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The Most Readable & Concise AutoLayout Swift Code


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GetLaid is a lean framework for laying out complex user interfaces through elegant code.

Why Oh Why?


GetLaid has some advantages even over classic simple frameworks like PureLayout:

  • âś… Readability
    • Functions are of the principle form "[constrained aspect] constrain to [constraining aspect]"
    • This semantic naming makes auto completion more valuable, as it quickly and meaningfully narrows down the available options.
    • All functions have the prefix constrain which expresses best what they really do: They constrain some attributes and return the resulting constraints.
    • PureLayout is much more convoluted with its 6 different function prefixes: autoPin, autoAlign, autoMatch, autoCenter, autoSet and autoConstrain.
  • âś… Brevity
    • Shorter lines of code with less function arguments (see comparison below)
  • âś… Applicable to Layout Guides
  • âś… Easy Relative Layouting
    • Relative positioning: item1.constrainToParentLeft(at: 0.5)
    • Relative sizing: item1.constrain(to:
    • Aspect ratio: item.constrainAspectRatio(to: 16/9)
  • âś… Easy Positioning of Items Next to Each Other
    • item1.constrain(above: item2, gap: 10)
    • item1.constrain(after: item2) (localized via leading / trailing)
  • âś… Modern Swift Under the Hood

Why Not Interface Builder?

Well, that would be insane.

Why AutoLayout Wrappers?

Programmatic AutoLayout without any such frameworks was never hard. It's all about creating objects of NSLayoutConstraint, which has only one powerful initializer.

Since iOS 9.0 and macOS 10.11, we also have NSLayoutAnchor, which adds a native abstraction layer on top of NSLayoutConstraint, further reducing the need for any AutoLayout wrappers at all.

At this point, all an AutoLayout wrapper can do is to make code even more meaningful, readable and succinct at the point of use. GetLaid does exactly that.

Why Not Other AutoLayout Wrappers?

Modern AutoLayout wrappers like SnapKit are almost too clever for the simple task at hand. A SnapKit example:

box.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in

Classic AutoLayout wrappers like PureLayout, have easier syntax but are still wordy:

box.autoSetDimensions(to: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))

GetLaid trims AutoLayout code even further down to the essence. Compare for yourself:

Before (PureLayout)

item1.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top)
item1.autoSetDimension(.width, toSize: 42)
item1.autoPinEdge(.left, to: .left, of: item2)
item1.autoAlignAxis(.vertical, toSameAxisOf: item2)
item1.autoSetDimensions(to: CGSize(width: 82, height: 42))
item1.autoPinEdge(.bottom, to: .top, of: item2, withOffset: -20)
item1.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: 64, relation: .greaterThanOrEqual)
item1.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges(with: NSEdgeInsetsZero, excludingEdge: .top)
item1.autoConstrainAttribute(.left, to: .right, of: parent, withMultiplier: 0.5)
item1.autoConstrainAttribute(.width, to: .height, of: item1, withMultiplier: 16/9)
item1.autoPinEdgesToSuperViewEdges(with: NSEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0))

After (GetLaid)

item1.width.constrain(to: 42)
item1.constrain(to: item2.left)
item1.constrain(to: item2.centerX)
item1.constrain(to: 82, 42)
item1.constrain(above: item2, gap: 20)
item1.height.constrain(to: .min(64))
item1.constrainLeftToParent(at: 0.5)
item1.constrainAspectRatio(to: 16/9)
item1.constrainToParent(topInset: 10)

So, which is prettier, mh?

If you can spare fancyness but appreciate readability, GetLaid might be for you.


With the Swift Package Manager, you can just add the GetLaid package via Xcode (11+).

Or you manually adjust the Package.swift file of your project:

// swift-tools-version:5.1
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "",
                 .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyAppTarget",
                dependencies: ["GetLaid"])

Then run $ swift build or $ swift run.

With Cocoapods, adjust your Podfile:

target "MyAppTarget" do
  pod "GetLaid", "~> 3.0"

Then run $ pod install.

Finally, in your Swift files:

import GetLaid

Add Subviews and Layout Guides

The generic function addForAutoLayout adds a subview and prepares it for AutoLayout. It returns the subview it takes as its exact type. Use this function to add subviews:

class List: NSView {
    override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
        super.init(frame: frameRect)
    private lazy var header = addForAutoLayout(Header()) // of type Header

If you don't use addForAutoLayout, remember to set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false on the views you incorporate in AutoLayout.

There's also a helper function for adding a new layout guide to a view:

let guide = view.addLayoutGuide()

Constrain Positions

You generally call constrain on exactly the thing you want to constrain:

item1.left.constrain(to: item2.centerX)

All layout attributes can be used in that way, while baselines are not available on layout guides.

If source and target refer to the same position/anchor, you may omit one of them. These are equivalent:

item1.left.constrain(to: item2.left)
item1.left.constrain(to: item2)
item1.constrain(to: item2.left)

You may modify the constrain target and also chain these modifications:

item1.constrain(to: item2.left.offset(8))
item1.constrain(to: item2.left.min)              // >= item2.left
item1.constrain(to: item2.left.max)              // <= item2.left
item1.constrain(to:          // at 0.5 of item2.left
item1.constrain(to: item2.left.min.offset(8))

Constrain Multiple Positions

You may constrain multiple positions at once:

item1.constrain(to: item2.allButTop(leadingOffset: 5,   // leading, bottom, trailing
                                    bottomOffset: -5))
item1.constrain(to:                       // centerX, centerY
item1.constrain(to: item2.all)                          // all edges
item1.constrain(to: item2)                              // shorthand for .all

Available position target combinations are:

  • all
  • allButTop
  • allButLeading
  • allButLeft
  • allButBottom
  • allButTrailing
  • allButRight
  • center

All of them take offsets as arguments for exactly the constrained positions, in counter-clockwise order.

Constrain Dimensions

You constrain width and height just like positions:

item1.width.constrain(to: item2.height)

As with positions, you can omit anchors, modify the target, and chain modifications:

item1.constrain(to:  // >= 60% of item2.height

You can constrain a dimension to a constant size. These are equivalent:

item.width.constrain(to: .size(100))
item.width.constrain(to: 100)

Omit the dimension to constrain both dimensions to the same constant. These are also equivalent:

item.constrain(to: .size(100))  // square with edge length 100
item.constrain(to: 100)         // same

Modify the constant size target like any other target, for one or both dimensions:

item.width.constrain(to: .size(100).max)  // width <= 100
item.constrain(to: .size(100).max)        // width, height <= 100

There's a shorter notation for minimum and maximum constants. These are equivalent:

item.constrain(to: .size(100).max)  // width, height <= 100
item.constrain(to: .max(100))       // same

Constrain Both Dimensions

The size target combines width and height. It works fully equivalent to those single dimensions:

item1.constrain(to: item2.size.min)  // at least as big as item2

A size target can also represent a constant size. These are equivalent:

item.constrain(to: .size(100, 50))  // size target with constants
item.constrain(to: 100, 50)         // same

And there's also a shorthand notation for minimum and maximum size. These are equivalent:

item.constrain(to: .size(100, 50).min)  // at least 100 by 50
item.constrain(to: .min(100, 50))       // same

Finally, there's a shorthand for constraining aspect ratio. These are equivalent:

videoView.width.constrain(to: / 9))
videoView.constrainAspectRatio(to: 16 / 9)

TO DOcument

  • separate core API that uses constrain(to: functions from convenience API
  • system spacing
    • find out whether there's still a difference between sibling spacing and parent spacing
  • safe areas, parent
  • constrain to parent (convenience funcs)
  • constrain neighbours