An ORM or Object Relational Mapping is a library that tries to bridge object relational data and object instances.
There are two kinds of object relational mapping libraries, depending on if the object world is the source of true of the SQL world is the source of true
- Libraries that maps SQL requests to Java objects, a library like JDBI creates one instance for each row of a query expressed in SQL. So two different queries on the same table may use two different classes.
- Libraries that maps Java objects to database table. a library like Hibernate creates multiple instances for each row one by table from a query expressed in SQL.
In this exercice, we will implement the first kind, because it's far easier.
In Java, a DataSource is an object used to define how to access to a database (login, password, IP adress, port, etc) and create connections from it. Note, the connection are not direct TCP connections, there are abstract connection that reuses real TCP connection. So creating a connection / closing a connection is fast.
Most embedded databases, databases that run inside the JVM not externally as another process or on another server, have a special test mode that creates the table of the database in memory so tables only exist for one connection and are cleaned once the connection ends.
With H2, setting the URL to "jdbc:h2:mem:test" asks for this specific mode.
var dataSource = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource();
This ORM sees each row of a table as an instance of a Java bean. It can
- create a database table from the bean definition of a Java class
- insert and update a row using the values of a bean instance
- execute a SQL query and returns a list of bean instances
First we need a way to represent a SQL transaction, that will commit all the modifications at the end
or rollback the transaction is an exception occurs. The method ORM.transaction
takes a lambda
and run it inside a transaction.
var dataSource = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource();
ORM.transaction(dataSource, () -> {
// start of the transaction
// end of a transaction
Then, we need a Java bean, here a Country
with a field id
and a field name
The getter of the property id
is annotated with @Id
meaning it's the primary key and
meaning that the database will provide a value if one is not provided.
class Country {
private Long id;
private String name;
public Country() {}
public Country(String name) { = name;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Country country &&
Objects.equals(id, &&
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id, name);
public String toString() {
return "Country { id=" + id + ", name='" + name + "'}";
We also need to define a repository of Country
, a repository is an interface with methods allowing to emit SQL queries
specialized for a specific bean. This is how to declare a repository of Country
with a primary key of type Long
interface CountryRepository extends Repository<Country, Long> {
List<Country> findAllWithNameLike(String name);
Optional<Country> findByName(String name);
This interface contains the user-defined methods
- The method
is annotated by@Query
with the SQL query to execute. - The method
has no query attached but by convention if the method name starts with "finBy", the next word is the property used to find the instance, here this is equivalent to define the query "SELECT * FROM COUNTRY WHERE name = ?".
The interface Repository
is declared like this
public interface Repository<T, ID> {
List<T> findAll(); // find all instances
Optional<T> findById(ID id); // find a specific instance by its primary key
T save(T entity); // insert/update a specific instance
By default, a repository provides the methods
- the method
is equivalent to a "SELECT * FROM COUNTRY" - the method
is equivalent to a "SELECT * FROM COUNTRY WHERE id = ?" - the method
is equivalent to either an INSERT INTO or an UPDATE. In case of an INSERT INTO, the setter of the primary key is called if the value of the primary key was not defined.
The method ORM.createRepository
returns a dynamic proxy that implements
all the methods of the interface Repository
and all the user defined repository.
The method ORM.createTable
creates a new table from the class definition.
var repository = ORM.createRepository(PersonRepository.class);
ORM.transaction(dataSource, () -> {
createTable(Country.class); Country("France")); Country("Spain")); Country("Australia")); Country("Austria"));
We want to be able to create a transaction and be able to retrieve the underlying SQL
instance if we are inside the transaction, such as the following code works.var dataSource = ... transaction(dataSource, () -> { var connection = ORM.currentConnection(); ... });
Add a method
transaction(dataSource, block)
that takes a DataSource and a lambda, create a connection from the DataSource, runs the lambda block and close the connection. The lambda block is a kind of Runnable that can throw a SQLException, thus is defined by the following code@FunctionalInterface public interface TransactionBlock { void run() throws SQLException; }
We also want a non-public method
that returns the current Connection when called inside the transaction block or throw an exception otherwise. In order to store the connection associated to the current thread, you can use the class ThreadLocal. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q1" all pass. -
Modify the code of
to implement real SQL transactions. At the beginning of a transaction, the auto-commit should be set to false. At the end of a transaction, the methodcommit()
should be called on the transaction. In case of an exception, the methodrollback()
should be called. If the methodrollback()
itself throw an exception, the initial exception should be rethrown. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q2" all pass. -
We now want to implement the method
that take a class of a Java bean, find all its properties and uses the current connection to create a SQL table with one column per property. The name of the table is the name of the class apart if the class is annotated with@Table
, in that case, it's the value of the annotation. The name of each column is the name of the property apart if the getter of the property is annotated with@Column
, in that case, it's the value of the annotation. First create a non-public methodfindTableName(beanClass)
that takes the class as argument and returns the name of the table. Then create a non-public methodfindColumnName(property)
that takes a PropertyDescriptor and returns the name of a column. Then implement the methodcreateTable(beanClass)
that uses the current connection to create a table knowing that for now all columns are of typeVARCHAR(255)
. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q3" all pass. -
We now want to find for the type of a property (a PropertyDescriptor) the corresponding SQL type. For that, we have a predefined Map that associate the common Java type with their SQL equivalent.
private static final Map<Class<?>, String> TYPE_MAPPING = Map.of( int.class, "INTEGER", Integer.class, "INTEGER", long.class, "BIGINT", Long.class, "BIGINT", String.class, "VARCHAR(255)" );
We also want that the column that correspond to a primitive type to be declared NOT NULL. Modify the method
to declare the column with the right type. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q4" all pass. -
We now want to support the annotation
adds after the column, the text "PRIMARY KEY (foo)" if foo is the primary key and@GeneratedValue
adds "AUTO_INCREMENT" at the end of a column declaration. For example, with the classCountry
declared above, the SQL to create the table should beCREATE TABLE COUNTRY( ID BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), NAME VARCHAR(255) );
Modify the method
to add the support of primary key and generated value. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q5" all pass. -
In order to implement
we need to create a dynamic proxy that will switch over the methods of the interface to implement them after having verified that the call to those methods is done inside a transaction. For now, we will implement only the methodfindAll()
that returns an empty list For the methodsequals
, we will throw an UnsupportedOperationException For all other methods, we will throw a IllegalStateException. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q5" all pass. -
In order to finish the implementation
, we need several helper methods.findBeanTypeFromRepository(repositoryType)
, extract the bean class from the declaration of a user-defined repository. For example with aCountryRepository
defined like thisinterface CountryRepository extends Repository<Country, Long> { }
. This method is already implemented.toEntityClass(resultSet, beanInfo, constructor)
takes the result of a SQL query, creates a bean instance using the constructor and for each column value, calls the corresponding property setter and returns the instance.findAll(connection, sqlQuery, beanInfo, constructor)
execute a SQL query as a prepared statement and usestoEntityClass
to returns a list of instances. Once those methods are implemented, modify the implementation ofcreateRepository(repositoryType)
fully work. Note: if a SQL exception occurs while executing the query, given that the method of the repository do not declare to throw a SQLException, the exception has to be wrapped into a runtime exception (you can useUncheckedSQLException
for that) Check that the tests in the nested class "Q7" all pass.
We now want to implement the method
that take an instance of a bean as parameter and insert its values into the corresponding table. For that, we will first implement two helper methodscreateSaveQuery(tableName, beanInfo)
that generate a SQL insert to add all the values of as a prepared, tableName, beanInfo, bean, idProperty)
that generate the SQL insert query usingcreateSaveQuery
and execute it with the values of thebean
. For now, the parameter idProperty is useless and will always be null. Note: in SQL, the first column is the column 1 not 0. Once those methods are implemented, modify the implementation ofcreateRepository(repositoryType)
works. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q8" all pass.
We want to improve the method
so a generated primary key computed when inserting a row is updated in the bean. For that, we first need a methodfindId(beanType, beanInfo)
that returns the property of the primary key (the one annotated with@Id
) or null otherwise. Then we can change the code ofsave(connection, tableName, beanInfo, bean, idProperty)
to call the setter of theidProperty
when the values are inserted if the property is not null Modify the implementation ofcreateRepository(repositoryType)
fully works. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q9" all pass. -
We now want to update the value of a row if it already exists in the table. There is a simple solution for that, uses the SQL request "MERGE INTO" instead of "INSERT INTO". Check that the tests in the nested class "Q10" all pass.
We now want to implement the method
, instead of implementing a new method to execute a query, we will change the methodfindAll(connection, sqlQuery, beanInfo, constructor, args)
to takes arguments as last parameter and pass those arguments to the prepared statement. First, modifyfindAll
to takes arguments as parameter, then modify the implementation ofcreateRepository(repositoryType)
works. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q11" all pass. -
We now want to implement any methods declared in the user defined repository that is annotated with the annotation
. The idea, is again to delegate the execution of the query tofindAll
. Check that the tests in the nested class "Q12" all pass. -
To finish, we want to implement all methods that start with the prefix "findBy*" followed by the name of a property. Thos methods takes an argument and returns the first instance that has the value of the property equals to the argument as an Optional or Optional.empty() if there is no result. Yet again, here, we can delegate most of the work to
. Note: there is a methodIntrospector.decapitalize(name)
to transform a name that starts with an uppercase letter to a property name). Check that the tests in the nested class "Q13" all pass.