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Optional Extensions


C++ client library. Requires OpenCV and FFmpeg. You can get prebuilt FFmpeg binaries from and OpenCV binaries from


Add hl2ss.cpp, hl2ss.h, hl2ss_lnm.cpp, hl2ss_lnm.h, hl2ss_mt.cpp, and hl2ss_mt.h to your C++ project. See main.cpp for examples. The tasks_[...].json files are provided as a reference for building with cl.exe (Windows) and g++ (Linux).

Alternatively, you can build hl2ss_ulm.cpp as a shared library (.dll, .so, ...) and include hl2ss_ulm.h in your C++ project. See main_ulm.cpp for examples.

If you build main.cpp or main_ulm.cpp on Windows, you may need to copy the FFmpeg and OpenCV DLLs to the client_cpp folder.


C++ MEX client library for MATLAB. It uses client_cpp as a base so it has the same requirements. See the scripts in the viewer folder for examples. See viewer_simulink.slx for using the client library in Simulink.


Run hl2ss_build_[...].m to generate the MEX file. Add the client_matlab folder to MATLAB path (you can type pathtool in the MATLAB command window to do this).

On Windows, set the ffmpeg_path and opencv_path variables in the build script to the folders containing the FFmpeg and OpenCV libraries. After building the MEX file, copy the FFmpeg and OpenCV DLLs to the client_matlab folder.


C# wrapper for the hl2ss_ulm shared library. Has the same requirements as client_cpp. See the scripts in the Assets/Scripts/test folder for examples.


Build the hl2ss_ulm shared library and copy it to the appropriate subfolder in Assets/Plugins. Also, copy the shared libraries for OpenCV and FFmpeg if necessary. Finally, build the Unity project.


Collection of LabVIEW VIs for streaming HoloLens 2 sensor data using the hl2ss_ulm shared library. Has the same requirements as client_cpp. See the test_[...].vi VIs for examples.


Build the hl2ss_ulm shared library and copy it to the hl2ss_labview folder. Also, copy the shared libraries for OpenCV and FFmpeg if necessary.


Android Native Library for streaming HoloLens 2 sensor data to Android apps. The included Android Studio project builds the hl2ss_ulm shared library as an .aar file, which is compatible with client_unity and its C# wrapper. It has the same requirements as client_cpp. For Android, you can get prebuilt FFmpeg binaries from and OpenCV binaries from


Open the project in Android Studio, set the paths to the FFmpeg and OpenCV headers and shared libraries in CMakeLists.txt, and build the hl2ss_ulm module. Import the output hl2ss_ulm-release.aar file into your Android project.


Multithreaded client extension for Python.


Build the hl2ss_ulm shared library then run:

python3 build

After building copy the hl2ss_ulm_stream.[...].pyd (or hl2ss_ulm_stream.[...].so) file in the build/lib.[...] folder to the viewer folder. Also, copy the hl2ss_ulm shared library and the shared libraries for OpenCV and FFmpeg if necessary.


Zdepth wrapper for Python. Required to decompress RM Depth AHAT data configured with hl2ss.DepthProfile.ZDEPTH.


python3 build

After building copy the pyzdepth.[...].pyd (or pyzdepth.[...].so) file in the build/lib.[...] folder to the viewer folder. On Windows, you might need to use py instead of python3.