Lien Github :
please launch program with below command :
In terminal, a text is written asking you if :
1 - you want to add a new foodstuff to replace 2 - you want to browse your personal list of replaced foodstuff
just enter the number you want and hit enter.
When the first option is selected , you will be asked to select a category of food in order to filter your search.
Enter the number of the category you want to select and hit enter
Then a list of foodstuff is displayed. The same as before, select the number corresponding to the foodstuff you want and hit enter.
The app will display a replacement foodstuff regarding what you selected. A description, a link to the corresponding Open Food fact article and the closest store to find this product will be displayed.
You will be able to save this result in your personal list, in database, by hitting the keystroke "s".
When selecting this menu, the app returns a list of your save replaced foodstuff. In this list, you can access to the entire informations by choosing the corresponding number in the list and hit enter. Optionally, you can remove this item from you personal list
You can exit the program by hitting keystroke "x"