This section will show you how to develop a web application using with Javascript At the end of this section, students will be able to:
- Understanding the nature of Javascript
- Master the fundamentals: Statements, Expressions, Executing a Program, Operators, Values & Types, Code Comments, Variables, Blocks, Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Scope
- Works with Events, DOM, Object
- Works with Storing data in the browser
- Works with Network requests
5 days (Calculated by working days, in case of part-time work up to 7 consecutive days from the start date)
- Javascript:
- Slide:
Practice exercises for Javascript, you will reuse the template in Project 1 to complete the following requirements:
- Using json-server to create api manage product
- Use ajax to load the products displayed on the website
- Implement add to cart function, cart data can be saved to localstorage instead of session
- Executing the payment function requires the payment function to execute sequentially through the example steps: Cart information -> Billing information -> Confirm (In these steps, you can learn how to do online sales by yourself, there must be a process bar showing the progress of the payment process.)
- After payment delete all data of cart in localstorage
Use class naming rules: