[NOT MAINTAINED] This project is discontinued respectively I don't maintain it anymore.
Web Google Maps is a Web Component which lets you easily integrate Google Maps in your application.
The first goal of this project was to provide an agnostic Web Component to easily integrate Google Maps into my project Fluster.
Furthermore to offering a simple wrapper to use Google Maps, this Web Component will inject and load only once the Google Maps Javascript API. This allows you for example to include multiple Google Maps in a single page.
$ npm install web-google-maps
Find a documentation about the framework integrations on the Stencil website
In the module where you would like to use the component, add
to your list of schemas.@NgModule({ declarations: [ MyComponent ], imports: [ CommonModule ], exports: [ MyComponent ], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) export class MyComponentModule { }
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { AppModule } from './app/app.module'; import { environment } from './environments/environment'; import { defineCustomElements as defineCustomElementsGoogleMaps } from 'web-google-maps/dist/loader'; if (environment.production) { enableProdMode(); } platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule) .catch(err => console.log(err)); defineCustomElementsGoogleMaps(window);
Finally add the following to your
configuration in yourangular.json
files in oder to include the component in your bundle"assets": [ { "glob": "webgooglemaps.js", "input": "node_modules/web-google-maps/dist", "output": "./" }, { "glob": "webgooglemaps/*", "input": "node_modules/web-google-maps/dist", "output": "./" } ]
The Web Google Maps Component could be use like following:
<web-google-maps [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55"></web-google-maps>
Both lat
and lng
are mandatory.
To use the Google Maps API you need to provide your own Google Maps API key. This Web Component will take care of injecting and loading the Google Map Javascript bundle only once using your key.
<web-google-maps [apiKey]="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55"></web-google-maps>
Map's options could be provided using the property options
. This property inherit all options from google.maps.MapOptions
const myOptions = {
zoom: 9
<web-google-maps [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55" [options]="myOptions"></web-google-maps>
A map style could be provided using the property mapStyle
. This property should contains then name
of the style and a style array which inherit all options from google.maps.MapTypeStyle[]
const mapStyle = {
style: [
"featureType": "road",
"stylers": [
"hue": "#5e00ff"
"saturation": -79
name: "Purple Rain"
<web-google-maps [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55" [mapStyle]="mapStyle"></web-google-maps>
Circles could be provided using the property circles
. This property is an array of values which inherit all options from google.maps.CircleOptions
. If you don't wish to define a center value, you could provide lat
and lng
parameters instead.
const circles = [
lat: 47.46667,
lng: 8.55,
radius: 10000,
fillColor: '#ff8ea3',
draggable: false,
editable: false,
clickable: false
<web-google-maps [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55" [circles]="circles"></web-google-maps>
Markers could be provided using the property markers
. The property could contains an array of markers which inherit all options from google.maps.MarkerOptions
and a boolean variable fitBounds
which will trigger a resize of the maps around all markers. Furthermore, for each marker, you could provide information window inheriting properties from google.maps.InfoWindowOptions
and if you wish, lat
and lng
instead of providing a center.
const markers = [{
lat: 43.073051,
lng: -89.401230,
infoWindowOptions: {
content: "Cool"
const myMarkers = {
markers: markers,
fitBounds: true
<web-google-maps [lat]="47.36667" [lng]="8.55" [markers]="markers"></web-google-maps>
Safari 11 does not seems to handle correctly markers
if the Google Maps is used in a shadow dom, which is the case of this Web Component. The workaround is to specify an icon
for each markers which will make Safari happy (References: Stackoverflow workaround and Google Web Components issue)
These above options inherit these from google.maps
as defined in DefinitelyTyped.
If you are looking for code samples, you could have a look to the following examples:
An example of Vanilla JS usage is provided in the index.html file (which is also the showcase website itself).
Note: In Vanilla JS, only string
properties could be directly assigned to the component. In order to specify object or boolean properties, wait for the document to be loaded and set the properties with the help of a script.
An example of an Angular usage is provided in a component of the website of my project Fluster.
A showcase is available at https://web-component-maps.com
The above showcase is simply the www
folder of this project. If you clone the repository you could run it locally too using npm start
, but you would need first to inject your apiKey
in index.html.
MIT © David Dal Busco