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Reading objects from JSON

The aim of class JSONReader is to transform JSON objects in textual form into Java Beans, or records and JSON array into java.util.List.

First, we register TypeMatchers with addTypeMatcher(typeMatcher), that recognize types like records or list and provide a specific Collector which is able to create objects populated with the values from the JSON text. Then we call parseJSON(text, type) with a JSON text, and a type that will be used to decode the JSON text.

Here is an example using a record

record Person(String name, int age) {}

var reader = new JSONReader();
reader.addTypeMatcher(type -> Optional.of(Utils.erase(type))
var person = reader.parseJSON("""
      "name": "Ana", "age": 24
    """, Person.class);
assertEquals(new Person("Ana", 24), person);

In the code above, the TypeMatcher recognizes the type that can be erased as records and provides a specific ObjectBuilder named ObjectBuilder.record(recordClass) which decodes records.

Class vs Type

To decode a JSON array, we want to decode types like List<Person>. This type is not representable as a java.lang.Class (the corresponding class is only List which is missing the type of the JSON element). So we will use java.lang.reflect.Type instead. See for mode info.


Instead or using a real JSON parser like Jackson, we are using a toy one. ToyJSONParser is a simple parser that doesn't really implement the JSON format but that's enough for what we want. The method ToyJSONParser.parseJSON(text, visitor) takes a JSON text and calls the methods of the visitor during the parsing.

The interface ToyJSONParser.JSONVisitor is defined like this

public interface JSONVisitor {
     * Called during the parsing or the content of an object or an array.
     * @param key the key of the value if inside an object, {@code null} otherwise.
     * @param value the value
    void value(String key, Object value);

     * Called during the parsing at the beginning of an object.
     * @param key the key of the value if inside an object, {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see #endObject(String)
    void startObject(String key);

     * Called during the parsing at the end of an object.
     * @param key the key of the value if inside an object, {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see #startObject(String)
    void endObject(String key);

     * Called during the parsing at the beginning of an array.
     * @param key the key of the value if inside an object, {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see #endArray(String)
    void startArray(String key);

     * Called during the parsing at the end of an array.
     * @param key the key of the value if inside an object, {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see #startArray(String)
    void endArray(String key);

JSON values are either inside an object or an array, if they are inside an object, the label (the key) is provided. If the values are inside an array, the key is null. Given that an object or an array can itself be in an object, the methods startObject/startArray and endObject/endArrayalso takes a key as parameter.

For example, for the JSON object { "kevin": true, "data": [1, 2] }, the visitor will call startObject(null), value("kevin", true), startArray("data"), value(null, 1), value(null, 2), endArray("data") and endObject(null).


A JSONReader needs a way to create an empty object/list, to populate it with the values and then return it. To represent those operations, we are using an abstract type named ObjectBuiler. Unlike a mutable builder that would store the intermediary object inside itself, here we are using a pure functional representation similar to the Collector class of Java.

An object builder abstract the way to create an object/list using a supplier. The value are inserted into the object using a populater. At the end, the object is transformed to another one (maybe non-mutable) using a finisher. In order to propagate the type, it also has a qualifier, a function that return the type of a key

An object builder is composed of 4 functions

  • a typeProvider that returns the Type of a key (key) -> Type
  • a supplier that creates a data () -> data
  • a populater that inserts the key / value into the data (data, key, value) -> void
  • a finisher that transform the data into an object (data) -> Object


Now that we have an object builder, we need to answer to the question, which object builder to associate to a peculiar Type. This is the role of the TypeMatcher. It indicates for a type if it knows an object builder encapsulated as an Optional or if it does not know this kind of type and returns Optional.empty().

public interface TypeMatcher {
  Optional<Collector<?>> match(Type type);

Let's implement it

The unit tests are in

  1. Let's start small, in the class JSONReader write a method parseJSON(text, class) that takes a JSON text, and the class of a Java Beans and returns an instance of the class with initialized by calling the setters corresponding to the JSON keys. For now, let's pretend that the JSON can not itself store another JSON Object and that there is no JSON Array.

    For example, with the JSON object { "foo": 3, "bar": 4 }, the method parseJSON(text, class) creates an instance of the class using the default constructor, then for the key "foo" calls the setter setFoo(3) and for the key "bar" calls the setter setBar(4) and returns the initialized instance. Then check that the tests in the nested class "Q1" all pass.

    Note: you can use a type variable 'T' to indicate that the type of the class and the return type of parseJSON are the same. Note2: to avoid to find the setter in an array of properties each time there is a value, precompute a Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> that associate a property name to the property. We store this map is a record BeanData and cache it in a ClassValue.

  2. We now want to support a JSON object defined inside a JSON object. For that, we need a stack that stores a pair of BeanData and bean instance (otherwise we will not know which setter to call on which bean when we come back in a endObject()). We call this pair, Context defined using a record

    private record Context(BeanData beanData, Object result) { }

    Change the code of parseJSON(text, class) to handle the recursive definition of JSON objects and check that the tests in the nested class "Q2" all pass.

    Note: in Java, the class ArrayDeque can act as a stack using the methods peek(), push() and pop()

  3. We now want to abstract the code to support other model than the Java bean model. For that we introduce a record ObjectBuilder that let users define how to retrieve the type from a key (typeProvider), how to create a temporary object (supplier), how to store value into the temporary object (populater) and how to create an immutable version of the temporary objet (finisher).

    public record ObjectBuilder<T>(Function<? super String, ? extends Type> typeProvider,
                                   Supplier<? extends T> supplier,
                                   Populater<? super T> populater,
                                   Function<? super T, ?> finisher) {
      public interface Populater<T> {
        void populate(T instance, String key, Object value);

    Before changing the code of parseJSON(text, class) to use an object builder, let's first create an ObjectBuilder for the Java Beans. For that, we will create a static method in ObjectBuilder named bean(beanClass) that takes a class of a bean as parameter and return a ObjectBuilder<Object> able to create a Java bean instance and populate it (a bean is inherently mutable, thus the finisher will be the identity function).

    On the method ObjectBuilder.bean(beanClass) is created, we can rewrite the code of parseJSON(text, class) to use an ObjectBuilder instead of a BeanData. So the record Context is now defined as

    private record Context(ObjectBuilder<Object> objectBuilder, Object result) {}

    And then checks that the tests in the nested class "Q3" all pass.

  4. You can notice that an ObjectBuilder works on Type and not on Class, so we can add an overload to the method parseJSON() that takes a Type as second parameter instead of a Class so the code will work for all Types. Fortunately, given that a Class is a Type, you do not have to duplicate the code between the two overloads.

    Modify the code to have the two methods parseJSON(text, class) and parseJSON(text, type), and checks that the tests in the nested class "Q4" all pass.

  5. We now want to add a new ObjectBuilder tailored for supporting JSON array as java.util.List, for that add a method static list(elementType) in ObjectBuilder that takes the type of the element as parameter and returns the object builder typed as ObjectBuilder<List<Object>>. Write the method list(elementType) in ObjectBuilder.

    We also want to users to be able to add their own object builders, exactly, their own TypeMatcher.

    public interface TypeMatcher {
      Optional<ObjectBuilder<?>> match(Type type);

    A TypeMatcher which specify for a type a collector to use (by returning a collector wrapped into an Optional) or say that the type is not supported by the TypeMatcher (and return Optional.empty()).

    To add a TypeMatcher, we introduce a method addTypeMatcher(typeMatcher). The TypeMatchers should be called the reverse order of the insertion order. If no TypeMatcher answer for a Type, use the ObjectBuilder.bean().

    We now have two different object builders, so the Context need to be parametrized by the type used by the object builder

    private record Context<T>(ObjectBuilder<T> objectBuilder, T result)

    Modify the code of parseJSON(text, expectedType) accordingly and
    checks that the tests in the nested class "Q5" all pass.

    Note: there is a method List.reversed() that reverse a List without actually moving the elements.

  6. Creating a Type is not something easy for a user because all the implementations are not visible, the indirect way is to ask for a Type of a field, a method or a class/interface by reflection. Jackson uses a type named TypeReference to help people to specify a Type.

    The idea is that if you provide an implementation of TypeRefrence as an anonymous class, the compiler inserts in the anonymous class an attribute indicating the generic interfaces, and you can write a code that extract the type argument of a generic interfaces.

    For example with,

    var typeReference = new TypeRefrence<Foo>() {};

    finding Foo is equivalent to getting the class of typeReference, asking for the first generic interface (with getGenericInterfaces()), seeing it as a ParameterizedType and extracting the first actual type argument (with getActualTypeArguments()).

    Implement a new method parseJSON(text, typeRefrence) that extract the type argument from the anonymous class and calls parseJSON(text, type) with the type argument. Checks that the tests in the nested class "Q6" all pass.

  7. We now want to support records. Add a static method record(recordClass) in ObjectBuilder so the example at the beginning of this page works. Checks that the tests in the nested class "Q7" all pass.

    Note: to create a record, you first need to create an array to store all the component values, in the order of the component, then call the canonical constructor (see Utils.canonicalConstructor).