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Flux Workflow Examples
The examples contained here demonstrate and explain some simple use-cases with Flux, and make use of Flux's command-line interface (CLI), Flux's C library, and the Python and Lua bindings to the C library.
The examples assume that you have installed:
A recent version of Flux
Python 3.6+
Lua 5.1+
Launch a flux instance and schedule/launch compute and io-forwarding jobs on separate nodes using the CLI
Schedule/launch compute and io-forwarding jobs on separate nodes using the Python bindings
Submit jobs and wait for them to complete using the Flux Python bindings
4. Python: Asynchronous Bulk Job Submission
Asynchronously submit jobspec files from a directory and wait for them to complete in any order
5. Python: Tracking Job Status and Events
Submit job bundles, get event updates, and wait until all jobs complete
Cancel a running job
Use events to synchronize compute and io-forwarding jobs running on separate nodes
Use KVS Python interfaces to store user data into KVS
9. CLI/Lua: Job Ensemble Submitted with a New Flux Instance
Submit job bundles, print live job events, and exit when all jobs are complete
10. CLI: Hierarchical Launching
Launch a large number of sleep 0 jobs
11. C/Lua: Use a Flux Comms Module
Use a Flux Comms Module to communicate with job elements
12. C/Python: A Data Conduit Strategy
Attach to a job that receives OS time data from compute jobs