Java WebSocket Tunnel
Java WebSocket based tunneling program with enhanced performance with NIO2. This project is made up of 2 components.
A server and a client component.
The server component supports multiple websocket clients forwarding to multiple backend servers.
The client component supports connecting to the websocket server component over corporate proxy.
To build this project
git clone
mvn package
To start the websocket server
java -jar JWSServer.jar
To configure the websocket client
java -jar JWSClient.jar config
To run the websocket client
java -jar JWSClient.jar <LocalPort> <BackEndHost> <BackEndPort>
For Eg. to tunnel SSH
java -jar JWSClient.jar 3383 22
Here 3383 is the local port on which you can connect your SSH client(Putty) behind your proxy.
Works good with KiTTY SSH client with auto reconnect enabled.