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Releases: fluxcd/flux

Flux 1.20.1

05 Aug 12:41
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This patch release has some fixes for faults in improvements in 1.20.0.


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @alex-shpak, @mmorejon, @ordovicia, @ricardo-larosa, @squaremo and @stefanprodan for their contributions to this release.

Flux 1.20.0

08 Jul 13:56
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This minor version release updates dependencies, and includes some
quality of life improvements, such as having a cooldown for rate



Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @BitProcessor, @Frizlab, @GregoireW, @alex-shpak, @bboreham,
@billyshambrook, @bpinter, @christiangda, @circa10a, @colinrymer,
@cpressland, @dholbach, @edernucci, @faweis, @hiddeco, @jaydeland,
@jpreese, @marratj, @michaelbeaumont, @nipponilyal, @ordovicia,
@rndstr, @sayboras, @schnatterer, @squaremo, @stefanprodan,
@stephenshaw-felfel, @tux-00, @victorsalaun and @vyckou for their
contributions to this release.

Flux 1.19.0

02 Apr 14:27
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This minor version release is a bumper edition with many
contributions, including (to pick a handful):

  • more flexibility with GPG signature verification
  • the ability to disable garbage collection for individual resources
  • users of .flux.yaml "patchUpdated" should see an improvement to automated updates, with fluxcd/flux#2805.
  • people who want to tightly control which images are scanned by fluxd will appreciate fluxcd/flux#2850



Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @2opremio, @ArchiFleKs, @alaa, @alesgurd, @borancar, @dholbach, @edwardyoung, @hiddeco, @infa-bsurber, @jimangel, @jstevans, @kharf, @mattfarina, @morremeyer, @ogerbron, @pchico83, @phillebaba, @shibumi, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @stevenpall, @sysdevguru, @trevrosen, @yasserisa and @yiannistri for their contributions to this release.

Flux 1.18.0

06 Feb 14:41
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This is a feature release with quite a few new features and fixes.

It includes new flags for fluxd and fluxctl; namely, it includes a new flag to disable registry scanning completely (--registry-disable-scanning) which allows deploying Flux without Memcached.

There is a new .flux.yaml variant (scanForFiles) which allows telling Flux to scan the local files, which is useful when mixing --manifest-generation with raw manifests.

This release also includes a few bugfixes. Namely, it comes with a fix for a filesystem leak in which git clone mirrors weren't being removed.


  • Disable Image Scanning with --registry-disable-scanning fluxcd/flux{#2745, #2753 #2798, #2813}
  • Add scanForFiles variant of .flux.yaml to scan current directory for manifests instead of generating them fluxcd/flux#2638
  • Honor KUBECONFIG env variable in fluxd fluxcd/flux{#2741, #2760}
  • Make Kubernetes resource-exclusion configurable through
    --k8s-unsafe-exclude-resource fluxcd/flux{#2749,
  • Add detailed error message in fluxctl sync fluxcd/flux#2765
  • Add --context flag to fluxctl fluxcd/flux#2715
  • Add --containerflag to fluxctl list-workloads to filter by container name fluxcd/flux#2766
  • Add --no-headers to fluxctl list-images and fluxctl list-workloads fluxcd/flux#2767
  • Add nodeSelector to deployment templates for mixed-OS clusters fluxcd/flux#2692
  • Distinguish cached registry errors from live ones fluxcd/flux#2782
  • Update kustomize to v3.5.4 fluxcd/flux#2751
  • Update kubectl to 1.15 and base image to Alpine to 3.11 fluxcd/flux#2781


Maintenance and Documentation


Thanks to @2opremio, @Ant59, @dholbach, @dinosk, @fliphess, @hiddeco, @jurruh,
@krymzonn, @mcfearsome, @michaelbeaumont, @nabadger, @ogerbron, @patrickwall57,
@prometherion, @roffe, @rparsonsbb, @sa-spag, @squaremo and @stefanprodan
for their contributions to this release.

Flux 1.17.1

13 Jan 15:53
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This is a security patch release fixing a problem with the scoping of imagePullSecrets and removing git-URL HTTPS credentials server-side.



Thanks to @2opremio, @hiddeco and @bootc for contributing to this release.

Flux 1.17.0

16 Dec 17:29
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This feature release adds support for encrypted manifests with SOPS and includes the sops binary in the Flux container.

When supplying the --sops flag to fluxd, it will decrypt SOPS-encrypted manifest files before syncing them. Provide decryption keys in the same way as providing them for sops the binary, for example with --git-gpg-key-import. The full description of how to supply sops with a key can be found in the SOPS documentation. Be aware that manifests generated with .flux.yaml files are not decrypted. Instead, make sure to output cleartext manifests by explicitly invoking the sops binary included in the Flux container.

This release also adds the new fluxd flag --k8s-default-namespace which overrides the namespace used for manifests which omit it.



  • Avoid collisions when checking whether the Git repo can be written to fluxcd/flux#2684

Maintenance and Documentation


Thanks to @2opremio, @Crevil, @PaulFarver, @aackerman, @aaparmeggiani, @adusumillipraveen, @alastairs, @dholbach, @groodt, @gtseres-workable, @hiddeco, @kaspernissen, @moshloop, @squaremo and @stefansedich for their contributions to this release.

Flux 1.16.0

22 Nov 17:43
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This is a feature release with minor new features. New flags --manifest-generation and --read-only have been added to fluxctl install.

This release also incorporates a few fixes and enhacements. Namely:

  • The pressure on the Kubernetes API server has been reduced when Flux operates in all namespaces.
  • The error handling of manifest generation has been improved.

Additionally, the end-to-end testing infrastructure has been rewritten and numerous new end-to-end tests have been added.



  • Improve experience with .flux.yaml files fluxcd/flux#{2565, 2603, 2604}
  • Performance: Reduce pressure on Kubernetes' API server when Flux operates on all namespaces fluxcd/flux#{2520, 2539, 2622}
  • Add manifest generation flag to fluctl install command fluxcd/flux#2583
  • Add a read-only flag to fluxctl install command fluxcd/flux#2530
  • Create Prometheus metric for flux manifest errors fluxcd/flux#2535

Maintenance and Documentation


Thanks to @2opremio, @at-ishikawa, @bboreham, @beautytiger, @carnott-snap, @denysvitali, @ducksecops, @erdii, @eriadam, @gsf, @hiddeco, @idobry, @jmymy, @mbellgb, @mosesyou, @mpashka, @palemtnrider, @sebikul, @squaremo, @srueg, @stefanprodan, @translucens, @vic3lord and @waseem-h for their contributions to this release!

Flux 1.15.0

02 Oct 11:26
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This feature release adds secure support for Git over HTTPS, updates kubectl and kustomize, and does a lot of internal rewiring without changing user-visible functions or the public APIs. From this release forward, garbage collection, namespace scoping, and manifest generation are no longer considered experimental.


  • Reinstate git-secret support after accidentally breaking it during a refactor that landed in 1.14.0 fluxcd/flux#2429
  • Fix error handling in splitConfigFilesAndRawManifestPaths fluxcd/flux#2455


  • Support secure Git over HTTPS using credentials from environment variables fluxcd/flux#2470
  • Add a flag --sync-timeout, for configuring the timeout of sync operations. This is mainly of interest to people making use of the manifest generation feature, or people who are operating exceptionally large Git repositories fluxcd/flux#2481
  • Update kubectl to 1.14.7 and kustomize to 3.2.0 fluxcd/flux#2461
  • De-experimental-ise garbage collection, namespace scoping, and manifest generation features fluxcd/flux#2485
  • Improve logged warning about unsupported automated resource kinds fluxcd/flux#2471

Maintenance and documentation

  • Build: upgrade Go to 1.13.1 fluxcd/flux#2482
  • Build: avoid spurious diffs in generated files by fixing their modtimes to Unix epoch fluxcd/flux#2473
  • Build: update Kind, used for end-to-end tests, to 0.5.1 fluxcd/flux#2461
  • Build: simplify the files included in snapcraft.yaml fluxcd/flux#2427
  • Build: stop publishing Docker images to Weaveworks' DockerHub fluxcd/flux#2491
  • Build: republish Git tag with a v prefix during release, to make it available to Go Mod fluxcd/flux#2491
  • Code: change import paths from weaveworks to fluxcd fluxcd/flux#2305
  • Code: move all packages to pkg/ fluxcd/flux#2464
  • Code: fix some typos in comments fluxcd/flux#2478
  • Documentation: update organization mentions (weaveworks -> fluxcd) fluxcd/flux#2430
  • Documentation: remove values. prefix from annotation examples fluxcd/flux#2436
  • Documentation: include installation instructions for fluxctl on Windows using Chocolatey fluxcd/flux#2457
  • Documentation: provide some additional links within the documentation to using Flux with Kustomize, Helm, or Flagger fluxcd/flux#2358
  • Documentation: reflow commit customization bits in fluxctl documentation fluxcd/flux#2459
  • Documentation: small .flux.yaml documentation improvements fluxcd/flux#{#2466, #2467}
  • Documentation: remove mention of mergePatchUpdater in .flux.yaml documentation, as it is not a thing fluxcd/flux#2469
  • Documentation: use flux as a default namespace in deploy/ examples fluxcd/flux#2475
  • Documentation: fix incorrectly documented Helm chart repository fluxcd/flux#2484
  • Documentation: update the documented fluxctl output fluxcd/flux#2489
  • Documentation: fix --git-path argument in 'get started' and 'driving Flux' tutorials fluxcd/flux#{#2423, #2424}
  • Documentation: add HMCTS and WGTwo as production users (:tada:) fluxcd/flux#{#2458, #2450}


Tip of the hat and many thanks to @davidpristovnik, @dananichev, @Keralin, @domgoodwin @luxas, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @hiddeco, @elzapp, @nodanero, @dholbach, @stealthybox, @arsiesys, @alexmt, @darindouglass, @holger-wg2, @chrisfowles, @timja, @2opremio, @adusumillipraveen for contributions to this release.

Flux 1.14.2

02 Sep 12:27
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This is a patch release, with some important fixes to the handling of HelmRelease resources.


  • Correct a problem that prevented automated HelmRelease updates fluxcd/flux#2412
  • Fix a crash triggered when resources are present in the cluster fluxcd/flux#2404


  • Add a flag --k8s-verbosity, for controlling Kubernetes client logging (formerly, this was left disabled) fluxcd/flux#2410

Maintenance and documentation


Bouquets to @HighwayofLife, @IsNull, @adeleglise, @aliartiza75, @antonosmond, @bforchhammer, @brunowego, @cartyc, @chainlink, @cristian-radu, @dholbach, @dranner-bgt, @fshot, @hiddeco, @isen-ng, @jonohill, @kingdonb, @mflendrich, @mfrister, @mgenov, @raravena80, @rndstr, @robertgates55, @sklemmer, @smartpcr, @squaremo, @stefanprodan, @stefansedich, @yellowmegaman, @ysaakpr for contributions to this release.

Flux 1.14.1

22 Aug 16:34
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This is a patch release.


  • Automated updates of auto detected images in HelmRelease resources has been fixed fluxcd/flux#2400
  • fluxctl install --git-paths option has been replaced by --git-path, to match the fluxd option, the --git-paths has been deprecated but still works fluxcd/flux#2392
  • fluxctl port forward looks for a pod with one of the labels again, instead of stopping when the first label did not return a result fluxcd/flux#2394

Maintenance and documentation


Thanks @aliartiza75, @ethan-daocloud, @HighwayofLife, @stefanprodan, @2opremio, @dholbach, @squaremo, @hiddeco for contributing to this release.