Personal settings I need to feel cozy on my Android/Linux/Windows boxes.
- Git installed? If yes, execute in a terminal window:
cd ~; git clone
- Otherwise, download and extract this repository into the home folder (see green button above).
- Set a desktop wallpaper: Open Windows Settings > Personalisation and set the image in the pictures/ subfolder.
- Set a lock screen: Open Windows Settings > Personalisation and set the image in the pictures/ subfolder.
- Open the File Explorer and go to the folder icons/ subfolder.
- Activate the 'Large Icon' view and select the appropriate icon.
- Copy that icon file into your folder and rename it to 'folder.jpg'.
- Install fonts for coding: Open the File Explorer, go to the fonts/Fira_Code_v6.2/ttf subfolder, select all, and install the fonts.
- Configure to use those fonts in Windows Terminal.
- Configure to use those fonts in Visual Studio Code.
- Configure to use those fonts in Visual Studio 2017.
In a terminal window execute the following: (copy&paste recommended)
cd ~
git clone
cd my-settings
cp powershell-profile.ps1 $PROFILE (when in a PowerShell session)
./install-windows-apps.ps1 (on Windows)
sudo apt install ... (on Linux)
sudo snap install ant audacity bashtop chromium cmake emacs ffmpeg firefox gimp go groovy htop hw-probe nano python38 (when using Linux & Snaps)
Send your email feedback to: markus.fleschutz [at]
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