been registered.
(string) the license event hook that has been registered
do_action( 'wppus_cleared_license_schedule' );
Fired after the license maintenance event has been unscheduled.
do_action( 'wppus_scheduled_license_event', bool $result, int $timestamp, string $frequency, string $hook );
Fired after the license maintenance event has been scheduled.
if the event was scheduled,false
(int) timestamp for when to run the event the first time after it's been scheduled
(string) frequency at which the event would be ran
(string) event hook to fire when the event is ran
(array) parameters passed to the actions registered to $hook when the event is ran
do_action( 'wppus_browse_licenses', array $payload );
Fired when about to browse license records, before the payload has been cleaned up and the License Query has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) a dirty payload for a License Query
do_action( 'wppus_did_browse_licenses', array $licenses, array $payload );
Fired after browsing license records.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the license records retrieved or an empty array
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_did_read_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after reading a license record.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license object record or an empty array
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_did_edit_license', mixed $result, array $payload, mixed $original );
Fired after editing a license record.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object or an array of errors
(array) the payload of the request
(mixed) the original record to edit - a license record object or an array of errors
do_action( 'wppus_did_add_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after adding a license record.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object or an array of errors
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_did_delete_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after deleting a license record.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object or an empty array
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_did_check_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after checking a License.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object or an associative array with non-existant license key
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_pre_activate_license', mixed $license );
Fired before activating a License.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the license to activate as an object in case it exists (see the response of the License API action read - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an empty array otherwise
do_action( 'wppus_did_activate_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after activating a License.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object, an associative array with the illegal status, an associative array with the domain already active for the license record, or an associative array with the maximum number of domains reached for the license record
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_pre_deactivate_license', mixed $license );
Fired before deactivating a License.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the license to deactivate as an object in case it exists (see the response of the License API action read - the object is the decoded value of the JSON string) or an empty array otherwise
do_action( 'wppus_did_deactivate_license', mixed $result, array $payload );
Fired after activating a License.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object, an associative array with the illegal status, or an associative array with the domain already inactive for the license record
(array) the payload of the request
do_action( 'wppus_license_api_request', string $action, array $payload );
Fired before the License API request is processed ; useful to bypass the execution of currently implemented actions, or implement new actions.
(string) the License API action
(array) the payload of the request
WP Packages Update Server gives developers the possibility to customize its behavior with a series of custom filters. Warning: the filters below with the mention "Fired during client license API request" need to be used with caution. Although they may be triggered when using the functions above, these filters will be called when client packages request for updates or when License API calls are performed. Registering functions doing heavy computation to these filters when client license API requests are handled can seriously degrade the server's performances.
apply_filters( 'wppus_licensed_package_slugs', array $package_slugs );
Filter the slugs of packages requiring a license.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the slugs of packages requiring a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_valid', bool $is_valid, mixed $license, string $license_signature );
Filter whether a license is valid when requesting for an update.
Fired during client license API request.
(bool) wheter the license is valid
(mixed) the license to validate
(string) the signature of the license
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_server', mixed $license_server );
Filter the Wppus_License_Server object to use.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the Wppus_License_Server object
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_api_config', array $config );
Filter the license API configuration values before using them.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the license api configuration values
apply_filters( 'wppus_submitted_licenses_config', array $config );
Filter the submitted license configuration values before saving them.
(array) the submitted license configuration values
apply_filters( 'wppus_check_license_result', mixed $result, array $payload );
Filter the result of license check.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object or an associative array with non-existant license key
(array) the data used to attempt to check the license
apply_filters( 'wppus_activate_license_result', mixed $result, array $payload, mixed $maybe_license );
Filter the result of license activation.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object, an associative array with the illegal status, an associative array with the domain already active for the license record, or an associative array with the maximum number of domains reached for the license record
(array) the data used to attempt to activate the license
(mixed) a license object record or an empty array
apply_filters( 'wppus_deactivate_license_result', mixed $result, array $payload, mixed $maybe_license );
Filter the result of license deactivation.
Fired during client license API request.
(mixed) the result of the operation - a license record object, an associative array with the illegal status, or an associative array with the domain already inactive for the license record
(array) the data used to attempt to deactivate the license
(mixed) a license object record or an empty array
apply_filters( 'wppus_check_license_dirty_payload', array $dirty_payload );
Filter the payload used to check a license before it is cleaned up or used in any way.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the dirty payload used to attempt to check a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_activate_license_dirty_payload', array $dirty_payload );
Filter the payload used to activate a license before it is cleaned up or used in any way.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the dirty payload used to attempt to activate a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_deactivate_license_dirty_payload', array $dirty_payload );
Filter the payload used to deactivate a license before it is cleaned up or used in any way.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the dirty payload used to attempt to deactivate a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_activate_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to activate a license - fired only if the payload was valid.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the payload used to activate a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_deactivate_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to deactivate a license - fired only if the payload was valid.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) the payload used to deactivate a license
apply_filters( 'wppus_browse_licenses_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to browse licenses - before the payload has been cleaned up and the License Query has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) a dirty payload for a License Query
apply_filters( 'wppus_read_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to read a license record - after the payload has been cleaned up, before the payload has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) payload used to read a license record
apply_filters( 'wppus_edit_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to edit a license record - after the payload has been cleaned up, before the payload has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) payload used to edit a license record
apply_filters( 'wppus_add_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to add a license record - after the payload has been cleaned up, before the payload has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) payload used to add a license record
apply_filters( 'wppus_delete_license_payload', array $payload );
Filter the payload used to delete a license record - after the payload has been cleaned up, before the payload has been validated.
Fired during client license API request.
(array) payload used to delete a license record
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_public_api_actions', array $public_api_actions );
Filter the public API actions ; public actions can be accessed via the GET
method, all other actions are considered private and can only be accessed via the POST
(array) the public API actions
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_api_request_authorized', bool $authorized, string $method, array $payload );
Filter whether the License API request is authorized.
(bool) whether the License API request is authorized
(string) the method of the request -
(array) the payload of the request
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_bypass_signature', bool $bypass, object $license );
Filter whether to bypass the license signature check.
Fired during client license API request.
(bool) whether to bypass the license signature check
(string) the license object
apply_filters( 'wppus_api_license_actions', array $actions );
Filter the License API actions available for API access control.
(array) the API actions
apply_filters( 'wppus_license_update_server_prepare_license_for_output', array $output, object $license );
Filter the license data to send to the remote client.
(array) the license data to send to the remote client
(array) the original license object