Annotation processor which can generates modules integrated with Hilt that can be reload. Reload means all the objects provided by the Module will be kept until it's reloaded. At that point the provided instances are recreated.
Hilt is opinionated and clear on it's rules. However with dagger I was able to have Components scoped for a Logged In User, or for a specific flow.
Today the equivalent can be done as detailed here:
However this requires to inject a UserManager, and inject your dependencies from EntryPoints. Which doesn't seem to worth it for me.
Of course if you have Single Activity for your logged in state, Hilt works just fine.
In my case however, I still have multiple activities on some projects, so It would be great to easily clean caches when my user logs out.
I had the idea to borrow the concept loadKoinModules with override which can be used just to do that. So in this annotation processor I generate a module definition which works similarly.
// top level build.gradle //..
subprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("GITHUB_USERNAME") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("GITHUB_TOKEN") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
// how to get token
// local build.gradle
kapt {
correctErrorTypes = true
dependencies {
implementation "org.fnives.library.reloadable.module:annotation:$latest_version"
kapt "org.fnives.library.reloadable.module:annotation-processor:$latest_version"
Create your ModuleAnnotation, example:
import org.fnives.library.reloadable.module.annotation.ReloadableModule
annotation class LoggedInModuleInject
Apply to your classes such as:
class ContentRepository @LoggedInModuleInject constructor(private val contentGenerator: ContentGenerator) {
Where you want to reload the module, inject the generated Helper class:
import javax.inject.Inject
class LogoutUseCase @Inject constructor(
private val reloadLoggedInModuleInjectModule: ReloadLoggedInModuleInjectModule
) {
fun invoke() {