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Flux Administrator's Guide

The Flux Administrator's Guide documents relevant information for installation, configuration, and management of Flux as the native resource manager on a cluster.


Flux is still beta software and many of the interfaces documented in this guide may change with regularity.

This document is in DRAFT form and currently applies to flux-core version 0.22.0.


0.22.0 limitation: system instance size should not exceed 256 nodes.

0.22.0 limitation: node failure detection is minimal in this release. Avoid powering off nodes that are running Flux without following the recommended shutdown procedure below. Cluster nodes that may require service or have connectivity issues should be omitted from the Flux configuration for now.



MUNGE is used to sign job requests submitted to Flux, so the MUNGE daemon should be installed on all nodes running Flux with the same MUNGE key used across the cluster.

Flux assumes a shared UID namespace across the cluster.

A system user named flux is required, with the following characteristics:

  • same UID across the cluster
  • valid home directory (either shared or unique per node are fine)
  • logins may be disabled

Package installation

A Flux system install requires flux-security and flux-core packages to be installed at a minimum. For real workloads it is highly recommended that flux-sched (a.k.a the Fluxion graph-based scheduler) be installed as well.

If installing from your Linux distribution package manager (preferred), e.g. RPM or dpkg, you may skip this section.

If installing from a git repo, follow the instructions in :ref:`manual_installation` .

This section assumes you are installing from a source distribution tarball.

In this guide the paths to configuration files and executables will assume that Flux software was configured the same as standard system packages, e.g. with the following arguments to configure:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/etc/systemd/system --localstatedir=/var

When configuring flux-core be sure to compile against flux-security by adding --with-flux-security to the configure arguments.

After installation of flux-security, ensure the flux-imp executable is installed setuid root. This is the one component of Flux that must run with privilege:

$ sudo chown root:root /usr/libexec/flux/flux-imp
$ sudo chmod 4755 /usr/libexec/flux/flux-imp

Ensure this is replicated across all nodes.

System instance CURVE Keys

The system instance shares a CURVE certificate that must be distributed to all nodes. It should be readable only by the flux user. To create a new keypair run the flux keygen utility as the flux user:

$ sudo -u flux flux keygen /etc/flux/system/curve.cert

Do this once and then copy the certificate to the same location on the other nodes, preserving owner and mode.


0.22.0 changed the way CURVE certificates are generated and configured. When upgrading, generate a new certificate as described above, and add curve_cert = "/etc/flux/system/curve.cert" to the [bootstrap] configuration.

You may remove the old certificates in the flux user's home directory

System Instance Configuration

Much of Flux configuration occurs via TOML configuration files found in a hierarchy under /etc/flux. For the most part, Flux components will read all TOML files from a given directory in a glob, e.g. /etc/flux/component/*.toml, which allows TOML tables to be combined in a single file or split across multiple files. For example, a typical Flux system instance will read all configuration from /etc/flux/system/conf.d/*.toml.

In this guide, separate files will typically be used for clarity, instead of adding all configuration tables to a single TOML file.

flux-security config

In order to run multi-user workloads flux-security components such as the signing library and flux-imp need proper configuration.

First, a valid signing method should be configured. In /etc/flux/security/conf.d/sign.toml, add the following to configure job requests be signed using MUNGE:

max-ttl = 1209600  # 2 weeks
default-type = "munge"
allowed-types = [ "munge" ]

Then configure flux-imp by creating /etc/flux/imp/conf.d/imp.toml with the following contents:

allowed-users = [ "flux" ]
allowed-shells = [ "/usr/libexec/flux/flux-shell" ]

This ensures that only the flux user may run the flux-imp executable, and the only allowed job shell is the system installed flux-shell.

Execution system configuration

A system Flux instance must be configured to use a flux-imp process as a privileged helper for multi-user execution. This configuration should be made in /etc/flux/system/conf.d/exec.toml. This configuration table is read by the job-exec module.

imp = "/usr/libexec/flux/flux-imp"

Access configuration

By default, a Flux instance does not allow access to any user other than the instance owner, in this case the flux user. This is not suitable for a system instance, so guest user access should be enabled in /etc/flux/system/conf.d/access.toml. In addition, it may be convenient to allow the root user to act as the instance owner, to give system administrators privileged Flux access to cancel or list jobs:

allow-guest-user = true
allow-root-owner = true

Network configuration

Flux brokers on each node communicate over a tree based overlay network. Each broker is assigned a ranked integer address, starting with zero. The overlay network may be configured to use any IP network that remains available the whole time Flux is running.


0.22.0 limitation: the system instance tree based overlay network is forced by the systemd unit file to be flat (no interior router nodes), trading scalability for reliability.

The Flux system instance overlay is currently configured via a cluster specific bootstrap.toml file. The example here is for a 16 node cluster named fluke with hostnames fluke1 through fluke16, and a management network interface of enp0s25:


curve_cert = "/etc/flux/system/curve.cert"
default_port = 8050
default_bind = "tcp://eno1:%p"
default_connect = "tcp://e%h:%p"

hosts = [
   { host = "fluke[3,108,6-103]" },

The file format more flexible than this example would indicate. For more info, refer to the flux-config-bootstrap(5) man page.

Hosts will be assigned ranks in the overlay based on their position in the host array. In the above example fluke3 is rank 0, fluke108 is rank 1, etc.

The Flux rank 0 broker hosts the majority of Flux's services, has a critical role in overlay network routing, and requires access to persistent storage, preferably local. Therefore, rank 0 ideally will be placed on a non-compute node along with other critical cluster services.


0.22.0 limitation: Flux should be completely shut down when the overlay network configuration is modified.

Resource configuration

The system resource configuration may be generated in RFC 20 (R version 1) form using flux R encode. At minimum, a hostlist and core idset must be specified on the command line, e.g.

$ flux R encode --hosts=fluke[3,108,6-103] --cores=0-3 >/etc/flux/system/R

To use the Fluxion scheduler, flux ion-R encode may additionally be used, e.g.,

$ flux R encode --hosts=fluke[3,108,6-103] --cores=0-3 | flux ion-R encode >/etc/flux/system/R

flux ion-R encode simply adds the optional scheduling key of RFC 20 to the resource configuration generated by flux R encode. Our Fluxion scheduler relies on the existence of this key containing resource graph data in the JSON Graph Format (JGF) for system instance scheduling.

The resource configuration is then referenced from the resource table, path key.


The rank to hostname mapping represented in R is ignored, and is replaced at runtime by the rank to hostname mapping from the bootstrap hosts array (see above).

Some sites may choose to exclude login and service nodes from scheduling. This is accomplished using the optional exclude key, whose value is a hostlist, or alternatively, idset of broker ranks to exclude.

An example resource configuration:


path = "/etc/flux/system/R"
exclude = "fluke[3,108]"


0.22.0 implements support for exclusion by hostlist. It is suggested that the previously configured exclusion rank idset be replaced with a hostlist, which should be more convenient and less prone to error going forward.

Storage configuration

Flux is currently prolific in its use of disk space to back up its key value store, proportional to the number of jobs run and the quantity of standard I/O. On your rank 0 node, ensure that the directory for the content.sqlite file exists with plenty of space:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/flux
$ chown flux /var/lib/flux
$ chomd 700 /var/lib/flux

This space should be preserved across a reboot as it contains the Flux job queue and record of past jobs.


0.22.0 limitation: tools for shrinking the content.sqlite file or purging old job data while retaining other content are not yet available.

0.22.0 limitation: Flux must be completely stopped to relocate or remove the content.sqlite file.

0.22.0 limitation: Running out of space is not handled gracefully. If this happens it is best to stop Flux, remove the content.sqlite file, and restart.

System Instance Administration

Starting Flux

Systemd may be configured to start Flux automatically at boot time, as long as the network that carries its overlay network will be available at that time. Alternatively, Flux may be started manually, e.g.

$ sudo pdsh -w fluke[3,108,6-103] sudo systemctl start flux

Flux brokers may be started in any order, but they won't come online until their parent in the tree based overlay network is available.

Stopping Flux

The full Flux system instance may be temporarily stopped by running the following on the rank 0 node:

$ sudo systemctl stop flux

This kills any running jobs, but preserves job history and the queue of jobs that have been submitted but have not yet allocated resources. This state is held in the content.sqlite that was configured above.

The brokers on other nodes will automatically shut down in response, then respawn, awaiting the return of the rank 0 broker.

To shut down a single node running Flux, simply run the above command on that node.


0.22.0 limitation: jobs using a node are not automatically canceled when the individual node is shut down. On an active system, first drain the node as described below, then ensure no jobs are using it before shutting it down.

Changing the Flux configuration

After changing flux broker or module specific configuration in the TOML files under /etc/flux, the configuration may be reloaded with

$ sudo systemctl reload flux

on each rank where the configuration needs to be updated. The broker will reread all configuration files and notify modules that configuration has been updated.

Configuration which applies to the flux-imp or job shell will be reread at the time of the next job execution, since these components are executed at job launch.


0.22.0 limitation: all configuration changes except resource exclusion and instance access have no effect until the Flux broker restarts.

Viewing Resource Status

Flux offers two different utilities to query the current resource state.

flux resource status is an administrative command which lists ranks which are available, online, offline, excluded, or drained along with their corresponding node names. By default, sets which have 0 members are not displayed, e.g.

$ flux resource status
    avail     15 1-15            fluke[26-40]
    drain      1 0               fluke25

To list a set of states explicitly, use the --states option: (Run --states=help to get a list of valid states)

$ flux resource status --states=offline,exclude
  offline      0
  exclude      0

This option is useful to get a list of ranks or hostnames in a given state. For example, the following command fetches the hostlist for all resources configured in a Flux instance:

$ flux resource status -s all -no {nodelist}

In contrast to flux resource status, the flux resource list command lists the scheduler's view of available resources. This command shows the free, allocated, and unavailable (down) resources, and includes nodes, cores, and gpus at this time:

$ flux resource list
     free     15       60        0 fluke[26-40]
allocated      0        0        0
     down      1        4        0 fluke25

With -v, flux resource list will show a finer grained list of resources in each state, instead of a nodelist:

$ flux resource list -v
      free     15       60        0 rank[1-15]/core[0-3]
 allocated      0        0        0
      down      1        4        0 rank0/core[0-3]

Draining Resources

Resources may be temporarily removed from scheduling via the flux resource drain command. Currently, resources may only be drained at the granularity of a node, represented by its hostname or broker rank, for example:

$ sudo flux resource drain fluke7 node is fubar
$ sudo flux resource drain
TIMESTAMP            RANK     REASON                         NODELIST
2020-12-16T09:00:25  4        node is fubar                  fluke7

Any work running on the drained node is allowed to complete normally.

To return drained resources use flux resource undrain:

$ sudo flux resource undrain fluke7
$ sudo flux resource drain
TIMESTAMP            RANK     REASON                         NODELIST

Managing the Flux Queue

The queue of jobs is managed by the flux job-manager, which in turn makes allocation requests for jobs in priority order to the scheduler. This queue can be managed using the flux-queue command.

Usage: flux-queue [OPTIONS] COMMAND ARGS
  -h, --help             Display this message.

Common commands from flux-queue:
   enable          Enable job submission
   disable         Disable job submission
   start           Start scheduling
   stop            Stop scheduling
   status          Get queue status
   drain           Wait for queue to become empty.
   idle            Wait for queue to become idle.

The queue may be listed with the flux jobs command. Refer to flux-jobs(1)

Disabling job submission

By default, the queue is enabled, meaning that jobs can be submitted into the system. To disable job submission, e..g to prepare the system for a shutdown, use flux queue disable. To restore queue access use flux queue enable.

Stopping job allocation

The queue may also be stopped with flux queue stop, which disables further allocation requests from the job-manager to the scheduler. This allows jobs to be submitted, but stops new jobs from being scheduled. To restore scheduling use flux queue start.

Flux queue idle and drain

The flux queue drain and flux queue idle commands can be used to wait for the queue to enter a given state. This may be useful when preparing the system for a downtime.

The queue is considered drained when there are no more active jobs. That is, all jobs have completed and there are no pending jobs. flux queue drain is most useful when the queue is disabled .

The queue is "idle" when there are no jobs in the RUN or CLEANUP state. In the idle state, jobs may still be pending. flux queue idle is most useful when the queue is stopped.

To query the current status of the queue use the flux queue status command:

$ flux queue status -v
flux-queue: Job submission is enabled
flux-queue: Scheduling is enabled
flux-queue: 2 alloc requests queued
flux-queue: 1 alloc requests pending to scheduler
flux-queue: 0 free requests pending to scheduler
flux-queue: 4 running jobs

Managing Flux Jobs

Expediting Jobs

Expediting and holding jobs is planned, but not currently supported.

Canceling Jobs

An active job may be canceled via the flux job cancel command. An instance owner may cancel any job, while a guest may only cancel their own jobs.

All active jobs may be canceled with flux job cancelall. By default this command will only print the number of jobs that would be canceled. To force cancellation of all matched jobs, the -f, --force option must be used:

$ flux job cancelall
flux-job: Command matched 5 jobs (-f to confirm)
$ flux job cancelall -f
flux-job: Canceled 5 jobs (0 errors)

The set of jobs matched by the cancelall command may also be restricted via the -s, --states=STATES and -u, --user=USER options.

Dedicated Application Time

Updating Flux Software

Flux will eventually support rolling software upgrades, but prior to major release 1, Flux software release versions should not be assumed to inter-operate. Furthermore, at this early stage, Flux software components (e.g. flux-core, flux-sched, flux-security, and flux-accounting) should only only be installed in recommended combinations.


0.22.0 limitation: mismatched versions are not detected, thus the effect of accidentally mixing versions of flux-core within a Flux instance is unpredictable.


0.22.0 limitation: job data should be purged when updating to the next release of flux-core, as internal representations of data written out to the Flux KVS and stored in the content.sqlite file are not yet stable.



Systemd journal

Flux brokers log information to standard error, which is normally captured by the systemd journal. It may be useful to look at this log when diagnosing a problem on a particular node:

$ journalctl -u flux
Sep 14 09:53:12 sun1 systemd[1]: Starting Flux message broker...
Sep 14 09:53:12 sun1 systemd[1]: Started Flux message broker.
Sep 14 09:53:12 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: start: none->join 0.0162958s
Sep 14 09:53:54 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: parent-ready: join->init 41.8603s
Sep 14 09:53:54 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: rc1.0: running /etc/flux/rc1.d/01-enclosing-instance
Sep 14 09:53:54 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: rc1.0: /bin/sh -c /etc/flux/rc1 Exited (rc=0) 0.4s
Sep 14 09:53:54 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: rc1-success: init->quorum 0.414207s
Sep 14 09:53:54 sun1 flux[23182]:[2]: quorum-full: quorum->run 9.3847e-05s

Flux logs: flux-dmesg

The rank 0 broker accumulates log information for the full instance in a circular buffer. For some problems, it may be useful to view this log:

$ sudo flux dmesg |tail
2020-09-14T19:38:38.047025Z sched-simple.debug[0]: free: rank1/core0
2020-09-14T19:38:41.600670Z sched-simple.debug[0]: req: 6115337007267840: spec={0,1,1} duration=0.0
2020-09-14T19:38:41.600791Z sched-simple.debug[0]: alloc: 6115337007267840: rank1/core0
2020-09-14T19:38:41.703252Z sched-simple.debug[0]: free: rank1/core0
2020-09-14T19:38:46.588157Z job-ingest.debug[0]: inactivity timeout

KVS Eventlogs