Up to 10 days
1 ~ 3 people
English version Vietnamese version
English version Vietnamese version
- Design database
- Init project
- Init models, add relationship
- Design static pages
- Other pulls
- The pull request from section 5 onwards each pull does not exceed 15 file changes
- Everyone in the team cross review for each other then approve pull request when there are no errors
- Then send a pull request to the trainer to review
- Send and track pull request on the system PRTS
- For pull request init model, must have the attachment of the Database design image
- The project must be done >=85% requirements before reviewing
- Prepare all necessary data to login
- Only present the feature you do
- If your project hasn't done >=85% requirement, you must contact your trainer and discuss about extending time
- Nested Attribute (fields_for, reject_if, allow_destroy, ...)
- Batch Update
- form_for
- Call back function
- Macro (generate, rake, spring, ...)
- Ajax (Rails ajax, jQuery ajax)
- Seed
- RESTful
- Association (has_many/has_one/belongs_to)
- Transaction
- Resources, Nested Resources
- Resource
- Export CSV, Excel
- Rake task
- CSRF Protection
- Coffee
- Concerns
- Scope
- I18n(mutilple language, dictionary, time format, number format, ...)
- Search form, filter form
- Gem Config
- Eager Loading Associations
- Validation
- Environment Variable
- Module mixin
- Proc / Lambda
- Debug Javascript code
- Jquery selector
- CSS selector
- Ruby Nil Object