fossdriver is intended to enable control of a FOSSology server from Python programs.
This package is significantly based on, and inspired by, the excellent fossup FOSSology Uploader package from Togán Labs.
fossdriver requires a FOSSology server to talk to. (fossdriver doesn't contain a FOSSology server; you'll have to go set one up yourself.)
The current version of fossdriver is designed for use with a FOSSology server version 3.3.0, which is the now-current release of FOSSology. It has not been tested on other versions.
fossdriver requires Python 3.6+ or later.
fossdriver makes use of, and installs if not present, the following dependencies (and their subdependencies, of course):
- requests and requests_toolbox - for communicating with the server
- bs4 (BeautifulSoup) and lxml - for parsing server responses
fossdriver is not yet released on PyPI, so a standard pip install
doesn't work yet.
To install in development mode, first download the source and unpack it at /WHEREVER/fossdriver/
, then run in a virtualenv:
pip install -e /WHEREVER/fossdriver
Also create a config file in your home directory, at e.g. .fossdriverrc
, with the following details for your FOSSology server:
"serverUrl": "SERVER URL",
"username": "USERNAME",
"password": "PASSWORD"
Note that the URL should NOT include the /repo/
portion of the URL that FOSSology typically appends.
- In your Python project, import the fossdriver objects:
from fossdriver.config import FossConfig
from fossdriver.server import FossServer
from fossdriver.tasks import (CreateFolder, Upload, Scanners, Copyright,
Reuse, BulkTextMatch, SPDXTV)
- Create a config object:
config = FossConfig()
configPath = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), ".fossdriver", "fossdriverrc.json")
- Create and connect to the server:
server = FossServer(config)
- Run some tasks on the server:
# create a new folder on the server
CreateFolder(server, "Test Folder", "Parent Folder").run()
# upload to the new folder
Upload(server, "", "Test Folder").run()
# start the Monk and Nomos scanners
Scanners(server, "", "Test Folder").run()
# also reuse prior results from an earlier scan
Reuse(server, "", "Test Folder", "earlier-scan-1", "Earlier Scan Folder").run()
# and export an SPDX tag-value file
SPDXTV(server, "", "Test Folder", "/tmp/archive.spdx").run()
Contributions to fossdriver are welcome. Please see the file for details on contributing.
fossdriver is provided under the BSD-3-Clause license, a copy of which is included in the LICENSE file.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause