CodeX Editor is a block-oriented editor. It means that entry composed with the list of Blocks
of different types: Texts
, Headers
, Images
, Quotes
— is a class that provide custom Block
type. All Tools represented by Plugins
Each Tool should have an installation guide.
Each Tool's instance called with an params object.
Param | Type | Description |
api | IAPI |
CodeX Editor's API methods |
config | object |
Special configuration params passed in «config» |
data | object |
Data to be rendered in this Tool |
constructor({data, config, api}) { = data;
this.api = api;
this.config = config;
// ...
Method that returns Tool's element {HTMLElement} that will be placed into Editor.
Process Tool's element created by render()
function in DOM and return Block's data.
Method that specifies how to merge two Blocks
of the same type, for example on Backspace
Method does accept data object in same format as the Render
and it should provide logic how to combine new
data with the currently stored value.
Options that Tool can specify. All settings should be passed as static properties of Tool's class.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
displayInToolbox |
Boolean | false |
Pass true to display this Tool in the Editor's Toolbox |
toolboxIcon |
String | — | Icon for Toolbox HTML string |
enableLineBreaks |
Boolean | false |
With this option, CodeX Editor won't handle Enter keydowns. Can be helpful for Tools like <code> where line breaks should be handled by default behaviour. |
irreplaceable |
Boolean | false |
By default, empty Blocks can be replaced by other Blocks with the Toolbox . Some tools with media-content may prefer another behaviour. Pass true and Toolbox will add a new block below yours. |
contentless |
Boolean | false |
Pass true for Tool which represents decorative empty Blocks |
isInline |
Boolean | false |
Describes Tool as a Tool for the Inline Toolbar |
All Tools can be configured by users. You can set up some of available settings along with Tool's class
to the tools
property of Editor Config.
var editor = new CodexEditor({
holderId : 'codex-editor',
tools: {
text: {
class: Text,
inlineToolbar : true,
// other settings..
header: Header
initialBlock : 'text',
There are few options available by CodeX Editor.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
inlineToolbar |
Boolean/Array | false |
Pass true to enable the Inline Toolbar with all Tools, or pass an array with specified Tools list |
config |
Object | null |
User's configuration for Plugin. |
CodeX Editor handles paste on Blocks and provides API for Tools to process the pasted data.
When user pastes content into Editor, pasted content is splitted into blocks.
- If plain text has been pasted, it is split by new line characters
- If HTML string has been pasted, it is split by block tags
Also Editor API allows you to define RegExp patterns to substitute them by your data.
To provide paste handling for your Tool you need to define static getter onPaste
in Tool class.
getter should return object with fields described below.
To handle pasted HTML elements object returned from onPaste
getter should contain following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
handler(content: HTMLElement) |
Function |
Optional. Pasted HTML elements handler. Gets one argument content . content is HTML element extracted from pasted data. Handler should return the same object as Tool's save method |
tags |
String[] |
Optional. Should contain all tag names you want to be extracted from pasted data and be passed to your handler method |
For correct work you MUST provide onPaste.handler
at least for initialBlock
Header tool can handle H1
tags using paste handling API
static get onPaste() {
return {
tags: ['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6'],
handler: (element) => ({
type: element.tagName,
text: element.innerHTML
One tag can be handled by one Tool only.
Your Tool can analyze text by RegExp patterns to substitute pasted string with data you want. Object returned from onPaste
getter should contain following fields to use patterns:
Name | Type | Description |
patterns |
Object |
Optional. patterns object contains RegExp patterns with their names as object's keys |
patternHandler(text: string, key: string) |
Function |
Optional. Gets pasted string and pattern name. Should return the same object as Tool save method |
Note Editor will check pattern's full match, so don't forget to handle all available chars in there.
Pattern will be processed only if paste was on initialBlock
Tool and pasted string length is less than 450 characters.
You can handle youtube links and insert embeded video instead:
static get onPaste() {
return {
patterns: {
youtube: /http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com\/watch\?v=|\.be\/)([\w\-\_]*)(&(amp;)?[\w\?=]*)?/
patternHandler: (text, key) => {
const urlData = Youtube.onPaste.patterns[key].exec(text);
return {
iframe: Youtube.makeEmbededFromURL(urlData)
can beasync
or return aPromise