EDA Tool and Arduino on Cloud
Development branch status
- Install Docker and docker-compose for server OS
git clone git@github.com:frg-fossee/eSim-Cloud.git && cd eSim-Cloud
cp .env .env.prod
PLEASE CHANGE DEFAULT CREDENTIALS IN THE .env.prod FILEdocker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml --env-file .env.prod up --scale django=2 --scale celery=3 -d
- Please run
sh migrations.sh
inside the django container after DB and django has finished initializing for applying database migrations, and generating and seeding SVGs
Install docker-ce and docker-compose for your OS
To build and run migrations ( Pulls latest dev image from github)
/bin/bash first_run.dev.sh
( for the first time only ) -
To Start all containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env up
do note it might take a while to initialize / throw some errors if they're initialized in the wrong order , running the command again will most likely fix the issue.
- To manually build containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env build
- Run Development environment
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env up django
( Please note these containers are only for dev environment, in production compiled files will be served by nginx)
- To run eda-fronted along with all backend containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env up eda-frontend
- To run arduino-frontend along with all backend containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env up arduino-frontend
- To switch between databases, follow the instructions below
- Please note all data in the database will be lost
- Turn off existing containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down
- Switch to the needed config inside .env then copy it to prod config
cp .env .env.prod
, make needed changes ( if required) in the prod config - Uncomment the appropriate DB Block inside docker-compse.(dev/prod).yml , please note only one db block should be present
- Build Containers and run db migrations again
- Note: These are all commands being executed to setup the project's development environment on a fresh ubuntu system with username
git clone https://github.com/frg-fossee/eSim-Cloud/
cd eSim-Cloud/
git checkout develop
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl status docker
sudo docker ps
sudo ./first_run.dev.sh
If you notice
ERROR: UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out.
orExited with code 137
, it means docker / host system ran out of memory -
Alternatively docker images can be directly pulled from github instead of building on system
echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login docker.pkg.github.com --username [github_username] --password-stdin
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml pull
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --env-file .env -d db
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .env up