Closed as not planned
There is inconsistency when creating new fields in Salesforce via the CLI and via the UI.
In the UI, the default API name autopopulates after entering the label. Spaces are replaced with underscores. (i.e. Test_Field__c)
In the CLI, spaces are removed in the default value. (i.e. TestField__c)
When I run this command, I want to be consistent with my naming conventions without having to manually write the API name each time.
Steps To Reproduce
- run
sf schema generate field -l "Test Field" -o force-app/main/default/objects/Acount/
- notice that the spaces are removed by default
- in the UI, create a new field via Object Manager
- notice that the spaces are replaced by underscores by default
Expected result
The default API name for a new field created via schema generate field
should be consistent (replace spaces with underscores).
Actual result
The default behavior removes spaces.
Additional information
PR created: salesforcecli/plugin-sobject#752
However, I am open to discussion on this. I almost prefer no spaces, but I like consistency better.
System Information
"architecture": "darwin-arm64",
"cliVersion": "@salesforce/cli/2.62.6",
"nodeVersion": "node-v20.18.0",
"osVersion": "Darwin 23.6.0",
"rootPath": "/Users/kylecapehart/.nvm/versions/node/v20.18.0/lib/node_modules/@salesforce/cli",
"shell": "zsh",
"pluginVersions": [
"@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 3.2.5 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-commands 4.1.3 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-help 6.2.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-not-found 3.2.22 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-plugins 5.4.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-search 1.2.11 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-update 4.6.3 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-version 2.2.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.1.18 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-which 3.2.15 (core)",
"@salesforce/cli 2.62.6 (core)",
"apex 3.5.1 (core)",
"api 1.3.1 (core)",
"auth 3.6.65 (core)",
"custom-metadata 3.3.33 (user) published 25 days ago (Sat Sep 21 2024) (latest is 3.3.35)",
"data 3.7.0 (core)",
"deploy-retrieve 3.12.17 (core)",
"info 3.4.9 (core)",
"limits 3.3.32 (core)",
"marketplace 1.2.26 (core)",
"org 4.6.0 (core)",
"packaging 2.8.11 (core)",
"schema 3.3.34 (core)",
"settings 2.3.23 (core)",
"sobject 1.4.42 (link) /Users/kylecapehart/Documents/repos/personal/plugin-sobject",
"source 3.5.21 (core)",
"telemetry 3.6.15 (core)",
"templates 56.3.22 (core)",
"trust 3.7.33 (core)",
"user 3.5.32 (core)",
"kc-sf-plugin 1.4.11 (user) published 12 days ago (Fri Oct 04 2024)",
"lightning-flow-scanner 2.34.0 (user) published 53 days ago (Sat Aug 24 2024)"