Overview of the code base of baldrick-broth
This document has been generated automatically by baldrick-doc-ts
class `basic-execution.ts`{
- getPropertyList()
- asStringOrBlank()
- asAnyArray()
- range()
class `build-model.ts`{
- describeEnum()
- asEnumKeys()
- jsonishSchema()
class `client.ts`{
- deleteLog()
- unsafeRunClient()
- exitWithError()
class `coloration.ts`
class `commands-creator.ts`{
- createTaskDescription()
class `create-task-action.ts`{
- sleep()
- interactivePrompt()
- logTaskStatistics()
- toOnResultFlags()
- asJSONLog()
- debugContext()
- toCommandLineAction()
- capitalizeWord()
- toBatchStepAction()
- makeMessage()
class `data-value-utils.ts`{
- getSpecificDataProperty()
- getDataProperty()
class `env-variables.ts`
class `execution.ts`{
- getErrorMessage()
- toStatus()
- parseJson()
- parseYaml()
- prepareCsv()
- parseCsv()
- forceString()
- executeShellCommandLine()
- appendVarToFile()
- writeVarToFile()
class `expand-batch.ts`{
- getArray()
- expandCommand()
- mergeExpandedCommandLineInputs()
- expandBatch0()
- expandBatch1()
- expandBatch2()
class `field-validation.ts`{
- isSingleLine()
class `file-io.ts`{
class `format-message.ts`{
class `id-generator.ts`{
class `index.ts`
class `is-ci.ts`
class `json-mask.d.ts`{
- json_mask()
class `log-model.ts`
class `logging.ts`{
- consoleLikeFormat()
class `railway.ts`{
class `string-utils.ts`{
- keepAlphaNumeric()
class `templating.ts`{
- escapeSpace()
- createTemplate()
- forceJson()
- getTemplateData()
- mergeExtraData()
class `version.ts`
class `json-mask`{
class `./build-model.js`{
+type Ctx()
+type AnyCommand()
+type AnyDataValue()
+type BatchStepModel()
+type onCommandFailure()
+type onCommandSuccess()
+type TaskModel()
+type BuildModelValidation()
+type BuildModel()
class `./coloration.js`{
class `./data-value-utils.js`{
class `./log-model.js`{
+type LogMessage()
class `./railway.js`{
+type Result()
class `./string-utils.js`{
class `./templating.js`{
class `zod`{
+type z()
class `./field-validation.js`{
class `./format-message.js`{
+type ValidationError()
class `node:fs/promises`{
class `commander`{
+type Command()
class `./commands-creator.js`{
class `./env-variables.js`{
class `./file-io.js`{
class `./version.js`{
class `chalk`{
class `./create-task-action.js`{
class `node:path`{
class `listr2`{
+type ListrTask()
+type ListrTaskWrapper()
class `./execution.js`{
+type CommandLineInput()
class `./expand-batch.js`{
class `./logging.js`{
class `dot-prop`{
class `./id-generator.js`{
class `execa`{
class `yaml`{
class `papaparse`{
class `./basic-execution.js`{
class `fs/promises`{
class `winston`{
class `./is-ci.js`{
class `handlebars`{