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Importing a Character

Tim L. White edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 6 revisions
  1. In the Actors tab (three people icon in the upper right in Foundry), click Import Actor(s) (at the bottom of the tab) to import zero level or upper level characters.
  2. Choose the "Actor Type" at the bottom, to indicate whether you are importing NPC stat blocks (like from a published module), or player stat blocks (from Purple Sorcerer).
  3. If you already have stat blocks, then paste them in the large field. Include the final "period" (.) character if there is one. Click "Import Actor(s)". You are done!
  4. If you'd like to generate characters, click on one of the Purple sorcerer links. Choose your preferred options, and use the "JSON List" or "Plain Text" or "Upper Level Text" Style/Format.
  5. Copy/Paste the generated the stat block(s) from the Purple Sorcerer site into the box in the Import Dialog in Foundry, and click "Import Actor(s)".
  6. The actors will be created and the data will be automatically entered into your character sheet. If you select a folder the actors will automatically be added to the folder.