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Angular2 Basic v1.0.0-rc1

Provides fast, reliable and extensible starter for the development of Angular2 projects.

The objective of this Starter kit is to provide a stable development environment tackling the Angular2 framework instability to bring the project to production. More details in the Angular2 issue repository. Bear in mind that new issues could be found in Angular2 framework, and we will do our best to mitigate it in this starter kit.


Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm (brew install node)
  • Ensure you're running the latest versions Node v6.x.x and NPM 3.x.x+


  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • npm install to install all dependencies
  • npm run serve to start the dev server in another tab

Running the app

Run npm run serve to start a local server.


# development
npm run serve
# production
npm run serve:pro


# unit testing - test reports at /test-reports/html/index.html
npm run test
npm run test:dev
npm run test:pro

# e2e testing
npm run e2e


# build will be generated at /dist
npm run build
npm run build:dev
npm run build:pro


# docs will be generated at /docs/typedoc
npm run docs


# tslint
npm run lint

File Structure

We use the component approach in our starter. This is the standard Angular2 propose for developing scalable application and a great way to ensure maintainable code by encapsulation of our behavior logic. A component is basically a self contained app usually in a single file or a folder with each concern as a file: style, template, specs, e2e, and component class. Here's how it looks:

 ├──config/                    * our configuration
 |   ├──helpers.js             * helper functions for our configuration files
 |   ├──spec-bundle.js         * ignore this magic that sets up our angular 2 testing environment
 |   ├──karma.conf.js          * karma config for our unit tests
 |   ├──protractor.conf.js     * protractor config for our end-to-end tests
 │   ├──         * our development webpack config
 │   ├──        * our production webpack config
 │   └──webpack.test.js        * our testing webpack config
 ├──src/                       * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
 |   ├──main.browser.ts        * our entry file for our browser environment
 |   ├──index.html             * Index.html: where we generate our index page
 |   ├──polyfills.ts           * our polyfills file
 |   ├──vendor.ts              * our vendor file
 │   │
 │   ├──app/                   * WebApp: folder
 │   │   ├──modules/           * Funtional Units separated in individual modules
 │   │   ├──shared/            * our shared component, reusable in any module
 │   │   ├──shell/             * our bootstrap component, visual scaffold of our app
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├──app.environment.ts
 │   │   ├──app.module.ts      
 │   │   ├──app.routes.ts      
 │   │   └──index.ts           
 │   │
 │   └──assets/                * static assets are served here
 │       ├──icon/              * our list of icons from
 │       ├──service-worker.js  * ignore this. Web App service worker that's not complete yet
 │       ├──robots.txt         * for search engines to crawl your website
 │       └──humans.txt          * for humans to know who the developers are
 ├──tslint.json                * typescript lint config
 ├──typedoc.json               * typescript documentation generator
 ├──tsconfig.json              * config that webpack uses for typescript
 ├──package.json               * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies
 └──webpack.config.js          * webpack main configuration file

Features included

  • Build process with WebPack for development and production environment.
    • JIT
    • AOT
  • Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine
  • End-to-End testing with Protractor.
  • Test reporting with HTML and file versions.
  • Quality code test with TsLint and Codelyzer.
  • Coverage threshold control, environnement configurable.
  • Preview Live reload on development.

Application Features

  • Style: FlexBox and Material style
  • Mobile first layout
  • Routing encapsulation by module with lazyload integrated
  • Module LazyLoad by feature and nested modules
  • Youtube API integration

Angular2 Known Issues

More details in the Angular2 issue repository


Angular2 Basic: Starter kit for angular2 -







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  • TypeScript 45.2%
  • JavaScript 43.6%
  • HTML 5.7%
  • CSS 5.5%