- 100% JDK Serialization compatible drop-in replacement (Ok, might be 99% ..).
- OffHeap Maps, Persistent OffHeap maps
- FSTStructs is very similar to IBM's packed objects. Difference is: You can run it with Oracle JDK today.
Project Page http://ruedigermoeller.github.io/fast-serialization/ (out of pure childishness)
note: maven.org might lag 1 day behind after releasing.
2.0 version
Older version (slightly faster, different package name, 1.6 compatible ..)
###how to build
- master contains dev branch/trunk.
- 1.x contains old version (still maintained)
- The maven build should work out of the box and reproduces the artifact hosted on maven.org
- To use the gradle build, you need to configure the proxy server in settings.properties (or just set empty if you do not sit behind a proxy).
Note that instrumentation done for fst-structs works only if debug info is turned on during compile. Reason is that generating methods at runtime with javassist fails (probably a javassist bug ..). This does not affect the serialization implementation.
JDK 1.6 Build 1.x build since v1.62 are still jdk 6 compatible