diff --git a/components/bio-formats-tools/src/loci/formats/tools/ImageConverter.java b/components/bio-formats-tools/src/loci/formats/tools/ImageConverter.java index c9c41ce606a..6164cc64eeb 100644 --- a/components/bio-formats-tools/src/loci/formats/tools/ImageConverter.java +++ b/components/bio-formats-tools/src/loci/formats/tools/ImageConverter.java @@ -298,35 +298,43 @@ private void printUsage() { " [-map id] [-range start end] [-crop x,y,w,h]", " [-channel channel] [-z Z] [-timepoint timepoint] [-nogroup]", " [-nolookup] [-autoscale] [-version] [-no-upgrade] [-padded]", - " [-option key value] in_file out_file", + " [-option key value] [-novalid] [-validate] [-tilex tileSizeX]", + " [-tiley tileSizeY] [-pyramid-scale scale]", + " [-pyramid-resolutions numResolutionLevels] in_file out_file", "", - " -version: print the library version and exit", - " -no-upgrade: do not perform the upgrade check", - " -debug: turn on debugging output", - " -stitch: stitch input files with similar names", - " -separate: split RGB images into separate channels", - " -merge: combine separate channels into RGB image", - " -expand: expand indexed color to RGB", - " -bigtiff: force BigTIFF files to be written", - "-compression: specify the codec to use when saving images", - " -series: specify which image series to convert", - " -noflat: do not flatten subresolutions", - " -map: specify file on disk to which name should be mapped", - " -range: specify range of planes to convert (inclusive)", - " -nogroup: force multi-file datasets to be read as individual" + - " files", - " -nolookup: disable the conversion of lookup tables", - " -autoscale: automatically adjust brightness and contrast before", - " converting; this may mean that the original pixel", - " values are not preserved", - " -overwrite: always overwrite the output file, if it already exists", - "-nooverwrite: never overwrite the output file, if it already exists", - " -crop: crop images before converting; argument is 'x,y,w,h'", - " -channel: only convert the specified channel (indexed from 0)", - " -z: only convert the specified Z section (indexed from 0)", - " -timepoint: only convert the specified timepoint (indexed from 0)", - " -padded: filename indexes for series, z, c and t will be zero padded", - " -option: add the specified key/value pair to the options list", + " -version: print the library version and exit", + " -no-upgrade: do not perform the upgrade check", + " -debug: turn on debugging output", + " -stitch: stitch input files with similar names", + " -separate: split RGB images into separate channels", + " -merge: combine separate channels into RGB image", + " -expand: expand indexed color to RGB", + " -bigtiff: force BigTIFF files to be written", + " -compression: specify the codec to use when saving images", + " -series: specify which image series to convert", + " -noflat: do not flatten subresolutions", + " -map: specify file on disk to which name should be mapped", + " -range: specify range of planes to convert (inclusive)", + " -nogroup: force multi-file datasets to be read as individual" + + " files", + " -nolookup: disable the conversion of lookup tables", + " -autoscale: automatically adjust brightness and contrast before", + " converting; this may mean that the original pixel", + " values are not preserved", + " -overwrite: always overwrite the output file, if it already exists", + " -nooverwrite: never overwrite the output file, if it already exists", + " -crop: crop images before converting; argument is 'x,y,w,h'", + " -channel: only convert the specified channel (indexed from 0)", + " -z: only convert the specified Z section (indexed from 0)", + " -timepoint: only convert the specified timepoint (indexed from 0)", + " -padded: filename indexes for series, z, c and t will be zero padded", + " -option: add the specified key/value pair to the options list", + " -novalid: will not validate the OME-XML for the output file", + " -validate: will validate the generated OME-XML for the output file", + " -tilex: image will be converted one tile at a time using the given tile width", + " -tiley: image will be converted one tile at a time using the given tile height", + " -pyramid-scale: generates a pyramid image with each subsequent resolution level divided by scale", + "-pyramid-resolutions: generates a pyramid image with the given number of resolution levels ", "", "The extension of the output file specifies the file format to use", "for the conversion. The list of available formats and extensions is:",