The easiest way to get Nebula Graph up and running is using Docker. Before you start, make sure that you have:
Installed the latest version of Docker
Pulled the latest images of Nebula from Nebula Docker Hub. If not, pull the images using the following command:
> docker pull vesoft/nebula-graph:latest
Startup Nebula Graph
When nebula
image is ready, run a container:
> docker run -it vesoft/nebula-graph:latest /bin/bash
After login, you're in the root
directory and you should switch to the nebula directory
> cd /usr/local/nebula/
Start meta service, storage service and graph service:
> scripts/nebula.service start all
Check services' status:
> scripts/nebula.service status all
Connect to Nebula Graph
connect to Nebula:
> bin/nebula -u=user -p=password
- -u is to set the user name,
is the default Nebula user account - -p is to set password,
is the default password for accountuser
If you have any questions or concerns about the deployment procedures, please do not hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.
Click how to build to compile Nebula Graph.
Configure nebula-metad.conf
In your Nebula installation directory(/usr/local/nebula/), run
> cp etc/nebula-metad.conf.default etc/nebula-metad.conf
Modify configurations in nebula-metad.conf:
- local_ip
- port
- ws_http_port: metaservice HTTP port
- ws_h2_port: metaservice HTTP2 port
- meta_server_addrs: List of meta server addresses, the format looks like ip1:port1, ip2:port2, ip3:port3
- Configure nebula-storaged.conf
> cp etc/nebula-storaged.conf.default etc/nebula-storaged.conf
Modify configurations in nebula-storaged.conf:
- port
- ws_http_port: storageservice HTTP port
- ws_h2_port: storageservice HTTP2 port
- meta_server_addrs: List of meta server addresses, the format looks like ip1:port1, ip2:port2, ip3:port3
- Configure nebula-graphd.conf
> cp etc/nebula-graphd.conf.default etc/nebula-graphd.conf
Modify configurations in nebula-graphd.conf:
- local_ip
- port
- ws_http_port: graphservice HTTP port
- ws_h2_port: graphservice HTTP2 port
- meta_server_addrs: List of meta server addresses, the format looks like ip1:port1, ip2:port2, ip3:port3
Start Service
> scripts/nebula.service start all
Make sure all the services are working
> scripts/nebula.service status all
Connect to Nebula Graph
> bin/nebula -u=user -p=password
- -u is to set the user name,
is the default Nebula user account - -p is to set password,
is the default password for accountuser
Then you’re now ready to start using Nebula Graph.
This section describes how to build a graph and run queries. The example is built on the graph below:
There are three kinds of tags (course, building and student) and two edge types (select and like). The graph schema is:
"name: string",
"credits: integer"
"name: string"
"name: string",
"age: integer",
"gender: string"
"grade: integer"
"likeness: double"
SPACE is a region that provides physically isolation of graphs in Nebula. First, we need to create a space and use it before other operations.
To list all existing spaces:
nebula> SHOW SPACES;
To create a new space named myspace_test2 :
nebula> CREATE SPACE myspace_test2(partition_num=1, replica_factor=1);
-- Use this space
nebula> USE myspace_test2;
specifies the number of replicas in the cluster. -
specifies the number of partitions in one replica.
statement defines a tag, with a type name and an attribute list.
nebula> CREATE TAG course(name string, credits int);
nebula> CREATE TAG building(name string);
nebula> CREATE TAG student(name string, age int, gender string);
statement defines an edge type.
nebula> CREATE EDGE like(likeness double);
nebula> CREATE EDGE select(grade int);
To list the tags and edge types that we just created:
-- Show tag list
nebula> SHOW TAGS;
-- Show edge type list
nebula> SHOW EDGES;
To show the attributes of a tag or an edge type:
-- Show attributes of a tag
nebula> DESCRIBE TAG student;
-- Show attributes of an edge type
nebula> DESCRIBE EDGE like;
Insert the vertices and edges based on the graph above.
-- Insert vertices
nebula> INSERT VERTEX student(name, age, gender) VALUES 200:("Monica", 16, "female");
nebula> INSERT VERTEX student(name, age, gender) VALUES 201:("Mike", 18, "male");
nebula> INSERT VERTEX student(name, age, gender) VALUES 202:("Jane", 17, "female");
nebula> INSERT VERTEX course(name, credits),building(name) VALUES 101:("Math", 3, "No5");
nebula> INSERT VERTEX course(name, credits),building(name) VALUES 102:("English", 6, "No11");
-- Insert edges
nebula> INSERT EDGE select(grade) VALUES 200 -> 101:(5);
nebula> INSERT EDGE select(grade) VALUES 200 -> 102:(3);
nebula> INSERT EDGE select(grade) VALUES 201 -> 102:(3);
nebula> INSERT EDGE select(grade) VALUES 202 -> 102:(3);
nebula> INSERT EDGE like(likeness) VALUES 200 -> 201:(92.5);
nebula> INSERT EDGE like(likeness) VALUES 201 -> 200:(85.6);
nebula> INSERT EDGE like(likeness) VALUES 201 -> 202:(93.2);
Q1. Find the vertexes that 201 likes:
nebula> GO FROM 201 OVER like;
| like._dst |
| 200 |
| 202 |
Q2. Find the vertexes that 201 likes, whose ages are greater than 17. Return their name, age and gender, and alias the columns as Friend, Age and Gender, respectively.
nebula> GO FROM 201 OVER like WHERE $$.student.age >= 17 YIELD $$ AS Friend, $$.student.age AS Age, $$.student.gender AS Gender;
| Friend | Age | Gender |
| Jane | 17 | female |
specifies what values or results you might want to return from query.
represents the source vertex.
indicates the target vertex.
Q3. Find the selected courses and corresponding grades of students liked by 201.
-- By pipe
nebula> GO FROM 201 OVER like yield like._dst as id | GO FROM $ OVER select YIELD $^ AS Student, $$ AS Course, select.grade AS Grade;
| Student | Course | Grade |
| Monica | Math | 5 |
| Monica | English | 3 |
| Jane | English | 3 |
-- By temporary variable
nebula> $a=GO FROM 201 OVER like yield like._dst as id; GO FROM $ OVER select YIELD $^ AS Student, $$ AS Course, select.grade AS Grade;
| Student | Course | Grade |
| Monica | Math | 5 |
| Monica | English | 3 |
| Jane | English | 3 |
denotes a pipe. The output of the formal query acts as input to the next one like a pipeline.
refers to the input stream.
The second approach adopts a user-defined variable $a
. The scope of this variable is within the compound statement.
For more details about Query Language, check nGQL Query Language.