This collection of library shall enable the development of an EVSE based on an STM32F0 microcontroller. It is the software for the CircuitMaker project linked above.
This library configures and enables the interface main interface for handling the EVSE logic with the vehicle.
This library configures and enables the interface for a possible rotary encoder to be used as the user interface.
This library configures and enables the interface for storing data between reboot.
This library represents a selection of font glyphs that are used with the OLED display.
This library provides a selection of functions that configure the STM32F0 and bridge multiple libaries.
This library configures and enables the interface for SPI to an SSD1306-based OLED display.
This library configures and enables the interface for USART to an FTDI chip for debug information.
This library configures and enables the interface for a selection of buttons to be used as the user interface.
This library configures and enables the interface for a 1-wire signal to control a WS2812B-based LED array.