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Creating a Character

algnc edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 21 revisions

Creating/Importing a player character

To create a character, log into FoundryVTT.

Click the Actors Directory icon in the top right, it looks like 3 people.

Click Create Actor.

Name your character, make sure Player is selected as Type, and click Create New Actor.

Click Sheet. Choose your class from the drop down. I chose Wizard.

Now you can start entering stats into the boxes. The Character tab is fairly straightforward. To enable “Max values” for your abilities (i.e. before stat loss, spellburn, or luck spend) you can check the Show Max Abilities checkbox in the Config menu for a character.


In Equipment, you can create weapons, armor, etc., or you can drag them from your compendium.


Click Add to add a Melee Weapon. In here you can name the weapon, add the + to hit, the damage, and any notes for your weapon.

The pencil icon gives you some more details.

You can check the box for Two-Handed, Backstab, and set the damage for a backstab. Thieves are given an extra button next to their weapons for backstabs, these use the backstab damage if backstab is checked on the weapon and automatically crit.

Ranged weapons work basically the same way, but are sorted into their own section of the inventory and the sheet shows their range instead of the summary.

You can also add the value before the summary and description.

The config option at the top of the sheet allows overriding the action die used for this weapon. By default the owner’s action die is used.

For a Warrior you can also set some options in the class tab. Critical Threat Range will make you crit on 19s, or 18s, or whatever you set it to. Lucky Weapon is not automated, it’s just a notes field.


Armor can be entered the same way. You can click the pencil next to it to enter the details.

The checkbox next to an armor item can be unticked to unequip it. This will remove it from consideration for AC and fumble calculations.